To gain a fuller understanding of your experiences so far, we ask that you include a copy of your most recent resume or CV, alongside your application to the Ford School of Public Policy. Remember, there is no typical Ford School student. Our cohorts include recent bachelor's graduates, individuals considering a career change after decades in a field, and everything in between. When compiling your resume or CV, aim to include work experience, including relevant policy work, internships, volunteering, and extracurricular activities. Plan to focus on substance more than format, with most important work experiences being anything related to policy, your field of interest, as well as anything you've devoted significant amount of time to outside of the classroom. Ideally, your resume or CV will be about one to two pages in length and focus primarily on the past ten years or so. Yes, for our applicants applying right out of undergrad, that does mean you can include relevant experiences from both high school and college. And for all of our applicants, we look forward to learning more about your journey and how you can make a difference here at the Ford school.