You. Really are. Usually retired. The. Negotiators that are near it. Those of you will know that retirement is not really. Good to. Really. And wonderful to be able to. Retirement. Do who is the we is that in the many many years I'm thrilled to be able to. Do. The line. A lot. Like. That. Not all or any all or. Those of you know a little bit about. Long other. National. Who are. Wonderful. Thoughtful remember. One. Day Little want. To need all. Thank you Michael. It's great to see you well here. We are changing the order of the program because you know we're optimizers here and we looked at the program we printed it we evaluated it and said Now we're going to make it slightly different but we'll let that go about that evolve as the. As we go. As Bob said the master of ceremonies I have the privilege of of. Introducing moderating and pacing celebretory remarks by a number of Bob's colleagues and friends in this case actually I think each of our speakers as both colleague and friend and I include myself in that group as well. Before we get to those remarks I do want to take a moment to remember Michael Cohen. A friend and colleague and Moore who died several years ago and who would surely be on this program if he were alive and we wouldn't know what he would say because you never knew in advance of Michael's going to say it's impossible to imagine the development of the Ford school and the School of Information and the influence that Bob has had on scholarship and policy without seeing and hearing Michael as he helped everyone around him be smarter and better and kinder so we missed him. But he's part of the story still. I asked Bob if there was anything in particular that I should attend to from the lectern and he was very clear he said I should introduce people and make sure that they don't talk for very long this is. So except for Bob Putnam who came a long way to be here and therefore gets a longer time to talk. I'm going to hold people to about 3 minutes and they all say No problem you know these people will see how that works and. Notwithstanding that each topic that the speakers will address talking about Bob could form the basis of a long symposium or a long book or a full semester course followed by another full semester course so I will endeavor to take a little less than 3 minutes we will change up the order. Following me Nancy Burns chair a political science will speak then Jim Mora political science professor then. Carl Simon and then Scott page that which you guys have agreed you're stuck inside stable now for half a day Ok that's good. I understand that. So all of those were these will speak about aspects of Bob's work and its impact and I want to know to few things too so claiming the privilege of the of the lectern One is that Bob's work repeatedly comes back to the goal of a peaceful or at least more peaceful society one of reduced conflict he's exemplary in his ability to use sophisticated methods and his own sophisticated mind to bring science to policy making sure that he gets the science right and they believe him to get the policy right. This combination of methods and skills has enabled him to develop and use a well diverted deserved reputation as an honest broker he understands conflict in ways that allow him to learn from and to teach people who are engaged with conflict real conflict in the real world he's a nice guy to be sure but his diplomatic and scientific capability derives not from the fact that he's a nice guy but from skill and integrity and it's exemplary of what we would like science in the service of policy to be. Michael talked about Bob's talk yesterday about cybersecurity It was terrifying so during the reception if you want to be terrified to talk to pump those issues. I've known Bob as a friend and colleague since he came to Michigan about a year after I did and it was my pleasure on several occasions. To negotiate agreements with him they were designed to keep him at Michigan and keep him happy and not bankrupt the organization. Exactly so. There were times when I would ask myself just how could I have got into a situation where my job description included bargaining with Bob Axelrod and his 0 sum game. It turned out to help a lot that the game was never quite 0 sum because Bob always wanted to make the place around him better as well as to make his world work well indeed he thought that the place around him was part of his world and he paid a great deal of attention to it it's striking that with his very successful career and very public career in many ways if you look through his very long c.v. you don't find chair associate chair Dean associate dean Provost you don't find any of those titles there instead the University of Michigan and Bob both figured out that his comparative advantage was in scholarship scholarship is what he did and both the university and Bob and I would say the world have benefited accordingly so now next and she burns. This so I am really thrilled to get to say a few words about Bob And for those of you who know me know you know that I like data so I went back and read Bob's in your will reports from the beginning. And part of the fun of that we're seeing the meteoric path of his career through the late 1970 s. not in retrospect but while it was happening each year. Jim and Scott and Carl and Bob will I'm sure talk about the crazy and inventive power of the ideas that were that path and by 978 at least reading my data you can see the future you could see the ways that Bob's ideas which shape the world but what I want to call out is something else something that echoes part of what Paul talked about and that is the character of his local citizenship through his nearly 50 years at Michigan. Bob citizenship for those of you have been in a department meeting in a committee meeting with him has no has been marked by worrying over framework for thinking through whatever issues or decisions have been facing whatever body is is that hand and so I'm going to speak from on behalf of the department a hiring decision a tenure case some crazy issue that came out of nowhere whether it was in a faculty meeting one of his many terms on the department's executive committee as admissions director Bob always arrive to the plan he had a framework to put on the table an agenda setting framework one that he had worked out and worried over in the fine grain and then had sketched on a very tiny piece of paper. Take care and engagement represented in those decades of tiny pieces of paper about every important thing that we have done as a department shape the place it's shaped the character of our decisions and it set a model for those who are just joining the depart. And we are tremendously fortunate in this you know fortunate in your time in the department fortunate for the decades of tiny pieces of paper and so I just want to thank you and say that I'm honored to have been your colleague. Thankful. So I think through this I want to come up with a relatively simple direct but important observation Bob's career most of us work on well defined and exception questions aiding the accumulation of knowledge through the accretion of results and insights. One of the hallmarks of Bob's career is his ability to write the 1st paper rather than another paper using simple but elegant mathematics to lay out the essence of a problem that was ill defined and poorly understood before Bob's recent paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on the timing use of cyber vulnerabilities for example shows that the exploitation of such weapons is more complicated contingent than is commonly believed that paper shows that the persistence and stealth of a vulnerability along with the distribution of the value of opportunities influences one and after she use it contrary to the common wisdom of use them or lose them that argues for early use now I shouldn't tell personal story here that's related to another one of these papers I don't think I ever told you this one before Bob but another paper this in this vein is the rational timing of surprise which was published in world politics in 1909 it also happens to be the 1st time we met although neither of us knew it at the time. In those days all the reviews for world politics were done in-house by the Princeton faculty. But then they got this paper and it had math in it and so someone there Senate out to Bruce came who was one of my advisors the time a Cal Tech and he sort of looked and said oh it's got math give it to morrow. And so he gave it to me because I like Bob was a math major plan to get a Ph d. in political science in fact Bob did this 15 years before I did and I read it and I thought the paper was pretty good and if you ask my students that's very high praise. And so about this way we met remotely through the review process without even knowing it and so here's to Bob who writes the 1st paper on topics rather than just another. I am. Oh. I see Aaron was going to pass out some pictures but we'll see him oh good just to throw it's all about so people can see him quickly. So I want to talk a little more about Bob's work and my how exciting it has been to be even close to it. My talk has 4 characters and the pictures you're about to see has those 4 characters and of the 4 characters are Bill Hamilton Bob is the Bill Williams The Hamilton William d. Hamilton professor. Bill how do you describe Bill I think Bob would agree with this in the in the 18 sixty's there was Darwin in the 1980 s. there was Hamilton and everyone else's comes afterwards that there I think that's where. John Holl and John Holland and Merida how and is here John is was a the very 1st computer science Ph d. at Michigan he invented something called the genetic algorithms and that really was a catalyst of many of the things that we did hear from person in the world Oh Ok I think you're. The can can you see from those pictures about what it was to. The guy and that Michael Cohen. We mentioned Michael Cohen. Oh my my oh my go. Away but. I was right. It's incredibly great to work with he was one of the co-founders of the school information here and played a big role so those are the 4 characters and therefore on the left side of that picture. The. Both Axelrod and and Holland have MacArthur Genius Award for example I've told you what I thought of Hamilton I just came back from Oxford meeting about Hamilton's rule which I must say was pretty impressive. So the Smy story starts around 1980 and Kenyon my 2 hours I have got now only 40 years to cover right. So nobody talked about the prisoner's dilemma How can you talk about buybacks arrive without mentioning the Prisoner's Dilemma Ok Also everyone knows about arms races and co-operation and defecting and that in a one shot game defecting is the only feasible strategy and the question is What if we had a lot of people played over and over again repeated prisoner's dilemma no one had an idea of what the solution was and Bob's ingenious idea was let's S.E.'s experts so we had tournaments in which all the experts in game theory submitted their favorite strategies for solving repeat repeated prisoner's dilemma you know the story. The winner was the simplest and of all Rapoport stood for tat which was do unto your opponent what that your opponent done did to us time. This was a little too simple Bob ran it again with the same more sophisticated group and the same results and so this was the end most of this was beginning sort of focused on political science Bob was really eager to to understand how much how this might reflect biology and and you know more of the biological So I asked one of the participants a guy named Richard Dawkins who's written a few books and Richard said you had the very best person in the area down the street at the University of Michigan check with Bill Hamilton they did the partnership was incredibly productive and exciting I wish I was there they're sort of 2 quiet people but I'd bet the room buzzed when they talk they wrote a paper talking about. The whose title was the emergence of cooperation. It won the Best Picture Best paper in Science in 1081 the Cleveland price and Bob later wrote a book based with the same title. Which I believe brought and sitting there at my desk. Michael Meanwhile Michael and Michael Cullen and Bob Barr working together writing a paper on a piece of something economists couldn't dream of preferences might change and adapt and they had one point asked me to interact with them and answer and look over their shoulders which I did we began a friendship. Meanwhile there's all around $181.00 in the Michael Cohen is sitting and John Howard's genetic algorithms course so I'm going to take 30 seconds for a lesson and genetic algorithms Ok fall will be on the test. So imagine you're taking a computer out of the again. Just checkers takes a pill and it's kind of bunch of rules to follow the rules given that farted you asian here's what you do. These are my sequences there isn't one and you could prove any way to think I always put every roll in but not for checkers or chess. And so you could teach your computer but how do you know what moves you going to put in well. John figured out how to put sex into the story by having rules mate with each other in the sense that hopefully every rule got some point every time it. Was part of a winning game and it would take up the strongest rules and made their way to other so that maybe the best part of why would you know you can strings of zeroes and want. To form no rules would hopefully be stronger they were they fall by the wayside not they were made of a much better program we often usually every now and then and this genetic algorithm is sort of been one of the things that has been the focus of. An hour. I was excited he. Talked to John Howard about getting together brainstorm about. The role you may play. Michael got his good friend Bob actually ride. Out and brought his mentor Arthur Burke's who were the co-inventor computer with John Bunyan and and and how would these his advisor and the Florida got together to meet everything. They did in a group after their initial b. a c. a the box group and a. Brain starving have brainstorming haven't. They felt the cup already good bad on Dr Phil Hamilton into the picture they also got a guy on our computer. Has been and and postdoc really all off and I was brought in a sort of a man you know in our meth Muckler. Those were and we would still be together every week for a few hours nobody ever messed with one. Because we knew. We. Were. In the oh I was young. There you. Go you carry her with her book the book. Your war my calling and. Are likely. Both to meet with the group and. Go oh well we'll be out. At that age and how complex the day he. And it basically a be. Anyway we created and then we talked about the genetic our land as it were with enough work and how to make it all. So called The Very 1st it. Really took a lot of our. Power took a prisoner's dilemma at the Congress. Do you know there's a there's a computer learning system could a critical future computer or. A great t.v.. Put in the rule. Of law put in a bunker the government will read the old file you're going what you're going to do this time and the last time look you you know at. The. End the rules evolve. And. Rule the playing. Word on its own. Day My night vision of the. Campaign with a. Day and we came back the computer core. That. I was I don't. Get out or play and what's the best read again what. Is the last book they're going to think in 5 words will happen that will affect you in. Yohannes wildlife The question is why did the fact. We all think about this all the time I thought very good in this case to make one. Countries go through this. Horrible process. Why. Now moving back here was a parasite of late. There. Have. Been. Yet here are there is an arms race going around Italy in the world. Will revive over there I. Think again so why mix needed again Paul every thought would be very a parasite were there were more playgrounds are a great idea but right now the narrative of the car wreck red line feel good or right look at the footage where there are 3 that are that are you know I know whatever they felt their back. To our. Area. So they go. To work. With you know. Rather than your. Book will eventually work all that you're going to be doing. When you publish. Them in. You have made a career of following Carl which is not easy. I want to echo what Paul said in that for all of Bob's personal accolades I think the fact that the university is a better place because of him is something that we really should celebrate no want to just give for quick snapshots but his mentor Bob is scientist but his colleague in Bob his role model so as mentor Bob is like when you meet with Bob It's like meeting with a Zen master So let me just give one example something I call the Axelrod rule that I've taught thousands of undergraduates that is what I said about how do you manage your schedule and he says I use something called the next thursday rule if somebody invites me to do something at some point it's going to be next Thursday right and so you think about it would I do this next Thursday and if you wouldn't don't do it now. So to the people of Fargo and the people of oxygen in tacky I'm sorry I didn't go but it's Bob's fault. Something Bob a scientist Bob again had all these sort of rules like you know one of these amazing about Bob is he writes and speaks in thinks with such clarity you know he talks about keeping it simple stupid in the context of his models but that actually takes a lot of bravery to write articles that are clear and simple and to the point in don't obvious Kate and I think that as a scientist when you look at his work on tit for tat as culture model his optimal timing of surprises each of those projects could have been made so complicated so sophisticated with fancy language that no one could have understood him and instead Bob had the bravery and the courage I think to to write work and to do work that other people could understand there was a colleague Kark Clark curve former president of California said that university universities exist for 3 purposes. Football for the alumni. Sex for the students parking for the faculty. And. While that's partly true. I think that what's most important with all the committees everything else is that these are places of ideas and one of the things that I actually did a small amount of character work Nancy don't faint. And I look back at the last 80 e-mails I got from. 61 had academic content that's a 3 to one ratio if you think about how much we communicate with one another and how much of it's actually really about ideas read this paper have you seen this thing if if we could live to that ratio I just could only imagine what an amazing intellectual place that would be and then last Bob's exemplar wife Jen and I often ask ourselves Are we call the Mary Oliver question which is a matter that recently deceased put me off or what will you do with what you're one wild and precious life right and that's a big question and one things I've always looked up to Bob for is that again he said the courage to say I'm going to work on the small problem of world peace. And it's so every day when you get up Bob sets sort of a very high bar and has just been a huge role model for me and for many other people and part of the reason this is a great public university is because Bob Axelrod has been here for almost 5 decades making it one. So next for a longer talk will be Bob Putnam of Harvard although Bob Putnam some of us remember at least I do this really from Michigan but his detour to Harvard for 40 odd years. It's a pleasure to be really is a pleasure for Rosemary to be back here. I think I can share the secret No worries Rosemary sitting for the last I got it for the last for the last 50 years including the last 40 years the password of our bank account has been go through. And I want to say to the dean I this is a marvelous institution I think I am the only person maybe in the room and possibly in the world who is actually in the small group of people who founded the predecessor of this is to she was I remember coming to Michigan to be one of the founding members and it ensued public policy does I'm not sure there are people even people know that term anymore probably Ok well it's a it's a great university it is a fabulous university and this institution is of have listened to it I have a lot of things I want to say I'm going to cut some of it because it's it's getting a little long Bob has an extraordinary record of professional achievement as we've already heard and I'll maybe say a little bit about that later although because people talked about that already I'm going to cut a little bit of what I was going to say about his public record the reason is because I know Bob really well there are probably only 2 people in this room who know him Bob longer than I have his brother and my wife. I 1st met Bob 55 years ago this month. As we began our graduate student studies together at Yale in the fall of 1904 we met because my wife Rosemary back there and Bob his brother Dave which where's here. We're in Sunday school together. In Evanston Illinois in the 1950 s. and. My relations but with Bob have really deep roots. And and because of that connection Bob and I happen to make connections the 1st week of graduate school in New Haven Bob is the only person outside of outside of our immediate family who still calls Rosemary by her childhood name row so if somebody calls and ask for a role I'm sure I mean I'm sure as Bob is asking for Rowe or or a bill collector or something as it happened Bob and I that fall the fall of 164 we're both students in Bob dull seminar on democratic theory and my 1st impression was that Bob was a smartest person I had ever met and now you may want to discount that comparative evaluation. I mean I had I was a hit from a small Midwestern town how many smart people a could I have met so to say that he was a sort of person I've ever met without and it was Ohio at that. But in the in the ensuing have Century I've been lucky enough to meet lots of really smart people many of them in this room and Bob has never lost that title for me we soon discovered in Bob Dole's class that we shared many intellectual interests but that our mire our minds were somehow wired differently and I've long struggle to figure out how to put into words because you'll see the 2nd I've spent a lot of time thinking and talking with Bob and therefore I've been trying to figure out how to because our minds are not wired. The same we're both reasonably successful as academics but. I think I want to say my mind is wide and Bob's is deep that is I'm pretty good at seeing patterns across a wide array of things I notice things that I've seen in some other part of this of data actually especially data and I'm pretty good at that but Bob is even better at pursuing a theoretical issue deeply deeply deeply into its core and discerning some fundamental often mathematical truth that people hadn't ever gotten to before and it turns out to have lots of unexpected implications in an astonishing about the wide range of applications so he's not narrow at all I don't mean that but he got to all this other stuff cancer and world peace and all that by going really deep and when I went to Bobby's focus on something radical puzzle He's like a terrier he just digs deeper and deeper and deeper just never letting go until he's figured out in a deep way and you know Bob this is true because every time we get together you get you're working on something and you're not ever satisfied until you've got down really deeply now it may have been because of this mental complementarity that our minds are somehow different but we share a lot of subsidy of interest democratic theory initially that Bob and I got into this is really the topic since from what I want to say Bob and I got into the practice that fall the fall of 1964 of getting together regularly just to talk began in. The tumble down apartment where Rosemary and I lived and we would just get together. Roughly once a week as I remember may have been were every other couple of weeks and we would talk. And sometimes you talk about public affairs this is it's so old that so long ago that I remember spending hours with Bob chewing over the Vietnam War This was the early days the Vietnam War what everybody in this room knows about the event now more from after the fact and what I mean therefore is you know that what was right or wrong but when you approach it from the other direction it with the beginning it was not so white so clear what the right least wasn't played a lot of people what the right answer was and I remember Bob and I talk a lot about that but mostly we thought focused on scholarship and mostly we focused on big basic issues of debt basic democratic theory that Bob dollars seminar was exploring that fall for example how big should a democracy be turns out that's actually that's a complicated question if you think deeply about it it's not at all clear how big a democracy should be or what enabled democracy to work no. Unlike lots of other people assume I have Bob and I have never worked or lived together in the same place ever he's my closest professional colleague and I've never lived in the same town as he had because I worked hard to get him to Michigan and we worked hard together to get Bob to Michigan and then the very year he arrived here I left and went elsewhere not because of Bob obviously but other other things. But for decades now almost every year Bob and I have scheduled a visit of several days in which we take turns describing our our current interests our future interests and offering deep incisive no holds barred but affectionate criticism of one another's ideas it's very rare to have that relationship with some I'm in my career I've never experienced that in which I felt so comfortable with somebody else that I would say really dumb ideas and get back really thoughtful criticism. And. In my experience is sort of relationship I think is extremely rare I actually don't know of any other examples of it but I think both of us certainly I would say and I think Bob would say that it's been essential to our own economic success 2nd academic successes because that's a terrific privilege to have. As you can imagine Let me give a couple of examples. And I apologize for being personal here but this is mostly personal I've never taken a course in game 3 ever except learning from Bob as he explained his own research and that goes back actually to the very beginning because in the very beginning Bob was even certainly well before evolution of cooperation actually even before his dissertation he was talking about game theory and conflict and so on and and you know he's he stayed in touch with game theory the rest of his career and I have therefore just because all the time I've been talking about it. And but I've never never ever studied game theory I'm sorry I'm embarrassed to say but in nearly every project of my career if you look at the projects in my career from my dissertation to my work on 2 level games international affairs to my discovery of the idea of social capital well at all those stages game theory as I learned from Bob in these private seminars has always played a critical role when I late one night in Oxford. I stumbled on to Jim Coleman's book about social capital I'd never heard of Jim Coleman and I never heard of social capital but I was up late and I was looking for a book to put me to sleep in there was a big book on social theory that sounded like just the ticket and I turned to the chapter on social capital I sat down and read it and I said I'm not talking about me because I had worked with Bob so long I saw instantly what social capital is about and that it would be worth spending really the rest of my career on and that was because. Just as repeat play games that Baba talked about embody the shadow of the future it turns out that social capital is bodies the shadow of the neighborhood I'm not going to give you the whole lecture here but the turns out deep deep underneath the math of those 2 problems that is the math of how the shadow of the neighborhood influences. Can help you solve prisoners' limits is almost identical to the math the bollard worked out of why repeat play I mean I'm not going to go all patients of course the people doesn't always have work its magic and networks don't always work their magic Well I'm trying to say is it's only because Bob had been insistent about teaching me about game theory all those years that I ever stumbled understood the idea of social capital and give a different example. In the early 1970 s. while I was a young assistant professor working at that point in Haven Hall I know it does happen all still exist maybe it's been torn down. In its I remember Room 624 in Haven hall pardon that doesn't exist there should be a medal or. I had begun while there I begun Morris backs that a study of regional government in Italy don't ask why done it was not clear and 20 years later I had long gone from Ann Arbor and the study was still unfinished and because a study of a tongue in a local government it turned out was of interest only to the 4 academics in the world who cared about a tell you look at government and I was in that frustrated frame of mind one fall when I returned an arbor for one of my regular meetings with Bob Bob will remember this dinner. Over a long dinner at a restaurant I couldn't remember the name of the rest of it was on Packard Avenue take it to the where the best was. I explained to Bob that I got into this dead end of this decade's long by then investment that I made and Bob summarized the problem very succinctly he said I'm I remember when he said don't publish until whatever you have to say will be of interest to people who couldn't care less about Italian government now that seems obvious right but I was in a frame of mind in which I could see I could get out of the work this mass if I just raised my sights a little bit and then we considered how to raise the sights of this project above harkens back to the seminar with the all on democratic theory and on as I remember I told you part of that so it was what makes democracy work and I left an arbor that next day with a clarified mission and within 4 years I published a book called making democracy work which are lots of work out Ok and that was Bob. Not just the title but the I wouldn't have gotten there without Bob's without this intellectual friendship I know that he's a great collaborator the everybody but I'm just trying to tell you that goes back really deeply in his career and it will instill in this mode of personal reflection let me had electoral action from Rosemary that every time Bob who was then still single would visit us remember he came often he invariably brought a very thoughtful exceptionally intelligent gift for our 2 kids. Who are now in the early fifty's but at that point words they were they were in their early not even their early teens they were certainly their early whatevers ots. Bob was an any oh it was often a brain teasing toy toy Bobby remember all this I felt remember this and he was like a doting uncle when he arrived and knowing we know therefore we knew was going to be a great dad. But you know it takes 2 to tango we've heard that already. And therefore we rejoice when Bob meant anywheres in the city when Bob met Amy because. They had $2000000000.00 of their own and as we fully fully expected Bob became a doting parents himself and is now doubtless a doting grandfather. And then when these 2 families are very interconnected I'm going to stop with the personal stuff in a 2nd but I this is relevant when. This little daughter of ours when she grew up she came back to Michigan when he became a Ph d. in history here moved here with her husband who is from Costa Rica and the 2 people in Ann Arbor who welcomed our daughter. Were of course Bob And Amy I know I'm just tell you another example of what a nice guy he is a lot of nice couple they are. But it goes back a long way. I want to say one more enduring recollection for earliest days this has been already already referred to but I can take it back quite early Bob his mind as we all know is dauntingly theoretical and even abstract but it was also clear from the very 1st encounters that we had when he was. Probably still a teenager at that point when we were red risk because he'd gone. You know less to head it was it was clear that his most fundamental drive was not academic he wanted to change the world and he wanted to avert a nuclear war that was that's not something that came to him later that was actually even before the academic stuff. I'm not sure it was even before the match but it was certainly even before the police I he had worked at Bob and I are just having disagreement about this I think he was in the summer of 1964 that he worked in McNamara's Pentagon Bob thinks it was in 1965 will be let Wilfork out later but Bob came away from that work in the in the Pentagon convinced that his gifts would be best deployed not in government but but in the academy and he always it whatever he would later in his career and some of this you will know later events like this Bob You know we spend little time in Washington then decide that wasn't for him that this was the I mean the act Cademy was the right place and that was true even that 1st encounter. And you know how far afield from nuclear strategy that motivation but it's still the same motivation he wants to make the world a safer place and so ethnic conflict in the Balkans or confidence building between the Palestinians and and Israelis are negotiations with the with the Soviet intellectuals as the Cold War was ending or cancer research or most recently cyber security and cyber warfare all of those were aimed at putting this incredible mind to work on a very specific sounds like it's not right to say it's very specific but it's very clear topic can we make the world safer. And some of the most enjoyable hours I've ever spent in my life have been in conversation with Bob about those real world problems I was sort of serving as a sounding board and sometimes a sparring partner as he would try try new theoretical perspective only once have actually I had the pleasure of accompanying pop into the field on those policy journeys of his I'm not sure Bob will remember this but that lead unexpectedly in the last years of the Soviet Union I'm compressing a much longer story. To an unforgettable long sudden late evening sauna in a k.g.b. Manor in the Estonian countryside with a group of completely drunk Soviet defense intellectuals'. Bubble do nothing subs and nothing to make this world a safer place. I had some more things here about you know the most cited work of social science in the last half century in. The the Wall Street Journal saying our ideas of cooperation will never be the same and. I do want to save just one thing about evolution of cooperation among the reasons for the extraordinary impact of this book is that it combines this deeply rigorous logical and mathematical Imperial analysis with exceptionally accessible prose who will ever forget the chapter on the Christmas truce in World War One And if you don't know what I'm talking about it's because you have not read Bob's book. He's I mean I'm skipping over these raft of things he's done that the youngest political scientist and maybe the end of social zone is the National Academy of Sciences MacArthur Fellow The National Academy of Sciences award for behavioral research the Newcomb the Cleveland prize that was mentioned present a p.s.r. the young one I'm going to pronounce this correctly you know one shipped a prize most people don't pronounce it correctly but that's that's what it's called for the that's our disciplines closest equivalent to the Nobel Prize and of course the National Medal Medal of Science I could go on of course but it be simpler just to name. The major awards for scholarly excellence that Bob has not won. I just did. What's truly amazing about his career. From the perspective of someone has been hanging around him like good fortune. Since that big career began 55 years ago is that instead of resting on his laurels which any sane person would have done he's continued to stay at least a decade ahead of the mainstream work in conflict resolution in governance in the use of technology and teaching in cyber warfare and computer based and lit it models and so on he's left an enormous legacy as it was said by other people here so I'm going to not say it here but you can but it's certainly true the role he's played as a mentor here and elsewhere. Is pretty extraordinary but I thought I would just want to close close because I thought you might like to hear I happen to know this what the world's undisputed arbiter of academic excellence that is Harvard. What Harvard thinks of Bob. I had the immense pleasure of witnessing close up really close up the ceremony which Bob Harvard awarded Harvard awarded Bob an honorary degree 4 years ago and one useful way to summarize what the rest of the world thinks of Bob is to repeat verbatim what was said about him at that ceremony I did not take notes at the time but I've gone back and listen to the whole so I'm going to I'm going to impersonate the Harvard Provost what leads us to cooperate the provost began and illustrious political scientists Robert Axelrod has shaped our understanding of what induces us to come together rather than go our separate ways you have to imagine there are thousands of people in Harvard Yard across the world listening to a list saying this. His publications on the evolution and complexity of cooperation stand among the world's most frequently cited writings in the social sciences and he has brought his theoretical insights to bear on a sweeping range of problems the avoidance of nuclear war. The nature of biological evolution international trade cyber security cooperation among cancer cells his methods draw on complexity theory and game theory and computer modeling the Provost said in ways that have continually reach reshape the frontiers of our fee of these fields in an extraordinarily rare tribute for social scientists he was awarded the National Medal of Science as a pair of colleagues recently wrote it is hard to name an active This is the provost now quoting several an unnamed people name it to name an active political scientist anywhere in the world whose ideas have had such a powerful effect on such a wide range of human inquiry and action it's not only academics who have filled his touch the provost continued When bottom was asked the secret of you to lose longevity as a rock band he reportedly named Professor Axelrod seminal book on evolution on the evolution of cooperation. I'm continuing to quote here We probably recognize a rock star of social science the world when Professor for the study of human understanding the University of Michigan Robert Axelrod I don't have a class but I ask you to join me in a celebratory toast to Bob Axelrod rock star rock on Bob. Who has. Well. You know it is. Better. Now most of you have never seen me in a suit. And here I am. And I suppose most of you have never seen me blushing. But that's what I'm doing when I really want to say is thank you and last week I started to make a list of all the things I should thank you for as individuals as friends colleagues relatives and his representatives the university the Department of Political Science the Ford school and after thinking about the list I realized that if I read it today we'd be here till Monday morning so instead I'll just give you a couple of bullet points but 1st to stick with the classiness of the events of the wine and the music I let me quote Cicero he said that gratitude is not only the greatest of all virtues it's the parent of all the others I feel that I've been remiss in not expressing often enough or fully enough the gratitude I feel and today it's been brought home to me once more in so many ways from what you've just heard let me start with the gratitude I feel toward Michigan for having hired me when Berkeley turned me down for tenure it was a difficult moment to say the least people here could have said Well Berkeley knew Bob better than they did and if they didn't think he was worthy of tenure then why should Michigan make a lifelong commitment but Michigan did and I'm always grateful for school and put a science department been my home since I arrived 45 years ago. And I'm grateful for the many ways they've supported me Nancy Burns and Michael Barr following a long line of previous chairs and deans all of whom did so much to empower my work through the generosity of the resources they provided and by letting me teach pretty much whatever I want even when the supports are subject like sensemaking appreciate to that never pressured me to be a candidate for Dean r. or department chair maybe you know that I just wasn't cut out for it. After all I am better that candor than attacked. And so I'm grateful for those of you who did step up to the plate and work so hard to hire great colleagues and to make life as easy as possible for all the rest of us I'm grateful for being at the university which is arguably the best collection of social science departments and related professional schools of any place in the world I certainly take advantage of lots of them. Moreover Michigan. Is where people really walk the walk of interdisciplinary the Institute for Social Research is set the gold standard for interdisciplinary in the social sciences and for me the interdisciplinary back group that you heard about has been central. I was going to say a little about it but you've already heard about it so I don't have to repeat that. But it was that for 30 years included beloved Michael Cohen and Scott Page and Karl Simon that you heard from today. Now as you know I'm best known for my book on the evolution of cooperation and I just want to express my gratitude to Amy who among so many other things played a major role in Maine making that book as accessible and even if I dare say so as long as inviting to read as it is now here's the thing I'm not really retiring. Yeah I'm no longer teaching and you can use my salary to hire other people. But I do intend to continue my research and public engagement. For example I'm working to confront Russia's hostile influence campaigns and you heard I'm working with the Chinese to see if we can get along with them especially in the area of potential cyber conflict I'm going to lead climate change and racial and gender prejudice to others. But I reserve the right to take up other challenges that I might be able to contribute to. Meanwhile thanks for being there for me.