We're going to jump right in and try and keep as close as we possibly can so I'm happy to introduce our 1st panel for the day on the Central Bank approaches to financial inclusion moderated by credible. Thank you Adrian. I have the on and be able job of having to come right after Jennifer tester and this is the 1st time that's happened to me but the good news is I have a really amazing panel who are going to do the work for me I just have to get the best out of them so. A couple of just comments up front and then on I'm going to turn it over to these guys because I think they have so much to say. So and fortunately I was a part of the conversations yesterday but in the hallway conversations and over dinner last night I got a little bit of insight into what was being discussed so it's clear that digital act particularly data that digital relies on so heavily is making the lives of financial sector regulators increasingly complicated it doesn't respect traditional national or regulatory boundaries it doesn't really affect any boundaries at all and is challenging regulators both in developed markets and in emerging markets in very similar ways but emerging markets are facing this challenge both with really accelerated change in their market so the leap frogging Jennifer is talking about but often with far fewer resources at their disposal and just having to scramble to sort of figure out how to deal with this explosion of financial innovation and in a lot of ways it's really challenging the very notion of what the role of a central bank is and what the mandate of the central bank is. In addition I've seen this a lot in my work is there's increasing complexity and interdependence between the roles of different sorts of regulators so we have central banks which are often as Black said separate from supervisory authorities we have telecommunications authorities but we also have consumer protection competition data privacy story so there's Or you know or we don't actually more commonly than that and so there's this very volatile mix of different challenges that we don't necessarily live in one place so how do we start thinking about connecting the dots between the rapidly changing mandates of these institutions to ensure not just systemic system stability but to Jennifer's point financial health and actually I would say from emerging markets point of view economic growth and how do we make sure. That financial and digital inclusion stay an important part of this emerging regulatory landscape and I think based on some of the conversations yesterday I'd like to maybe make a couple of observations you know I think there's a lot of different. Viewpoints here about what we actually mean by a central bank. Raised this in one way but I think it's almost even broader than that so I think just for the sake of discussion and I think the panel here is going to maybe pick this apart a little bit but for the fake sake of discussion let's just say that that you know the regulator of the financial sector however a country decides to define that and will be again I think on that topic a little bit more there's something else that has been sort of nagging at the back of my mind because I've been increasingly heard the term syntax used in the same way as the term financial inclusion they're often conflated and they're not the same thing they're interlinked and they're important to each other but I think we should be sure to make we should make sure that we're talking about these things in terms of what we mean the least from my perspective financial inclusion is financial inclusion for the poor or for people who just don't have access to financial services in tech is a great way of helping us get their butts in tech is concerned with a whole bunch of other things in challenging the financial system in a much more fundamental way financial inclusion is broader and we need to think about how those 2 things are different and how they interact with each other in this in this broader conversation because I feel sometimes we start losing the meaning of the word financial inclusion in the way that it's used sometimes so. In short we have many exciting questions to explore as we contemplate what the central bank of the future might look like and I have an amazing panel to help us think about this so I'm going to briefly introduce them and then we're just going to jump right in the question what we'll do is we'll have an initial discussion around a set of questions that I've shared with the panel and we've discussed online and then we'll open up the floor to keep. Una So think now and as we go on about what your questions are I hope we'll have a lively discussion with the 4 so introducing myself my name is credible I am the c.e.o. of c. gap the Consultative Group to assist the poor it's a think tank that's housed in the World Bank we've been around for about 25 years in 1905 we're very focused on how financial services technology can help really bring benefits and impact to the poor so including poor people in the financial system should have an impact on their lives. We do a lot of research we partner with a lot of the organizations here so to my right is deputy governor love the hell out who started her career in banking and investment banking in 2004 she joined the central bank of Egypt to develop and execute a full fledged 2 phased banking sector reform program and in November 2011 she was appointed deputy governor responsible for monetary stability and was the 1st female to assume the position in the history of the central bank of Egypt in 2016 she led an effort to enact a program of comprehensive fiscal and monetary reforms to put the Egyptian economy on a stable path to growth among many other accomplishments and I had a hard time summarizing her many couple Schmidt's she represents the central bank of Egypt in its capacity as chair of the board for the Alliance for financial inclusion. Sophie Matins who's just to step down is the head of the regulatory and market environment division of the International Telecommunications Union Sophy's worked as a regulatory and policy expert in the telecommunications and i.c.t. sector in many international environment including Asia the Middle East the Americas Europe and Africa which is pretty much everywhere but Antarctica. Her scope of expertise is particularly focused on the information economy including Internet policy and governance e-commerce privacy cyber crime and cyber security. I j Shah who's 2 steps down is a professor of economics at the National Institute of Public Finance and policy in New Delhi where he code leads the macro finance group he's held prior positions at the Center for monitoring Indian economy the Indira Gandhi Institute for development research and the Indian Ministry of Finance he's engaged in academic and Policy Research in the fields of Indian economic growth open economy macroeconomics public finance financial economics and pensions and last but not least is Michael weakened who's at the far end of the table Michaels the director of the financial services for the poor Initiative at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation leading the foundation's efforts to make high quality financial services available to poor people throughout the developing world before joining the foundation in 2016 Michael spent 10 years with Standard Chartered Bank holding senior level positions both globally and in the southern Africa region and prior to joining Standard Chartered Michael consulted financial institutions in the us Australia Eastern Europe and the Middle East with McKinsey So a big welcome to all my panelists So we're going to start out with a fairly broad question and I'd like to start with. With Loma has it been enough to have only an implicit financial inclusion mandate and bedded in the core mandates of central banks or should inclusion be an explicit mandate and beyond that now that access to accounts is nearing universality in some markets not all markets how do we think about what comes next in terms of financial inclusion policy what might be some of our priorities for financial inclusion 2.0. Good morning and I'd like to thank the organizers for inviting me to this event that title of the topic is quite intriguing center futures central banks of the futures I think few of us at the central banking community are trying to phrase it this way we go about our daily work but maybe we work towards a central bank of the future but it has never been brought up as a local So I think the can assess and mature and Research Center here for putting this in this it in this perspective I think the Buddha was that when it comes with the got to financial inclusion this topic for especially for developing countries has been coming up. Very lately very much on the agenda of of countries not just central banks and. It is not it has not been it expressed as an explicit mandate for central banks in developing countries but I think many of the governments and I talk about Egypt specifically have seen in the central banks at the right institution where they can lodge this this mandates. But having said that it cannot be done without a collaboration at the national level we have heard the question today what it required fiscal. Decisions yes to recut the schizo short it has to be collaborative effort but it is important that there should be one entity or one court that is in charge of putting the agenda the priorities and then are aligning all of the other speaker orders around this agenda why should it be lodged at the center of central banks and general regulators if it's not specifically a central bank because I think the dual mandate that most of the central banks have now which is monetary stability and financial stability at the same sides of the coin when it comes to financial inclusion when I talk about financial inclusion especially in developing countries we're talking about. Comping countries that have a large informal sector this informal sector is lost opportunities for the fiscal It is also a social and political source of under arrest and. Only through financial inclusion we will be able to address this informal sector I'm going into bringing it into the former sector so so it is it is quite important for developing countries pacifically for all countries it's important that financial stability in terms of have a feeling financial servitor services through diversified financial institutions doesn't have to be the banks only as we see in other in what has been emerging now but they have in one way or the other be formal and a.q. lated in a way doesn't have to be the same set of regulations but it could be if he had that deletion atmosphere would be the fin thanks be to tell because and that brings me back again to the issue of cooperation between different entities as well. Even from a monetary stability point of view I mean when I have a large informal sector and large informal economy my transmission mechanism in my money I want to see policy tools are ineffective or they are slow because what they have and I do with the traditional tools of interest rate movements will not as a need that the transmission mechanism would not be effective if I have a large informal economy so it is again in the interest of central banks if they want to have fulfilled that mandate of trustability is that they have a proper operating financial sector with a large financial inclusion they should and active they should not just adornments a financial inclusion landscape so all of this. At 2 it for example for financial inclusion and action corrosion as you rightly said we have to define what we're talking about is also come in crude financial education financial literacy financial health as we've heard today and this all is important for the Central Bank when fulfilling its basic to mandates of financial stability and monetary stability so they would come in play and I think at one point in time. They might become an explicit mandate for central banks but even now is this implicit and in a co-operative and collaborative effort at the level of the whole country we would be able to get this. Thank you love now. A lot of interesting food for thought and then actually Michael I could you maybe speak to the same question right across the developing world financial inclusion is an explicit mandate of many central banks and even beyond that in a country where more than Dave but the majority of citizens are excluded from the formal financial system financial inclusion is a top political priority and more often than not the central bank or financial regulator is the owner of the financial inclusion strategy so in most of the countries in which we work it's not even a question of whether it's part of the mandate I think given or how loud that to give up I think mention the close linkages between stability I think formalizing the economy also brings crimen tremendous liquidity into the system which can aid stability and she she mentioned the transmission of monetary policy. In terms of what are the next steps I think that there's a real proximate issue around around the credit and what's the role in central banks in promoting credit and making sure that credit reaches all sectors of the economy and again already and for many years some central banks are very active and take a very interventionist role in ensuring that a wider set of the economy is reached. Through credit ultimately we sort of think about it is you know the the financial regulatory system is there to make sure that the financial system works we want to make sure that the financial system works for everybody that's nice Actually that's a nice frame and it Ok. I think I'm going to move on but I make circle back to some of the points raised on this because we have a lot to get through so I'd like to put this question to and Michael so universal financial access requires a lot of infrastructure actually like payment new permissions systems so credit to your point Michael I d k y c utilities i.c.t. and telecommunications systems and it requires that these infrastructures are efficient effective open which they're not always an adaptive So how should the central bank what should the central bank of the future be providers should the regulators of these of this infrastructure or should it be separate and at the very least should they have a mandate to proactively intervene in such areas to achieve a financial inclusion mandate and I didn't like to start with you on this because obviously India's been very forward looking in building a public good infrastructure and I know you have a lot of thoughts on this so. In India the government has played a leadership role in a great deal of. The infrastructure that is a giant biome I pick authentication system that is called. That is a payment infrastructure organization that is cord the and b c I and there are many engineering standards that are drafted by the government and pushed into the economy using state Courson. And this has you did some good so there's no question that there has been progress made through these channels. At the same time I'm a bit nervous about this state led approach we should be more cautious about the role of the government and I would like to say this in a couple of different ways the 1st is that I think all of us in this room we are in the field of financial inclusion and we appreciate that financial inclusion is hard there are no simple recipes and I think that the methods and the techniques that Bill Burkett a given look ill will not work in another we need a great deal of you know we need an exploration to figure out what's going to work there is the ever present danger in the state later approach that some central planners in the government which use some business model choose substandard to some framework and push it into the economy and that may or may not be the right one these high modernist experiments have often worked out poorly so I think a sense of how we will get there is a wiping market is competition is innovation is experimentation and we will end up with many different solutions particularly in a country like India which is a large country but also an extremely diverse country the richest parts of India are divided by income and prosperity that is just part of India divided by the income of prosperity in the poorest parts of India is the same ratio as that it's just parts of Latin America are divided by the poorest parts of Africa. So it is very diverse and that emphasizes the need to find many different solutions that are useful in different parts of the system and I'm very optimistic about that all of the quality and business model innovation that technology makes possible but that's not consistent with the state led model it is also not consistent with a domination of banks and banking and I think that too often in India the leaders of policy are controlled by the central bank which tends to look at the word from a banking point of view and I very often get the feeling that. Tobacco fishers and bank employees would like for this entire technology revolution to turn into someone acknowledging vendors who will serve the banks but not really cannibalize the banks actually tried didn't revenue streams of the banks not compete with banks and I think that that's selling ourselves too shocked that the scale of innovation that is required to be in this needs to be a great dirt thing than just being vendors to banks so I think that in India we've got too much central control we've got too much of business models that are controlled by the government and that generates regulatory risk because the government can't support your business model today it can change its mind tomorrow and there is a lack of due process there is no notice and comment the democratic legitimacy of the regulatory process is not there so things change suddenly For instance 2 weeks ago there is a Bank of India decided that film takes shall be cut off from credit bureaus. So too bad if you want to take that was going to use data from a credit bureau you're just. In a lot of trouble because you're told that you can't use a credit so I could go on on these difficulties but this is my quick idea that I think we've got a lot of central planning and state control in a free to do that and I think we're trying more as a self organizing system as engineers and entrepreneurs inventing solutions to local problems. That is super provocative and you know a good way and I want to just for a moment sort of capture a question that I'd like to explore as a bit of a surprise for all of you. There is this tension between control and innovation and we've seen particularly in markets where banks have a pretty tight hold through the central bank on what innovation is allowed to happen it's lower right so if I compare Kenya with Nigeria we've had a very different pathway towards financial inclusion and that's not to say one is right and the other is not but it's a trade off and attention and it kind of often comes down to a governance question who's in charge of this and how do we come together and agree and it's complicated because in a market like Kenya huge amounts of payment systems are going through mobile network operators and yet payment systems controlled by banks and it creates a tension and I think that's a really interesting tension for us to explore so I want to just flag that maybe we'll come back to this and get your thoughts collectively on it but I wanted to actually put the same question to you Michael on on infrastructure and how how those help the market but also this question of you know what's the role of the central bank of the future in that infrastructure. I don't think there's any question that some of these platforms have huge impact in driving financial inclusion So for example basic k.y. see traditionally where you got together documents to make photocopies and move those around there are a lot of estimates but generally between $15.00 and $25.00 open up a banking just for the k y c process with Aadhaar in India to get all that. Information gathering was done by the government for the purpose of setting up a national id banks and financial service providers you can you give your hard number you give your fingerprints and immediately you're your k.-y. seed So the estimates of it's brought it down from $15.00 to $0.06 so now a lot of vast majority of Indians who would never have been profitable if you had to spend $16.00 to $20.00 just to get them on board now you can serve them profitably so I think these platforms are tremendously valuable. To the there's a question as to left to their own devices would the private sector have created such a system and I think there are natural monopolies right many of them payment systems some of these id systems if you want them to be a big thick with this and so at a minimum I think they need to be regulated so that the if they are owned and operated by the private sector which I mentioned and p.c.i. has them the payments company of India. Is it's a private it's an independent company but it's heavily regulated and there's a lot of oversight by by the Reserve Bank of India and so I think that's the balance and you put your finger on it you want to drive innovation technology's moving incredibly fast the whole idea space protecting people's privacy protecting security will be a real challenge these are you know honeypots I think is Jennifer used for for criminals but also for you know malevolent governments and so striking the balance where people are protected both in security and privacy perspective is going to require constant innovation and central banks may not be best positioned to be at the cutting edge of innovation and so I think it's a real tension but we can't get away from the fact that these platforms can be hugely valuable Ok So building on that. Recognizing that governance of a system that we're even kind of struggling to define what the boundaries are because it's changing so fast so how that gets overseen and governed. Is still a pretty open question in a lot of markets so what I'd like to do is then turn this to with a twist to 1st Sophie amends and then to Governor hall. About a culture of collaborative collaborative regulation for digital transformation So how do we start thinking about say telco regulators working more closely with financial sector regulators and making this a more joined up system how do we have regulators talking to the industry that's producing these services and really understanding each other in terms of both the opportunities that Michael spoke to but some of the risks that spoke to. And what other agencies are important in this equation so we've got consumer protection we've got data protection we've got competition issues so how we effectively collaborate across these different regulatory mandates or in the case of some countries regulatory gaps to be honest so the so if you maybe you could take this question 1st and then turn over to you thank you very much and them I'm kind of the ugly duckling in the room I feel like the odd one out and yet I'm not the odd one out because the message really is about collaboration and it's become more and more part and parcel of the narrative it's about collaboration it's about digital transformation digital financial inclusion without the secure trusted reliable infrastructure lead leads to no financial inclusion because you need that secure trust infrastructure and I really want to call out to the Gates Foundation and to the World Bank we're working together on a project the financial inclusion Global Initiative. Where we have working groups on security trust and infrastructure and privacy data protection but also Nampa national implementation in 3 countries Mexico China and Egypt and both partners have really recognize that the i.c.t. component leveraging I cities to achieve financial inclusion is core to our mission and we've come a long way you say how do we go about collaboration Well collaboration is actually already there and I don't know how many of you know I tell you the International Telecommunications Union where specialized agency of the un and where when unique in one particular sense and that our membership were membership driven and our membership includes the private sector includes academia and some of you might have participated in some of the work of I to you in particular Artes sectors are standardize ation sector radio communication sector and development sector but are standardize ation sector as focus groups on digital financial services where many of you may have participated we have a focus group on deal t.v. So there were looking at the technology. In the development sector in 2016 in Egypt we brought together financial and telecoms regulators in the global dialogue for digital financial inclusion where we came up with some guidelines some core principles for that collaboration and recognize some of the identified some of the issues where there is that the there now the need for synergy the need for collaboration just as a funny ad anecdote in some of the countries where we've been on mission and there are silos and there are turf battles and people we come into the room and people say What are you doing here where the central bank where dealing with payments is. And I'm like you know what when the mobile network goes down and the money goes to where they're going to come to so consumer protection quality of service interconnection interoperability these are issues that the telecoms regulators are working with but as love and I was saying there needs to be that collaboration because there is payment as it's just one more point on the collaboration people do mention the example of Kenya I love the example of Kenya because we need to balance flexibility with stability innovation with investment incentives in Kenya they start Safari come was looking for new business models they were looking how can I up my game how can I bring more revenue and for me as at the end of the day there and business. There were champions in government visionaries who brought together the central bank and Safari come and the telecoms ministry and the telecoms regulator and they said this is important because it will allow our business for a and our rural communities to be brought into the digital economy let them give it a try let's be light touch regulation let them give it a try we'll see afterwards if and how we need to regulators and it made a huge difference not just in Kenya but around the world so collaboration is there we have these pockets of collaboration for that we need to sit together we need to learn from each other we need to exchange experiences maybe we need to define principals who aberration and form out I'm a lawyer so I always think there needs to be a legal mandate there needs to be the basis to go back to because we need the human infrastructure the technical infrastructure and the governance infrastructure together and together we will succeed. Well that was for inspiring her over this from the central bank where you. Just fear very frankly it's not an easy way to navigate it's quite challenging and. If you along I just fall back on what we did in Egypt because there are lessons to be learned and things that we can do better also in the future. We have a national payment council that is headed by the president so it has a lot of political authority and will and it brings everybody around the table on the same on one of the down agenda. So we have all the ministries or the regulators and the central bank of each of us again at the forefront is the secretary of the Council so we drive the agenda you put that and then we have the collaborative offers effort between all the entities so this is a very important tool so that you can get things moving Having said that it's still difficult because again some people might like to work in silos some people feel that this is my area I don't want to talk to relinquish it but I think with the with the importance of financial inclusion and trickling down of economic growth to the masses you get the buy in of others of the other and is because it is a highly political and economic target so everybody has to align but we still have to to broker a lot and that the idea is I think that we have to this is at the national level now when you come to talk to leaders among themselves. Were discussing this yesterday there is a difference between regulating maybe the entities and licensing them and regulating the activity. That could be an activity that is cross so to regulators and that's here where you need to put Courteney together so we have done this in Egypt especially was the teleco operators because we have a large. Portfolio and so we try to regulate the activity if you are doing anything related to payments and the central bank has to come in and put all the criteria the am and has to be that also involved was that they put the criteria for the Q I c n everything and the teleport also have to make sure that it is a plain playing field for everybody. And it was successful and maybe one of the lessons learned is that when you do it on a very macro level things might just not happen but when you sometimes use use cases you come in with the specific case that you want to bring and this is something that is really very close to my heart and relates yesterday to what Mattie was saying is is the gender of the woman issue so one of we have an employee who was the telecom decorator and we had the 1st thing we brought to the table was we want to have it here's the key y.c. for mobile wallets this is a place in the interest of both entities and the m.l.k. men and were able to do that and then when you try to apply this for women specifically because they have the challenges when it comes to e.q. I see which was a very clear case for women which was the state was paying alimony to a lot of the divorced women's So we put to structure the product so that these payments could be done through the move by wallets regulated lightly regulated Thank you I said because the amounts are small and these women have their own particular circumstances and the pro the came out in the success of this encourage us to go to the next project and the other one and then all the stakeholders feel that they are part of the success story and so they continue to collaborate with each other with with each other so you have to take it to try to define the formula and to share the success and make it the stock. The success story of each and every entities not just once or so you can make sure that you don't have people saying no you're coming you chatting with my top of my. My. My responsibilities so that was what we did in Egypt and so far it's going well and. I think we're doing it with other regulators we have for example in our sandbox when it comes to Fin Tech and to the 1st. Cohort that is for e.q. I see but this meant that we have to have an animal you and I put up with of effort was that banking that actually to reach at the center be bank the none banking that actually took which is a different entity the e.-m. and the n.t. already the 100 or so we're now as we the sandbox is at that with the central bank of Egypt but was through this and will you I'm able to get all the other or so what I get eaters so that we can bring something to the market to get. Ok Thanks very much I think so if you want to come back in on that yes thank you very much and I really think the project in Egypt with the with the women having access to the subsidies or to the payments through the mobile wallet I'm aware that there's a collaboration one with one of your mobile operators but one of the questions I want to put here I think when I say finally we're talking about collaboration finally we're hearing about digital 1st I think we're also hearing about financial inclusion 1st but I'm wearing here the s d g's as d g p it's eradicating poverty it's gender it's education so I think together we digital financial inclusion for what we can make people's lives better and I think when we talk about collaboration we really have to think even further out of the box we have in have to stretch it even further it's not just bringing more of our wallets to women but it's Brugge teaching them digital skills and I know in Egypt to do a tremendous amount of work and to and digital skills awareness building and also let's not forget one group of people persons with disabilities we had the keynote on gender yesterday there are billions of people in the world with disabilities please let's not forget them in on financial inclusion work and in our digital skills campaigns because if life is tough for women for youth it's even tougher people with disabilities so we really need to keep them in our thinking and at the top for I think in this one. But just to come back to the point of holistic collaboration that digital financial inclusion for what I think that brings us out of the box. Ok so I want to move us to a new topic but just to maybe summarize some of the points on this one because I think they're useful so it's quite clear that there's a balancing act between control and making sure things don't run amok and innovation and it's pretty hard to get that right but that collaboration and talking to each other is a pretty important part of that. I think what you were saying though about actually being clear about what you're trying to solve for upfront is really useful to bringing those pieces together but actually I think what Sophie just said beyond that is thinking about well what's the outcome we're trying to achieve so finance what will this do for people and I think that's a really interesting way of tying it together. But let's move on to a new topic which is you know how does how does what we have need to change so you know central banks are already pretty challenge to implement balanced risk Great based approaches to traditional banking models which are the foundation of global financial regulation and supervision and while these new business models and technologies hold pretty major potential for inclusion they also pose serious challenges to traditional methods of regulation and supervision and that suggests that pretty radical changes are clear acquired to get to the central bank of the future so I'd like deputy governor Jay and Sophie to speak to. What shift in this landscape do you think is most important and how do we need to think about placing the regulatory perimeter for the central bank of the future to be effective in balancing both those opportunities and the risks so perhaps we could start with you if you haven't spoken for a while. I think we should see this question in the context of the larger causes of their margins of state capacity for many people in this room you take a reasonably capable. United States government for granted because when the United States government chooses to build a new organization or a new agency it pretty much gets done and by and large it works reasonably well I come from in the opposite corner of the word where every day that is the battle off state capacity that Indian state is overwhelmed is trying many things and is challenged in doing most of them so from a state capacity perspective it seems to me that the way to get to capability in a center back would be to have a more narrow minded and to have more clear accountability so I think that the title of this conference the future of central bank as many others have emphasized is actually a larger thing it's about financial economic policy which could have an agency landscape of many many organizations and not necessarily the center back but my policy instinct is that it is better to have more narrow organizations with more clear accountability to have measures of accountability around each organization sprawling mandates are more troublesome in terms of getting performance if I'm supposed to do many things and I'm not particularly measured for many components of them then I am more likely to be able to claim that I could not do x. because I was pursuing y. and it helps if vies not particularly validation so I really appreciated the morning point about measurement and yes we should go that but I would also appeal to an already economics idea of the assignment principle that you have one instrument you have to dedicated to one objective let's not confuse things by having complicated organizations with many object in all probability those organizations where do the things that none of us consider useful finally they don't proceed pursue their own objectives and they're not going to care about the things that we consider Vandar. Ok so I might come back to you on this because I think very interesting what you say but then I think there's a question of how you connect so maybe we'll let you come back at the end but I'd like to hear from you about how you think about shifts the need to get us to what the central bank of the future looks like but also where where you draw the lines in that in that perimeter. I just would like to comment on what has been said and. I don't I believe when you have such a topic like financial inclusion that we have seen and discussion to so multi-pronged and Monti a faceted that having these natural. Mandates into organizations I think we will end up with more regulatory things falling between the cracks that and more comprehensive. Thing having said that I feel that still whenever you were in in large demand it of any situation be the central bank beat anything that has to be accountability so you have to bring in the idea of keeping measures that against which your performance is measured and within the organization itself you have to have dedicated teams with a very clear mandate but that can. Coordinate among themselves and also with the other speak or just outside the institution so I'm not personally for the idea of having it's more side of a more specialized I think that has to be one entity regardless what it is that the extent that sets the agenda that puts the fray more and there's responsible for some of the deliverables when courts nation with other and. Where to draw the lines I think the topic is so vibrant I mean every day we are we are coming with with was new ideas I mean at the beginning it was just simple financial inclusion people having accounts today we are all trans liked not too far away 3 or 4 years from index 2014 to 17 now we find that is a jump but we are not happy everybody saying what about financial What about dormant accounts what about the danger gender gap what about the gap between what about the quality of the services they do the right impact they did too is it really increasing and helping in the financial health of citizens is it doing the poor any good what are the poor getting even much more leverage or endangered so I mean it is always coming up with new challenges and new things so so the bout it is that topic itself is increasing but with all you need to do is really focus on an on on what we what we want to achieve so if it hasn't become just financial inclusion I think what we are doing now and which is very important especially for developing countries that are just going after the financial inclusion in terms of accounts that they not bring into the equation the idea of impact the idea of financial health the idea what Sophie said What is it that we are really taught to think now and this has to be done in a call a collaborative effort but that has to be one entity at a guard is what it is which and it is that can set the agenda and that is the noms this is here we're not going to try and also allocate the resources because especially in developing countries we don't have endless resources each human capital be financial resources so we need to allocate what what is How can I use this resource to get the most important impact or is it to do I need to work on the infrastructure not what do I need to do to work on specific use cases because I need to address or from social and economic. Problems so it is quite vibrant and. So I mean I'm actually hearing agreement between you guys on the need for maybe clarity but then there's maybe a difference in terms of narrowness and how that comes together and we'll come back to you on that but or a broader scope before we move on we come back to r.j. like to hear from Sophie Anna and her view on this so I think I agree with both at the end of the day it's government that needs to set policy and vision and needs to determine how would it how will how it will allocate its resources I think coming to the Jews point we need entities that are fit for purpose. So you need to decide on the purpose what is the mandate and it can be a large amended or a more restricted mandate but that needs to be clear and then you need I come back to the human infrastructure so you need the capacity it does it makes no sense in the telecoms field lease are many many countries that set up regulators because that's what the donor agencies told and they didn't give them training they didn't give them the financial resources they didn't give them the structural functional or financial independence but they gave them a whole wash list of things to do these poor people were not able to do it because they didn't have the tools that had you need the technical infrastructure so you need the investors didn't offer to others that come and bring the technical solutions for what you're trying to achieve and you need the governance infrastructure which are the rules the procedures the processes including the processes for collaboration as well none of us are superhuman So even if you have a large man doing a comes to the restriction of resources or indeed the technical capacity and that's where you need a lab or to have mechanisms and let's not call it regulation and let's not call it obligation but just the simple collaborative regulatory mechanisms that is a process that it isn't trying to in certain administers of rules so that you can get the help we need to achieve if you like to come back on this point. We should learn to walk before we can run and therefore it is better to start out with an agency and organisation which is given a smaller program and get to high levels of capability and then muddy the waters as it goes on so we should think of the sequencing question of the. Always important to stop with something make it work and then potentially if you could make it more complicated and I believe go back to the assignment problem that if you wish to put 2 objects on an agency you would need to get the agency to instruments and we need to construct a measurement system stored in a car so. You are absolutely right that the boundaries are the design decision of each country and in each context there is no one answer but I think that we would all agree the principle Agent problem if there is a contractor who is fumbling on doing one problem would you give him 2 problems so with that principle Agent problem between Palm and each of these agencies we should start small. But the nitty and then escalated I mean and now bring Michael into this conversation but shift gears a little bit so we've been talking about this in a national sense really but data and financial services now move across borders very easily sometimes without regulators even really having much of a grip of what's going on and so the question that I'd like to maybe start with Michael on and then move back this way is you know is there was that central banks will actually lose their relevance as financial sector regulators and supervisors as we think of a Libra coming on board or and then how do you how do central banks need to think differently about regional and global regulatory frameworks and how do these need to evolve from where they are today. So I think there is a risk of irrelevance and there's all you know and a very small scale already emerging the sort of alternative financial systems that are outside the rather regulatory regime so I think one answer is that central banks need to reassert their sovereignty over financial systems so for example you know requirement that any any deposit account or store value account has to have a geographic domicile and therefore the regulator in that area conference that that product could have rules about how. The system is operated relative in one country within the filed in another that regulation so I think there are ways that. The central banks can reassert their sovereignty and I think it's important that they do. In terms of the question around cross border. I don't think there's any any doubt that I had a conversation this morning with the governor on cross border payments our existing cross border payment system is antiquated outrageously expensive and that's what's giving rise to some of these alternatives so I think there's work that needs to be done by regulators to modernize the cross border payment system there's already a lot of regional efforts we provide some financial support to the west Africa economic and monetary union which is a collection of West African countries that already have a shared currency a single central bank and payment infrastructure that works crossed borders that's a bit easier because they do have a common currency but there's several other regional at 1st just the side that countries the Southern African Development Council. Already has infrastructure that enables wholesale cross border payments not the sort of cross currency but they're working to expand and there's many other other efforts to bring down the costs of cross border payments so I think that level of collaboration is coming and it's to do role for for central banks both in terms of payments and also currency conversion directly between currencies and the former governor of Kenya was was active in leading some efforts across East Africa to think about how to unable direct currency conversion between East African countries there's a lot of trade in these regional areas and the payment and monetary systems have to catch up and if I do you talk about standards I think certainly the global standards setting bodies are and will continue to need to modernize and as you know in parallel to national regulators thinking about these new systems standards setting bodies will have to come along with that. So if you would you like to. Question. Look at the cross border payments again I come up with in my mind I think of the i.c.t. related issues or the i.c.t. telecoms related issues pure infrastructure related issues roaming rates we all know that there is international mega mobile roaming So when you use your mobile phone in another country so these roaming rates are of importance but then we're coming to the crunch issues identity id privacy data protection and there are 4 I think. I think it is very important especially for regulators are central banks from developing countries to be part of the discussions and there are for around the world I think of all the initiatives the Gates Foundation are doing the work what the World Bank is doing what I do you is doing with our fees doing. Internet governance issues that are look at even not looking at privacy data protection you have there I g f the gack we had our global dialogue on digital financial inclusion again where we brought people together because if you're not part of the discussion discussions will happen and decisions will be made and may not be made in the best of your interests be involved in those discussions and that I think is a message I want people to come away. And like you to respond to this question and particularly in the context of India sort of exporting a lot of ideas now so how how do we think about. Not just cross border but it's really crossed her flow of data cross border flow of ideas how do we think about how these regulatory frameworks both at the at the country level regional level but also the global level how they need to shift to comedy this very radical transformation in the financial sector. I think 2 things if I may now start doing some dreaming for 50 years yes that's a nice endgame of the session I think there are 2 things going on the 1st is we should see the free trade problem in data as analogous to the free trade problem that we've known for 200 years that there will always be the short term political economy of trying to do some protectionism of various kinds of nativism and nationalism that will come in the way and that we will always be better with more open more free. In the connections between individuals and farms that cut across borders so I see the present difficulties around data as just being the con wars all over again that we've been through this movie over an over 400 to 5 years and this is just the latest skirmish of a long tradition of battles around free trade and in that sense I think that we need to think about the institutional arrangements that were used by the world in the past to overcome problems of free trade whether it was the g. 880 or the deputy your order European Union I think the Proscar says What are the Cross national frameworks that will give us a more bendable and approach to this because it can collapse into nativism very easily as we're seeing this all over the world it is very easy for this to run so I think this would be one part of my you know big thinking that how do we make the world safe for the new world of data let's recognize that this is a new milestone in the history of mankind we kind of went through free trade in agriculture free trade in goods and a certain kind of free trade in services but in the data economy how are we going to rethink 3 to. And how are we going to underpin it in the legal foundations of agreements and coalitions of countries that will come together jointly to make those agreements create us 14 engines I think they're the beginning of that story and my 2nd 50 years idea this is a provocative thing that I think we should all start thinking about. At present in the world we have perhaps 150 kind of. 50 years from now do we really need $150.00 currencies is a currency like a national airline is a currency like a National Stock Exchange is it really feasible and efficient in this word of the efficient ability for resident everybody to use the u.s. dollar to use a euro or to use because is it feasible for subscale currencies can and then the kind of arrangements you describe are so important that this is the most important puzzle that they're going to need to figure out of how do groups of countries come together how do we arrive at agreements around us sharing the same units revenue. How do we protect ourselves from yanking access. Between countries and I wish to forward for you a great example of a success story in global cooperation did you know India and Pakistan through the worst of times have protected water sharing treaties on the dust of the name duster was talked out in India and was deployed through the worst of times the treaties have had so I think that it is possible to create the cross-country legal framework for cooperation and collaboration in something I said today was water can be done to something a sensitive us currencies and I think it behooves all of us to start working towards act on the 50 year horizon fact it Dan asked us to think about. Yeah I think that's a really great comment My only question is whether 50 years is the right time horizon this is all faster than that so maybe we need to think in a shorter time horizon but great question yeah I mean because I think it's also very important I think but also special comes a financial crucial need to. Use this divide between developed countries and developing countries I think we face most of us was the same. Threats the same disruption and I would say even at the same level a so I hope that's also in the next 50 years we don't have this division between developing countries and countries in this topic specifically I love that comment and that takes me to my next question which I'd like to direct to you but then also to Michel we can and it's sort of a 2 part question so central banks and governments are run by human beings and I think the only perhaps differentiating factor to your point between. Developed market central banks for lack of a better word an emerging market central banks is resource both in terms of capability and commune resource but also just a number of people technology tools people have at their disposal. And so what I'd like to hear from you on is what you see in terms of the main gaps between. Central banks in emerging markets today and what what needs to happen to fill that gap to get us to the central bank of the future in terms of building that pass because that the challenges you're right are all the same so how do we how do we get everybody through in the same conversation and then I'd like to ask Michael to specifically reflect on whether there's a role for the development community and philanthropic capital to help in some of that because I would just posit that you know we love. Throwing attention and money at shiny new objects and business models but there's not a lot of attention always put to the regulatory side of things and the rails that sort of make sure those business models don't drive us off the road so maybe you could respond 1st and then. As I said I'm in central bank's emerging markets and developed a mock as we have a challenge was our resources beach human resources or. Our capital but. But but we have also a very huge opportunity which is that our populations our own was young we have a high percentage of a young population and young population means more agility of motor. They have the tools of this era that maybe we as older people do not have so I think if we just focus on investing in those young whether they'd at the central banks but in other entities but the human capital is important and we have a very good chance of developing this human capital and and. Then some to sponsibility on the countries themselves because we find a lot of flight of Cap human capital from the developing countries to the developed countries it should be the other way around what at least we can maintain our young people that are being well trained well educated in developed countries and then they don't come back so you hey we need to work on that because this is this is our this is the couple of that we know that we have. For in terms of infrastructure I think this is again something that we need maybe some some of the countries we need cup to but I personally believe it's the transfer of knowledge and that is important but specifically for this topic financial inclusion going forward some of this transfer of knowledge is even should happen happening between developing countries themselves because a b.. It has been a focus areas. Many countries so and that's for example why the Afi. Alliance is successful this is a member driven alliance it is focused on developing countries and that has been so much knowledge sharing between us as regulators that week we build now on we have case studies and so on so I would focus on the human money can come we have the international donors we have. I have also I would say that this is this is a business opportunity it will draw money from the private pockets not just donors or international organizations it is a thriving business that will make money for everybody so the private sector has to be or so will come and we've already seen them coming. Would you like to yeah I think there's a huge role and a huge need for do technology and me just step back a minute what's the risk of central banks get this wrong right there are 3 ways that they can likely destroy financial inclusion forget about promoting it one is if they block innovation. The 2nd is if they fail to manage and mitigate risk things blow up and people lose faith in the systems but the 3rd is that they regulate these systems in a traditional manual way that destroys the economics right it's very very difficult to serve the poor at a profit you really need to get your marginal cost down very close to 0 and if you have to you know invest millions of dollars in supervision reporting and so forth it'll destroy the economics of the systems and so central banks need to balance letting in innovation mitigating the risk but doing it in a way that doesn't destroy the economics and I think technology is is a solution so think of what's called Reg tech super tech more standardized methods to gather and analyze data. There's you know huge opportunities as used if you start to have standardized payment systems now you have the ability to analyze that data to identify fraud how do consumers. Report misdeeds by providers and how do you respond to that because again think about you know in the in the developing world context where you're going from 20 percent financial inclusion to 80 percent you're you have 4 times as many consumers and what much wider range of financial service providers that you need to now supervise and protect you can't use the old traditional ways I think I take technology as a huge importance that your question of Is there a role for so improper Corgan ization for developing organizations I think absolutely it would be a huge mistake for every country to invent their own technology there and their own approach I think absolutely we have to be learning from each other. You if you want to attract private sector companies that will bring the way this technology they need to have scale so some sort of standardization of the tools for regulators is required and it's a really new area so for the students out there if you want to go out and start businesses read tech and soup tech I think is a huge opportunity and a huge need I actually really like both of your responses because they go together right so technology can help make things more efficient and help banks operate better but you need the human capital to run the technology and I think one of the things that's so fascinating about India for me you talked about sort of brain drain and how you make sure that that stays in your country India is in fact a brilliant case in point a lot of that was driven by super smart engineers and economists to train someone else came back and you know you've got this hotbed of of amazing talent sitting in Bangalore Chennai and other places and so I think there is a real imperative for governments to think about how they mobilize some of that talent and use that to leverage the technology so I think really great points I want to just give 2 minutes each to Sophie and in case they want to jump in on that or any other question then I'd really like to open it up for questions from the audience. So I don't know if you have anything you'd like. Michael what you said is so interesting and I think it's bang on what we have found in India that is a large number of regulators to many different regulators and in my organization they've been that intimately involved with process so we go on building state capacity by doing. We've been dreaming and we have begun building open source systems that would do the in Gunnell processes of these regulators and that put into mediate the information flows between the regulators and the private firms are done with exactly the sorts of things that you had in mind and we think of it as a twin object of the 1st is to shut the effort and the daily require for each organization to build it on capital and you know if somebody says what card on it if you can stand on the shoulders of the development or work that has been done some better than all the better and the 2nd is to move the interface between the regulator and firms do all electronic as much as possible and have a mental model is basically that should be our back office process at night that runs in a regulated form which does a bunch of compliances and for the rest of the void a business is extremely low friction so we've actually begun the process of building open source regulatory process software I don't know which buzzword if attempted. But we can we can invent one Sophie Yeah I think that the human infrastructures key like what you say about working on the process I think for telecoms regulators as well in the area of digital transformation and there is a need to revisit some of the governance proper processes and procedures dispute resolution sanction enforcement licensing and in our syntax tech companies when you use drones when you use proper chain How do I sense them so it's licensing procedures really need to open your mind and I also salute India in terms of digital financial services we have actually provided training on d.f.s. really in the results of our focus groups to. People across the administration so it wasn't just the telecom regulator as well it was working with and the telecom regulator and others in civil servants in the administration to tell them Here's what digital financial services are so it's that openness bringing those pockets of expertise and trying to raise it across collaboration across demonstration because that will be perfect Ok so we've got about 20 minutes left I think. So would like to open it up for questions from the audience here Can I Can we get a microphone up there up in the back corner there. Chris. You're not going to court for International Settlements for so little tent dependent is for your discussion was a very interesting and I want to be good point about coordination and in particular International Court of the nation because in the discussion it was clear that we are in a situation we should get out now 3 different object the For accept we think about. The financial side the financial stability the. Competition but then we have another objected that is that our privacy so Professor Shahrzad that we need. Following that embed good rule we need. For every objective we need to have a just tool to upgrade the store so we this means that we need the coordination at the initial level between the Prudential I'll go to these competition authority and the other but I was the authority so it's already a lot of the nation I did a messy clever but then there was another element that was very interesting is that the. Terms of our welfare maximization of the country level it's the finance society preference across countries so for example an advanced economy called the wheat Maura that privacy while an emerging market economy with the modern need for financial inclusion could the. Less that their privacy so there is a question here about. A medium or my standard the foreign that our privacy data sharing and sex and so on so the question is are do we need Summerset in body for a for the date of the shooting of the deed at the international level requestion with light. Try that with. The whole area of data data privacy both facilitating data if there's a tip people say the the poor in developing world don't have primarily a privacy problem they have an invisibility problem by so there's real benefits to the data sharing real potential benefits but there are real risks I was in New York last week during the General Assembly and in every single meeting data was the top issue and it's clear that we don't even have the right framework to figure out how to approach the problem how to even have break it down so there's a lot of work that needs to be done at and a little bit of agreement on on frameworks and ultimately potentially some some standards right now you've got radically different approaches in the us versus Europe versus India versus China. We're you know we're far away from even an agreed view of how to make off those trade offs and I greeted those different cultures different societies will make different tradeoffs between privacy and access. We may ultimately get towards a standard setting body I think it's kind of for us this morning the central bank of the future deed to manage data I suspect they'll have a role to play but it's much bigger issues and just financial services and there probably is a new. Entity that needs to what particularly a data it'll be cross-cutting. Yes. I want to think a little more about the tradeoffs involved when different countries view this differently Ok so if you think of today's Germany this is a country with deeply entrenched liberal democracy and civil liberties and when there are questions about data and surveillance we can be reasonably optimistic that they will work out well. But this could be different in different countries the. Experiment I would like to play to you is would the world be different if you need Gratian have was given modern surveillance technology in the us as a good word the u.s.s.r. have come to 989 if the Communist Party had to fish and surveillance technology again so the important trade offs and there is a path dependence in these things once a society is set off in the direction of Execute of power and access to surveillance then potentially you have permanently changed the trajectory of that country similarly on these trade offs I was struck by the political debate in the u.k. which led up to the decision that even though we have considerable damage to liberal democracy in the u.k. they chose to not do biometric id because they found that it would do harm to the political system so I think we need to take much more about these trade offs. Not. British as well as American we were to cheat pay for it as part of the debate at the time but a bit I actually one of the points I've heard a couple of people say you know there's this tradeoff between data privacy and what we want to. Take advantage of the opportunities of data in low income countries we've just done some recent research saying you know actually we have to challenge this is something that poor people are happy to let their data free because we we did some sensitivity testing around this very poor people are willing to pay to make sure their data is not shared without their permission both in time and monetary terms so I think we'd be really careful about assuming that poor people are just willing to let their data be used by anybody so I would just caution against that assumption so we've spent a fair amount of time discussing how the new technologies can promote financial inclusion but it's certainly quite possible that new technologies also create greater exclusion to certain groups and a good example would be in countries such as Sweden where Cas uses has fallen to such low levels in the order of one percent of g.d.p. that it's very difficult to use cash in many transactions because merchants have to drive 20 miles to deposit the cash at the nearest bank or a.t.m. And so I was wondering what your perspectives are about the role of central banks in trying to redress this financial exclusion possibility and in particular whether it's really incumbent on subtle banks to bear the costs of. Making sure that there is a for instance uniform medium of exchange available to really most of the population. At very low cost you know volunteer and friendly. I think that that are also to extend out of these upon society when poor people will be better connected to the financial system so I think that is a case. But I think it's a transition problem not an end state problem. But it's it's significant and it's so that we deal with all the time a lot of the investments we make as a support government and digitizing. Government payments to the poorest individuals and there's a real risk that you're actually doing them more harm than good because they can't readily make access of those to those payments. So it's absolutely a balance that needs restricted but it's about how do you argue it's about how do you progress the system so that people can take advantage of these digital platforms and charge at it so before it is obsolete right I think we totally. Underestimate the risk of you know what if we move everybody to a digital so stop and the network goes down for a month which is not at all inconceivable what do you do running banks in southern Africa we had multiple backup plans right where old about where you would have to go back to your branch but every branch would have the data they already have generators to try to get back to or get back your data if the system went down a lot of these 2 systems have no backup plan and no redundancy plans I think it's a huge risk Sophie and can we get a microphone here we're going to go to Jennifer next and then we have a couple of hands up over here I don't know where the microphone on this Ok we have another person so so we go ahead and then we'll go to Jennifer and then we'll go to the back and I come back to the point that I made before. There are groups that excluded including persons with it's not and if it's retrofitted into a policy. Much larger burden for those employees let me give you an example in the telecoms where if you have for example decision of government we want all our schools and that's integrated into policy measures into regulatory leading into licensing but you forget to. Integrate the need that there are children with. That $100.00 laptop now becomes $3000.00 or there are excuses not to do it so you really do need to think of it from the start 1st and for all and so they're financially to you as well. Ok so we'll take a question here and then we'll go there just just a quick comment. I really appreciated both of your comments about data. I agree completely there's a superstructure But on this issue of coordination among central banks among countries there is an interesting. Example that might be worth considering and that's unfolding real time here in the United States and that's the work that the Conference of State banking supervisors is doing to bring maybe not all 50 but as many states as possible to gather. Around licensing. Regulation and supervision of. State licensed. Money service businesses and other other kinds of actors. And from an innovation perspective what's driving them many things driving them but one of them is the Fin Tech community saying I can't afford to go the 50 state licensing route. Because I'm being asked for fingerprints from every single one of my boards of directors blah blah blah blah blah 50 times over among many many other challenges can't you guys and girls kind of get it together and the. C s b s has making really important strides in common technology systems and it's not just about the technology though it becomes a huge issue around process and also around what your existing laws require And I think one of the things they found that's really interesting is how much of this is really an issue of what's prescribed by my state law versus what's just process and procedure and custom and how and I think they're finding far more of it is the latter than the former and so I think there's a hopeful story there that might be useful as we think about how to do that on a cross country basis Great thank you I want to take the question of care because I was to listen for go ahead I've been part of the path of organization called Children you find international and one thing they did it was just working with local nonprofits to do financial to caging among young people but another kind of vision if you think about central bank of the future is you know every child born in the world will have an account in their name when they're born which will lead to i.d. and it will provide an opportunity for international donors and for nation to kind of do those the deposits without going through a lot of intermediaries and I just wondered one if it's even possible and if that's something that would be entertained in the future with like. Us. Have this in Sweden I believe that with each one. Id. Had a discussion yesterday about whether as you get an idea should it automatically come with like now. Obviously issues around with which institution and I think you'd want to couple that with the portability but it is absolutely possible Ok so we've only got 5 minutes and we've got a whole budget joins her hand for a while so we can get a microphone down here and then. We're here you know they're like Thank you Joe I'm barefoot with air the Alliance for innovative regulation untasted panel. Had like to go back to what you were talking about on open source the Michael made the point that if we don't modernize how the regulators do their work the cost structures will never support full inclusion and there's a nascent conversation that I hear around the world about regulators moving to an open toed and interoperable. Layer Can you talk more about what you think is the promise of that and the pathway toward it I think a lot of regulators hear those words and it sounds alarming sounds insecure and some want to talk more about that. Well as I just quickly said 2 things one is exactly as Sophie had begun there is a drill in every regulator there is a licensing problem that is a dispute resolution problem dot dot dot so by the time you study a large number of regulators you see those design patterns the same things are happening over and over then part 2 is really I would say the self-interest of a regulator that when you wish to improve your internal systems and processes would you like to start from scratch but would you like to start from a community of practice that has talked a lot about it has developed a thorough process manual for how to do it and that is available in an encoded open source software system that you will come to modify for your own internal says so I find that this is a nice and useful way to proceed it is non-threatening it doesn't put any discomfort upon the organization that might choose to adopt some of this work. Thank you great panel I like to throw a hot potato at the panels just for question I feel like we're always trying to play catch up and play in a reactive way to big data right we're talking with them talk with telcos banks and other to talk about regulated entities but when it comes to big data it's an unregulated into to right now and greatest comment was very interesting which is a lot of poor people actually would like to be very guarded about their privacy and their data there's a project at Harvard University I'm trying to learn more about is called data integrity the whole premise of it is that we pay a little bit more for it to some of these apps that we use and it's they get no payments back and these are not insignificant estimates are that us family typical us family could get $20000.00 a year through all this transfer back off that money and redistribution So is this relevant for financial inclusion globally and is there a reason why almost nobody talks about it like I've been to a lot of panels and everyone talks about a lot of interesting important things but we're not going to the root of it which is the Transformation Experience from land to capital a couple 100 years ago and I was seeing it from capital to data and almost there's no redistributive element here at all so I'm just curious if there's any comment from anyone on the panel. I would say everyone is talking about it no one has an answer. But the whole question of ownership and. It's a huge issue but we're right at the beginning of trying to get our hands around. I don't know if we have time are Ok one more question. Rand Ok I guess Ok please and I'm sorry for those who we missed there was a lot of them and so I'm feel for I feel fortunate Aaron Klein Brookings I wanted to link something that Jen said was something that. A.j. said and see people's reactions which were a.j. you said that in India there is a policy choice to ban the fin tax from access to credit bureaus and Jen's example of the policy disk that is unfolding every tweet and get go to one unusual policy action every week. So risk risk risk reward right Jen made a comment about Equifax having a stale database of info of old information on folks Melissa's organization has come out with a fantastic paper showing the benefits of cashflow underwriting as an alternative to credit scoring and Pouri has a fantastic paper looking at Wayfair lending in Germany where 5 Fin Tech variables outperform German FICA on an actual loan pool so the question I have for both a.j. and the panel is do you think that that that banning fin techs from credit reporting agencies will produce better the same or worse outcomes in terms of accurately measuring risk and risk based pricing for lending though I would like to focus on the question of state power if I was a fin deck I am entirely in your shoes that the cash flow based measure has a phenomenal. But do you really want to use government course of power to force for index student not use credit bureaus that's where I get nervous and that's the concern about creating a very state led edifice where the business models are being controlled by the government. Though and d.c.i. has given limits to what happened how many number of accountant get passed there is newspaper talk about n.b.c. I asking Google to gap it's market share at 33 percent in payments and so this is the sort of stuff that I worry about that if we go down this route of state control then we will lose out on the innovation. Anybody else likes which I. Think it's a very delicate balance that has to be played and I think. If the state is involved as it should 1st should be watch us as a customer 70 per But even if they have something more than that they have to come out to the market then explain why I mean if this decision was taken then they need to go out if I don't want to stifle innovation and make sure that they still have the buy in of all the players then we have to come out and say what they have a legitimate reason I don't know but it cannot just be done by that sits and has to be enforced because these players have come within a certain environment with certain. Rules and Regulations and it cannot just be taken out like that so this balance has to be there and I think the dead the most important think is is transparency and accountability. The whole the whole question of regulating credit is a difficult one and it comes back to financial health right is is more credit better is it the state's role to protect people from themselves. Are pretty does a pretty good question I don't know whether your your your question of whether you get better underwriting results with less data was rhetorical or but I don't think anyone would say you get better results by restricting access to data but don't think that was. You would say that may be so. Easy. To every good tunes. Because Or because strange. Ok I think we've gone over our time I'm not going to do a massive sum up but you know I think there's some really interesting messages coming out you know between the tension between control and innovation what's the appropriate role of government is it directing is it running is it overseeing is it nudging I mean and I think to your point. It's a very delicate balancing act on all of these and what technology and particularly data is doing is really challenging us on where that point of balance is I like a point that somebody made about being really clear about the objectives you're trying what are you trying to solve for in some of these policy questions and I think that maybe drives towards a better outcome. And also just the need to invest in technology in people so as we think about what our central bank of the future looks like there's a big need to invest in that's not just emerging markets that's in developed markets too and so how do we think about doing that clear mandates but also collaboration between institutions seems to be very clear and between the the private the public sector talking the each other really makes a huge difference so on that note I'd like to thank my panel for talking to each other today I think we've had a great conversation and thank you for all the questions from the audience I'm sorry we didn't get to all of you but hopefully there will be opportunity to speak at coffee break so thanks very much.