Good morning I'm Scott Greer professor of health management policy global public health and political science here at Michigan and not the entertainment that you all came for I'm only here to introduce Carolyn to eat who has a biography and a little high and out that you have sold just hit a couple of highlights which for me are some things you really all ought to read starting with one of the best books you're going to find on Canada which despite being old is still very timely in terms of capturing essential truths moving on to this astonishingly weird phenomenon accidental logics it's a very good book which is one of the few books by political scientists that take the actual mechanics of health policy and what people in the health system think they're doing seriously gets out of the comfort zone of legislators and prime ministers and journalists what's weird about it is that she wrote it while parrot we're running much of one of North America's largest universities so how to do that is a question that I'd like to have an answer to. But what we're here today to discuss is a still more ambitious new book remaking policy you can see it here you can see it here I recommend it. Read it on a flight I didn't once want to watch a movie which is about all I can say. So in addition to the 3 books Carolyn is professor emeritus of political science founding fellow and Public Policy at the University of Toronto's monk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy degrees from Toronto and Yale and among other things he is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Like I said there's more in the little flyer that you have you didn't come to see me so I'll take my props away and hand the floor over to Mr Carroll into it. Thank you thank you so much Scott for that very generous introduction and thank you for having the idea you and Barry Rabe of having the idea of bringing me here I'm very pleased to be here I'm honored to be speaking in the Betty Ford classroom I must say our 2 schools have a history of collaboration and it's just it's just a delight to be here in person I know that you came to hear about American health care reform but I did emphasize that it's in comparative perspective so you're going to get some real comparative perspective here and I'm going to confess at the outset that it was not American health care reform that intrigued me into writing this book in the 1st place. It was actually Dutch health care reform that was the initial intriguing puzzle and like many works of social science this book does start with a puzzle. So about 15 years ago I did become intrigued with what the Dutch were doing in health care reform. Not so much actually by the content of the reforms although that was interesting in itself but by the process by which they were brought about until 1980 S. The Dutch had achieved pretty universal coverage health care coverage at Community rates a K. no penalties for preexisting conditions. Through a mix of compulsory social insurance for the lower 2 thirds of the income distribution and voluntary private insurance for the upper 3rd self regulated by the insurers themselves all of this under lane by undergirded by a universal system of coverage for chronic care. Largely long term care well that worked very well until the 1980s when under the pressure of increasing health care costs rapidly increasing health care costs the self-regulatory model of the private insurers began to fall apart and we began to see things that are familiar in the American context the cream skimming of healthy patients the dumping of risks into the public program something had to happen in the 1986 a very dynamic prime minister Ruud Lubbers established a commission to recommend a new model that commission did in a year recommend a new model which would see all insurers placed on a common platform formally private but heavily regulated and publicly subsidized That was the model and looters actually managed to build a consensus or a consensus around that model. The consensus also included an agreement that the model would not be adopted all at once upfront but that it would be and acted in stages and acted not just implemented but in acted the pieces would only be put into legislation as the technical and administrative capability was developed primarily to manage the risk selection that would that would be part of the private insurance model it took them longer than they anticipated they initially thought this would take 5 years it ended up taking 20 there were fits and starts along the way but at the end of the day in 2006 they adopted a model that corresponded almost entirely to the rough outlines of what had been sketched out 20 years earlier now that is remarkable from a political science perspective and it's what intrigued me there was no model in political science I think it's fair to say that could explain a reform that was neither a big bang big change all at once or a series of slow adhoc incriminates that was the typical dichotomy in political science the Dutch had slowly moved over a long period in stages to a system whose rough outline had been agreed upon at the outset. So I began thinking about how you could understand that kind of change and it led me to a model that I then could see applying to a number of other cases including a number of American cases and so that's what I'm going to be talking to you about today you won't be hearing a whole lot more from me about the Dutch Reform you'll hear a little bit along the way but I want to sketch out the broad comparative picture of health care reform within a new model the process the politics of health care reform within a new model and then situate some American cases in that context so the question is the question that the book asks is when do we see bursts of policy change. Change that is of larger scale or faster pace than the incremental norm or both. My approach is to see these strategies of scale and pace as a question of politics indeed as a question of high politics at the center of governments I have 10 cases plus 2 that I go into in somewhat less detail in which there was a window of opportunity for change I'll say more about how those windows came about a window of opportunity for policy change from the end of the 2nd World War through to pretty much the present in 4 countries the U.S. the U.K. the Netherlands and my own country of Canada and I do this through intensive case analysis hence. The thickness of the book. Would it would it be the case that I could simply summarize in a number of tables the evidence for this argument but it does actually take going into cases in some considerable detail through 1st 2nd reports etc and multiple interviews. The argument I make that is that in the normal course of events policy cycling occurs decision makers move back and forth an emphasis within an established repertoire within an established policy framework more centralized less centralized more regulated less regulated higher spending lower spending but essentially within the same model. Periodic Leigh though there is there are moments when it's possible to move off that incremental path and in those moments to decisions to fundamental strategic decisions have to be made how big and how fast and as I said those decisions in high stakes areas like health care that garner a lot of public attention or that occupy a lot of the public budget or both. In those areas these are questions for the center of government for what I call the high politics how presidents prime ministers and the people who advise them assess their capacity to build coalitions in the present but also to maintain those coalitions to continue to have influence in those coalitions over time. So that's really the addition of this book is to emphasize the importance of time as a matter of strategic decision in public policy making. Before going into that further let me just emphasize what I mean by large scale change. I mean changes in the law of decision making whereby resources are allocated in the system who decides on the allocation of resources what is the balance of influence in the system across the state the medical profession and private finance the 3 kill pillars of the political arena of health politics cross nationally who decides what sanctions how do they control each other what sanctions do they wield against each other can they command do they need to exchange in a voluntary market do they persuade through appeals to common norms and finally what legitimating principles constrain their actions what legitimates these decision making processes what are the what are the notions broadly accepted notions of the basis of entitlement to health care of the the obligations that citizens have the appropriate role of the state not just the weight of the state not just the degree of influence of the state but the role is a payer is an owner is a regulator is a delegator that policy logic is fundamental to the character of a health care system spending can go up and down and that's often experienced as a significant change of course but if those resources are flowing along the same channels of decision making we are not looking at fundamental change in the system so that's the way I define the scale of change defining the pace of change I've already signaled to you what I'm interested in is the pace of enactment. The pace at which these changes get more or less hard wired into legislation limiting the discretion that those who implement the policies can have it may even establish timelines for implementation. And the key strategic question in terms of pace the pace of an accident is whether everything is done within a single mandate of the initiating government or whether a government is risky and enough of a risk taker or or brave enough or confident enough in its own persistence to actually establish a timeline that will extend beyond its current mandate beyond the next election quite rare but not impossible I'm also interested in the book in the pace of an act of implementation. And I'll say a little bit more about that not a lot in this talk but I want to emphasize that the parameters the fundamental parameters are set in the enactment stage so if we are impacts scale in pace we have scientists will recognize the appeal of these 4 quadrant models Well this is mind. Scale and pace and yielding 4 possibilities a big bang redefining the institutional logic in a single sweep. Incremental series of disjointed ad hoc steps to over time these are familiar in the literature but it's also possible to have large scale slow paced legislative change securing agreement on an up front design to be gradually enacted. And to fill out the picture it's also possible to have a lot of small changes as a result of multiple deals all at once I think of it as a kind of compressed incremental ism into a very short period of time which yields what I call a mosaic so. Let me take the 3 the 2 stages of my model the 2 stages I'm going to emphasize here into into account and talk 1st about the conditions for opening a window of opportunity for change before you even get to these strategic decisions of scale and pace what opens the window of opportunity in the 1st place a given set of political actors a political party typically needs to be in an institutional position that they can actually mobilize a coalition. In the case of health care in overcoming the dense population of vetoes potential vetoes in the health care system given the structure of interests you need a very strong institutional position you need a majority government if you're in a Westminster system. You need a supermajority in in the American Congressional system typically. And that needs to be backed by an electoral endorsement we'll see what happens when it's not backed by an electoral endorsement either a landslide election or a set of successive reinforcements so you have to be able to mobilize opportunity authority that's the opportunity what's the motive the motive is that health care has to form part of a broader agenda that matters for partisan reasons. In all of the cases I looked at there was a strong partisan reason to take on health care as a matter of competitive advantage and I'll give you a few examples of that so I have 10 cases as I said health policy change in windows of opportunity in this period from the. End of the 2nd World War through to close to the present. I have the founding founding of the British National Health Service the founding of Canadian medicare universal physician services insurance the failed bigbang attempt of the Clinton administration. The US Medicare example will come back to. The reforms under the English a coalition of the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrat Party in just a few years ago New Labour's reform in the U.K. and then 4 cases that I'm going to highlight before getting back to the U.S. cases the so-called internal market reforms in Britain in the late 1989190. Obamacare the Netherlands reform I've already. Signaled and one case from Canada in 2004 I will go through these fairly quickly but I want to do it in order to sketch the landscape into which I will then situate some other American cases. So the dominant logics in each of the 4 cases that I'm highlighting shifted in the U.K.. From a model in which the state basically owned and operated the health care system to a model. Initially called the internal market in which providers and purchasers were formally split from each other rather than being in a hierarchy rather than having. The allocation of resources determined largely through budget lines that flowed through a hierarchy purchases the purchasers and providers were required to formally contract with a negotiate with each other and the state was somewhat more formally distant in the US in the Dutch case I've already described the difference over time in the US we move from a system of employer based grounded employer based insurance with so-called residual programs for the elderly in the poor through to Universal or near universal mandatory insurance model with a gap filling manage competition in the individual and small group market in Canada pretty much the old model is the new model in Canada a very very stable for better or worse model of a single payer physician for single payer model for physician and hospital services a mixed market for all other services and that's pretty much where we still are with a bit more cross provincial variation spoke. How did those changes come about how do we map them on to these 4 strategic domains Why are these decisions why are these strategies chosen and as I've already signaled to you they're chosen as a matter of politics as a matter of political strategy regardless in fact of what's going on in the health care arena at any given time so where leaders have consolidated authority but face losing it relatively soon they have a strong motivation to go big and fast before the next election before they lose power. Typical in you would expect in the Canadian and British cases with the Westminster system with competitive parties where political decision makers have to do a number of deals and in all of these other quadrants they they have to do a number of deals. The only the only quadrant in which a leader can basically command a BT and says in the Westminster model Big Bang model where they need to do a number of deals there are a number of possibilities as to whether they think they can maintain about a 4 to over time and where they think there is a fairly stable balance of of of power they can do a blueprint they can do what the Dutch did everybody in the coalition believes that they'll be somewhere around the table as the next steps are taken as the next pieces of legislation are put in place and in the Netherlands that is not only because of a tradition of coalition government although that certainly matters a lot. It's also because they have a corporatist decision making model in which the major social partners are always around the table so if the Labor Party for example is not completely confident that it is going to be within a coalition within a governing coalition it knows that anyway its proxies the labor movement are going to be at the table so all of the parties are relatively or were were in them in the late eighty's relatively confident that they will be in some position of power as the next steps are taken. More likely it however is the case that a lot of deals have to be made and at least some of the members of the coalition are pretty sure that there this is their chance right that they're not going to be in an ongoing position of power. And in that case you want to do a whole lot of small you want to grab what you can do a lot of small deals all at once and then finally and this was something that only it emerged for me anyway as I wrote the book it's also possible that you could have a minimum winning coalition building there is a window for the leaders think they might be an even better position in the future and in that case what you want to do is you want to use your window of opportunity to establish a platform on which you will be well even better positioned to build in the future and that in fact is what we saw in Canada as well as in England. OK Very quickly now yes quickly I see the clock I want to take you through the decision tree in these 4 cases that I'm highlighting the British internal market reforms the Dutch transition to universal mandatory insurance Obamacare and the Canadian continuation of incrementalism under what was called the Health accord of 2004. So here's the state here's the decision tree which basically just tells you in a different graphic what I've already told you the hoops the story the highlighted changes here are simply what opens a window of opportunity you've got motive and opportunity. The next question then is do you have centralized control of your coalition if you're a British or Canadian prime minister the answer to that is yes in a unitary if if you're only talking about one level of government I'm very conscious of that particularly speaking to close up people. But if you do control a coalition of support what do you expect about the your ability to maintain that in the future Well if you are in a liberal democracy you better count on the chance that you will lose if you have that level of consolidated authority and you're not worried about losing it you're probably not in a very democratic system so this model is assuming a liberal democracy in that case there is only one route out of this box it goes toward a potential law and a big bang but now let's see what happens in each of our cases so Here's Margaret Thatcher at the end of the Majority government. Strong electoral re indorsement But Labor is nipping at the conservatives heels particularly on health care and they're looking to the $1092.00 election and they do not as the British they want to go into that election on the back foot on health care and so in 1989 Margaret Thatcher establishes a small Working Group chaired by herself very few trusted Cabinet colleagues to come up with this internal market reform and so how does this happen she has the capability of mobilizing authority to overcome vetoes Yes she has centralized control at that moment she did centralized control over her coal of a coalition of support she projects however even it came about even faster than she thought it would for herself personally a potential loss of. Power and certainly the party was looking at a potential loss of power in the 1992 election and they go for a big bang they don't act at all at once and implement it very rapidly Ruud Lubbers in Holland I've just talked about. He also as I described has is able to mobilize a coalition of support he is in his 2nd mandate but it's but that endorsement was important because it was after a period of volatility in Dutch politics so he came in he was endorsed once he was endorsed twice with a center right coalition that was a significant really Rian Doris meant he did not however have centralized control of his coalition by definition it was a coalition of parties it was a center right coalition. And but all of them could predict being in a roughly similar position in the future the sea the Christian Democrats Ruud Lubbers party had been in somewhere in the coalition in the Dutch government either the Christian Democrats or they're or their predecessors since 1918 they had never been out of government it was reasonable for them to expect that they would still be around the table. And so they are able to implement this blueprint reform OK. In Canada Paul Martin comes into power he takes he takes over within the Liberal Party from him the previous prime minister in 2003 at the time. The media the political parties including the conservative parties were confident that this was the next Liberal regime that this was that there's been a vicious internal competition between Martin and Chretien Martin takes over The Economist is the Economist newspaper is telling us this is the next Liberal regime what smartened going to do with it and what he decided that he was going to do with it was to continue to distinguish himself as sharply as he could from his predecessor his predecessor had fairly fractious relations with the provinces Martin decides I'm going to show them I'm the guy who can deal with the provinces takes them to the Grey Cup game Anybody know the Grey Cup game the foot good a Canadian in the crowd yes. Big big football game in Canada so he takes the one of his 1st acts is to take a look Premier's to the Grey Cup game. And they and he decides to make health care or his his key he's going to finally come to an agreement with the provincial premier is after a period in which federal funding has been cut the federal government is in the process of re investing this is a window of opportunity under anybody's definition. But Martin decides that his best approach is to use that window too in the 1st instance by the goodwill of the Premier's by closing the funding gap that had developed from the federal government and then he'll build on it in the future but he fully anticipated that he would be in an even better position having close that funding gap. time in politics by the time we came to the 2004 June 2004 election so Martin takes over in November 2003 actually early December 2003 June 2004 is an election and he's tipped into minority. He's campaigned on health care he said a meeting with the Premier is for September it's all ready to go and he's tipped into a minority government and then. He decides he doesn't have a choice he doesn't begin the stock with the end of an incremental strategy I asked him why you know why didn't you then shift strategy the Premier's were remarkably offering some kind of deal on pharmacare on extending drug coverage in Canada and he said I just might the credibility of my government rested on having that meeting and getting a deal and I didn't have time to do what it would take to negotiate pharmacare deal with the Premier's even if it was just a matter of months we just didn't have time so there is an incremental strategy the kind of got stuck in or constrained when political. Conditions changed OK now this is what you came for right so we're into the American cases so how do the American cases fit into this model. So and the Obamacare case is probably a classic mosaic. You probably couldn't have a better example of the kinds of political calculations that go into a mosaic strategy so there is certainly a set of actors willing to. Enact change in health care as a central matter of strategy of of of an agenda in 2 senses it Obama does make it central to the economic recovery agenda but it's also part of a Democratic agenda of having. And I remember at the time listening to numerous colleagues and others who were describing the end of a long Republican arc that started with Reagan and now you know now it's the end of that arc and we're into another democratic art and health care is central to that so and for a brief shining moment with a capacity to overcome vetoes certainly however not a centralized coalition of support early attempts to negotiate with Republicans fell apart as you know and then the negotiations were within the Democratic Party itself numerous deals than the Louisiana Purchase the you know Cornhusker Kickback the whole set of deals. That as the Democrats essentially raced against what they knew was a closing window to it to. Come up with a deal which was in fact a lot of changes relative to each one of them relatively small all at once feeling like a really big deal. OK Let me take you through. A few others of the America well I guess all of the other of the American cases in the book in somewhat less detail than that I had to reverse the orientation of this decision tree but trust me it's the same decision tree it just works like to try to fit all these cases on and I had to have to switch the orientation so it's going right back to the New Deal. We would trace it in this direction was health care policy central to the New Deal agenda Well sadly no. There's lots of history as to why that was the case. Roosevelt F.D.R. came to. A greater priority on health care just before his death actually but it was not in the in the New Deal era. As I say not time to get into the reasons for that now so it was essentially a continuation of incremental ism. However in 165-193-2009 extension 8 certainly was for Lyndon Johnson for Bill Clinton and for Barack Obama and the parties at the time central to a broader policy agenda were they capable of mobilizing the necessary votes Johnson having come in with a landslide. Of super majority in both houses of Congress. More than 60 percent of the popular vote I mean that was just a clear lens slide electoral mandate. In 2009 that was the that was the biggest electoral mandate in both of those terms in terms of control of the both houses and the popular vote since the 1960 S. for Obama. In 993 this was an interesting case so yes Clinton has. The Democrats control both houses of Congress not with a super majority. And. But he comes in with 42 percent plus of the popular vote in that was a 3 candidate election. And. There's a great quote in the book from one of his advisors which who said we we mis read change in the weather for a change in the climate we thought it was a change in the climate it was really just a change in the weather and they try to go for a big bang. We can get in Question Period we can get into so why do I consider the Clinton reforms a bigger bang the the Obamacare mosaic I'm happy to address that but in the interest of time I will motor through. In any event they try for for a big bang and it is a failure unfortunately. So so then the just a trace out through they do not have a centralized coalition of support. They. They think they have a centralized coalition of support. And they go for a big bang. In the case of. Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats in 1965 they have to do a number of deals the medicare medicaid mosaic as all call it which is essentially a set of adjustments to the employer based system is the result of deal making within the Democratic congressional leadership as Ted Marmor and others have written nobody anticipated that end result it was the result of a series of negotiations. In which all members of the coalition were projecting a potential loss of influence very similar to the Obamacare music actually And then fine no I guess I've been through all of the cases. Right the Clintons Yes OK So that that is how I would map America's mosaic mosaics in terms of this decision tree now one more yes one more case so the Republicans attempt to repeal Obamacare. Do Is it central to a broad political agenda you better but. Are they capable of mobilizing the authority to overcome the vetoes that they think so. Do they have centralized control because they control both houses of Congress and the presidency. Do they have centralized control over their coalition of support no they've got to do a lot of internal deals just as the Democrats had to do all sorts of internal deals to get it through in the 1st place the Republicans have to do internal deals to try to repeal it. And. They are facing a potential loss of of influence they try to do a mosaic unpacking of a mosaic and we know the result of that one piece got got enacted. The. Abolition of the tax penalties enforcing the individual mandate. OK a couple of points this I'm going to just go through go I'm going to address this slide very quickly just to point out that these strategies Good I've got 10 minutes OK. These strategies matter because they matter from both a policy point of view and from a political point of view from a pulp woops I'm blowing my cover here. From a policy point of view they the larger the scale the greater the degree of coherence you can achieve in policy you can ensure that the various pieces that are supposed to integrate actually integrate at least in the design of the program if not in the actual operation and you may think coherence is a good thing or you may nought there may be other things that you prize in public policy but if you think coherence is a good thing then you might want to go for a higher a larger scale. On the politics. Access And you notice I've changed the names of these axes. The the faster the pace the greater the degree of conflict this just leaps out from the cases in the book. You try to do things really fast in a field like health care and you're compressing all of the vetoes into us into a very narrow window of time highly conflictual process now it looks like high coherence low conflict is a pretty sweet place to be but we see very very few examples of that because of the rarity of the conditions in which they're possible in which governments actually project that they're likely to be in a similar position over time OK Now moving on. Federalism complicate things further and I told Barry Rabe this morning that I thought this should be the new logo for close up. This indicates that all of these strategic decisions strategic assumptions and judgments that politicians are making about their current and and projected future positions of influence are going on simultaneously in different jurisdictions and they're all in motion. This really complicates things and this is true in both of the federal countries in my book Canada and the US the the U.K. as a sort of Quezon I fater federal country and we can get into that later if you want. But essentially this this is the sort of dynamic that characterizes the U.S. and Canada what made the Canadian the adoption of universal physician services insurance in Canada possible in this kind of context was that there was a this window in which we were in a period of what was called cooperative federalism in which all of the provinces had an agenda of province building some of them even more than others but they were really focused on Province building in the $1960.00 S. and the carrot of federal funding was just enough to bring them to the table and the carrot and the stick also of the federal imposition of a social development tax on all citizens whether their governments adopted the federal framework for health care or not. But generally speaking this makes it even more difficult and federal systems to to adopt change so. Just drawing a couple of points from that what does this say about the importance of subnational jurisdictions as the laboratories of policy change as sort of little crucibles of in our not so little crucibles of innovation. The problem is that. It may be the case that innovation that has occurred at a sub national level looks good for transplanting to the to the national level. Obviously Obamacare and the and the Massachusetts Health Health Connector that are a key case in point The problem is that these dynamics have been different these political dynamics are different a are likely to have been different at the sub national and national level so you can't necessarily assume that something that worked even something that worked politically let alone on the ground in health care at the subnational level is going to work at the national level or it can work the other way around as it did in Canada Sisk out you on Canadian province of Saskatchewan had adopted universal health insurance in see very very bitter physicians strike defining communities and families. By the time the national level does it only a few years later a lot of the energy has gone out of that conflict in part because of the demonstration effect of the Scotch one including the fact that physician incomes went up not helped. So so there's not a necessary replication between the 2 levels of government final thing I want to highlight is the question of whether electoral cycles are coincident or non coincident national and subnational levels. So if you have coincident electoral cycles so elections are going on federally and at the state level at the same time. You can have a kind of swamping effect from the federal level that simply washes over state level reforms and we can see this in the case of the attempts the commendable attempts in a number of US states in the early ninety's to adopt a blueprint reforms in contexts of relative bipartisanship within their legislatures and between the legislatures and the governors. They were they were agreements that like the touch they were read and write about the same time they were green and so on the rough outlines of where they wanted to get interesting Lee pieces very similar to what ultimately becomes the Affordable Care Act insurance regulation Medicaid expansion some kind of managed care for insure insurance markets. And these were on track started before the $994.00 elections before the failure of the Clinton plan and then you get the Republican wave in $94.00 that just washes over the state legislatures even if they didn't formally change hands the Republicans gained strength in legislatures and very often did take over the legislatures. And essentially these blue print pant blue prints were stalled or in some cases repealed. And finally. You might think OK well maybe norm Cohen's intellect troll cycles are better but they have their own problems because what that means is things are constantly and change constantly and change because some body somewhere is facing an election in whatever year you find yourself in and in particular this was a problem for John Chretien before Paul Martin negotiated his 2004 health accord with the provinces in his predecessor had attempted did come up with various health records which actually were signed only by the federal government but they were nonetheless called the courts. And but they were but it was in large part. Partly because of courage and style but largely because the provinces themselves were facing elections over that period and you had a number of Premier's in Crete provinces who had taken over within a given mandate from their predecessors without having faced the electorate themselves that was quite an unusual circumstance but they were really only willing to take any any risks. And then another case would be Germany which is one of the plus 2 that I mentioned the plus 2 by the way where the Republican repeal attempt and the German case that I get into in the conclusion. In Germany where it was not a matter of negotiations between the federal government and the lander in the States but rather the representation of the lender within the structures of the federal government because of the state governments appoint the members of the Upper House so what that did was to really complicate the grand coalition between the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats which might have come up with health care reform there was a window of opportunity might have come up with health care reform. But the there were 60 different launder elections in a brief period of time which meant that the composition of the Upper House kept changing and it was just very very difficult to come up with with a deal so be careful what you wish for non-coincidental electoral cycles are not are not a lot better. Or at all better I guess than than coincident so. Yes Just to summarize then the non-coincidental electoral cycles make it unlikely that a window of opportunity will open and they also complicate the choice of strategy as in the German case even when it does so thank you very much if you want to know more about the book before you buy it because of course you're going to buy it but if you want to check it out before you buy it I have a companion site. That will give you some chapter summaries and general overview and also some advice on if you're not really going to read the whole book of course I'll be devastated but if you're not going to read the whole book you may want some advice on how you read it depending on your areas of interest so I give you advice on if you're if you're interested in welfare state reform but not health care particularly Here's how you might want to read the book etc There are a number number of other ways and by the way it is my hope that this framework has relevance well beyond health care and I mean that's that's actually what would make me happy is to vote about the book if it were picked up and applied in cases other areas other than health care but we will leave you with health care examples Thank you.