January 24, 2012
Greetings from the Dean
Dean Susan M. Collins on the latest Ford School news, including our annual DC student-alumni networking reception, record masters degree applications, and a video recap of the 2012 Integrated Policy Exercise. [More]
Alumni news |
Last days to register for the 1/26 DC Trip networking reception and policy event. [More]
Meet the newest members of the Ford School Alumni Board, whose terms began on January 1. [More]
PPIA anniversary: 30 years of preparing leaders like Tosha Downey (MPP' 96)... [More]
Alums: we seek internships, jobs for students... [More]
Around the school |
Students, clients reap rewards from for-credit consulting projects. [More]
Contaminated water, border disputes, media coverage, and Congressional hearings round out this year�s all-school exercise. [More]
Ford School seeks new Director of Development... [More]
Elena Delbanco talks to New York Times, NPR about her father’s 300-year-old Stradivarius cello... [More] |
Faculty research |
CLOSUP’s Tom Ivacko writes a two-part column for the influential Dome magazine. [More]
New findings from the National Poverty Center�s study of the Great Recession. [More]
Agence France-Press, Christian Science Monitor quote John Ciorciari on Secretary Clinton�s visit to Myanmar... [More]
Keeping in touch: alumni news |
Upcoming alumni policy event & reception: Thursday, January 26, 2012 in Washington, DC. [More]
Save the date for 2012 Spirit Day: Thursday, July 12, 2012. [More]
Considering a gift to the Annual Fund? Meet Ben Curtiss-Lusher. [More]
State & Hill: Winter 2012 issue now available. [More]
Stay connected: join other alumni on Facebook, LinkedIn, and InCircle. [More] |
Multimedia |
Q&A with World Bank President Robert Zoellick. [Watch] |
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. [Watch] |
Michael S. McPherson and the 'undermatch' phenomenon. [Watch] |
2012 Integrated Policy Exercise. [Watch] |
Slideshow: the Year in Review [Watch]
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3. Email communications from the Ford School used to link our alumni and friends around the world to news and information about our community.
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