Two political scientists join the faculty | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Two political scientists join the faculty

September 15, 2009

John D. Ciorciari is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy. His interests include public international law, the theory and practice of international relations, and international finance. His current research projects focus primarily on Asia and examine foreign policy strategies, human rights, and the reform of international economic institutions in that region. Since 1999, he has been a legal advisor to the Documentation Center of Cambodia, which promotes historical memory and justice for the atrocities of the Pol Pot regime. He holds an AB and JD from Harvard and an M.Phil. and D.Phil. from Oxford, where he was a Fulbright Scholar.

Philip B. K. Potter is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy. His primary research interests are in international security, political economy, and methods. His current research explores the relationship between interdependence and international conflict, the impact of media on foreign policy, and the role of networks in transnational terrorism. Philip holds a BA from McGill University, a PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles and has been a fellow at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania.

Below is a formatted version of this article from State & Hill, the magazine of the Ford School. View entire Fall 2009 State & Hill here.


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