| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
In the Media

On third anniversary, USMCA hasn't accomplished much - Deardorff

Jun 29, 2023 Associated Press
Alan Deardorff, Associated Press: “I don’t expect that we’re ever going to be able to say that (the USMCA) accomplished very much,’’ said Alan Deardorff, a professor emeritus of economics and public policy at the University of Michigan. “I don’t...
In the Media

Ciorciari: US relationship with India a "counterbalance" to China

Jun 24, 2023 ARD Germany
John Ciorciari, ARD Germany: And this commitment would suit the United States just fine. Because the relationship with the other big "player" in the region, China, has recently gotten worse and worse. John Ciorciari, professor of international...
In the Media

Page on scaling of USAID projects

Jun 26, 2023 Devex
Susan D. Page, Devex: Susan Page, who served as U.N. assistant secretary-general to Haiti and in various U.S. government roles, including USAID, said that even when the agency attempts to work with smaller organizations, often the math just doesn’t...
In the Media

Seefeldt: "Poverty is a policy choice"

Jun 22, 2023 Newsweek
Kristin Seefeldt, Newsweek:  n terms of age, race, and gender identity, America's poor are "a heterogeneous group of people," Kristin Seefeldt, associate director of Poverty Solutions at the University of Michigan, told Newsweek. "But children are...
In the Media

Parthasarathy: ChatGPT reinforces human biases

Jun 18, 2023 WDET
Shobita Parthasarathy says ChatGPT simply reiterates language that humans have already created, and that often the ideas and biases that humans exhibit are reinforced by the tool. “[ChatGPT] is not magic. It’s also not an asteroid. It is us. It...