ACIT Views

The following are writings by members of the ACIT group on issues related to international trade. We are academics and often disagree with one another, so we do not all necessarily subscribe to all of the views presented here. Nonetheless we do respect the writers, and we take their arguments seriously even when we disagree.

Brown, Andrew and Robert M. Stern, "What Are the Issues in Using Trade Agreements for Improving International Labor Standards?," July 23, 2007; World Trade Review forthcoming.
Brown, Stern, Deardorff, & Panagariya, "Using trade agreements to improve international labor standards?", letter to Financial Times, June 7, 2007; Complete.
Bhagwati, Jagdish, "Foes of free trade get afoot in the door", OpEd, Financial Times, May 22, 2007.
Stern, Robert M., "Review of Elliott and Freeman, Can Labor Standards Improve under Globalization?" Journal of Economic Literature, December, 2005.
Panagariya, Arvind, "Why the Recent Samuelson Article is NOT about Offshore Outsourcing" draft, undated, received September 21, 2004.
Bhagwati, Jagdish, Arvind Panagariya, and T.N. Srinivasan, "The Muddles over Outsourcing" draft, August 25, 2004.
Panagariya, Arvind, "The Tide of Free Trade Will Not Float All Boats" Financial Times, August 3, 2004.
Srinivasan, T.N., "The Future of the Global Trading System: Doha Round, Canc�n Ministerial and Beyond" presented at the conference "The Future of Globalization: Explorations in Light of Recent Turbulence" co-sponsored by The Yale Center for the Study of Globalization and The World Bank, held at Yale on October 10-11, 2003.
Panagariya, Arvind, "Free-Trade Skeptics: Skeptics After All?" Economics Times, May 21, 2003.
Panagariya, Arvind, "Miracles and Debacles: Do Free-Trade Skeptics Have a Case?" March, 2003.
Deardorff, Alan V., "What Might Globalization's Critics Believe?" December, 2002.
Bhagwati, Jagdish and T.N. Srinivasan, "Trade and Poverty in the Poor Countries" December, 2001.
Bhagwati, Jagdish, "Break the Link Between Trade and Labour" Financial Times, August 29, 2001.
ACIT Letter to university presidents regarding anti-sweatshop campaigns, July 2000, and associated documents.
Deardorff, Alan and Bob Stern, "What the Public Should Know about Globalization and the World Trade Organization," RSIE Working Paper No. 460, July 20, 2000.
Bhagwati, Jagdish, "Nike Wrongfoots the Student Critics" Financial Times, May 2, 2000; Letters.

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