Labor Standards

Recent Writings

Recent Writings on Labor Standards

Bhagwati and Narlikar, "Don't Blame the Brands," Prospect, April 2, 2013.
"Human Rights at Work", SAI's 2010 Annual Report, Social Accountability International.
Review of Brown and Stern, The WTO and Labor and Employment: Critical Perspectives on the Global Trading System and the WTO, Edward Elgar, 2008 by Hedva Sarfati, in Transfer, Feb. 2009.
Onida, Fabrizio, "Labour Standards and the ILO's Effectiveness in the Governance of Globalization," June, 2008.
Brown, Andrew and Robert M. Stern, "What Are the Issues in Using Trade Agreements for Improving International Labor Standards?," July 23, 2007; World Trade Review forthcoming.
Charnovitz, Steve, "The Labor Dimension of the Emerging Free Trade Area of the Americas." in Labour Rights as Human Rights 143-176, edited by Philip Alston. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Stern, Robert M. and Katherin Terrell, "Labor Standards and the WTO," August, 2003.
Yoon and McGee, "Incorporating Labor Standards into Trade Agreements: An Ethical Analysis," July 2003.

Documents Regarding Labor Standards

2002 Report of Congress on Labor Issues and the International Financial Institutions, U.S. Department of Treasury, Office of the Undersecretary for International Affairs, Mar 31, 2003.
Labor Standards Provisions in U.S. International Agreements (provided by Jim Shea, Labor Dept.):
In GSP, CBERA, and CBTPA Feb 20, 2002
In Trade Promotion Authority, Aug 1, 2002
In Bilateral Investment Agreements, 1994 prototype, revised Apr 1998
In International Financial Institutions (Frank Amendment 1994 and IMF Appropriations Act)
In African Growth and Opportunity Act, Oct 2000 | Eligibility requirements
In US-Cambodia Textile Agreement, Jan 2002
ATPEA Eligibility Requirements

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