the Michigan Brown-Deardorff-Stern (BDS)
Imperfectly Competitive Model
The following are the papers that have been written based upon the Michigan BDS
Model. References are to the most recent versions. Working-paper versions of some
of them are available for viewing or downloading in the Adobe .pdf format, which
is available using the free Adobe Acrobat software. Click on PDF.
Papers use different versions of the model, including different groupings of countries.
To get more details on the version used for a particular paper, click on "Version"
after the paper. Versions are identified by names that are listed and explained
in Versions.
Papers based on the 8-Country BDS Model
Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern. 2001. "CGE
Modeling and Analysis of Multilateral and Regional Negotiating Options" January
23. PDF
Chadha, Rajesh, Drusilla K. Brown, Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern,
"Computational Analysis of the Impact on India of the Uruguay Round and the
Forthcoming WTO Trade Negotiations," March 28, 2000. PDF
Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert
M. Stern. 1999. "Computational Analysis of the Accession of Chile to the NAFTA
and Western Hemisphere Integration," The World Economy forthcoming.
Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, Simeon Djankov,
and Robert M. Stern. 1997. "An Economic Assessment of the Integration of Czechoslovakia,
Hungary, and Poland into the European Union," in Stanley W. Black, ed., Europe's
Economy Looks East: Implications for Germany and the European Union New
York: Cambridge University Press. PDFVersion
Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M.
Stern. 1997. "Economic Effects of an East Asian Regional Trading Bloc," in
Gavin Boyd and Alan M. Rugman, eds., Euro-Pacific Investment and Trade:
Strategies and Structural Interdependencies London: Edward Elgar Publishing,
Ltd. Version
Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M.
Stern. 1997. "Some Economic Effects of the Free Trade Agreement Between Tunisia
and the European Union," in Ahmed Galal and Bernard Hoekman, eds., Regional
Partners in Global Markets: Limits and Possibilities of the Euro-Med Agreements
London/Cairo: Center for Economic Policy Research and Egyptian Center for
Economic Studies. PDFVersion
Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M.
Stern. 1996. "Computational Analysis of the Economic Effects of an East Asian
Preferential Trading Bloc," Journal of the Japanese and International Economies
10:37-70, March. Version
Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M.
Stern. 1996. "Modelling Multilateral Trade Liberalization in Services," Asia-Pacific
Economic Review 2:21-34, April. PDFVersion
Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, Alan K. Fox, and
Robert M. Stern. 1996. "The Liberalization of Services Trade: Potential Impacts
in the Aftermath of the Uruguay Round," in Will Martin and L. Alan Winters,
eds., The Uruguay Round and the Developing Countries Cambridge, U.K.:
Cambridge University Press, pp. 292-315; Revision of RSIE Working Paper #379,
"Computational Analysis of Goods and Services Liberalization in the Uruguay
Round" PDFVersion
Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert
M. Stern. 1995. "Expanding NAFTA: Economic Effects of Accession of Chile and
Other Major South American Nations," North American Journal of Economics
and Finance 6:149-170, Fall; Spanish translation published as "La ampliaci\n
del NAFTA: efectos econ\micos de la ampliaci\n de Chile y otros paRses importantes
de AmJrica del Sur," Cuadernos Econ\micos de Informaci\n Comercial EspaZola
59, 1995, pp. 33-55. Version
Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, David L. Hummels,
and Robert M. Stern. 1994. "An Assessment of Extending NAFTA to Other Major
Trading Countries in South America," prepared for an Inter-American Development
Bank/Economic Commission for Latin America Project on Trade Liberalization
in the Western Hemishpere, not published. Version
Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M.
Stern. 1992. "A North American Free Trade Agreement: Analytical Issues and
a Computational Assessment," The World Economy 15:11-29, January. Version
Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M.
Stern. 1992. "North American Integration," Economic Journal 102:1507-1518,
November. Version
Stern, Robert M., Alan V. Deardorff, and Drusilla K.
Brown. 1992. "A U.S.-Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement: Sectoral Employment
Effects and Regional/Occupational Employment Realignments in the United States."
Appendix A in National Commission for Employment Policy, The Employment
Effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement: Recommendations and Background
Studies, Special Report No. 33, Washington, D.C.: National Commission
for Employement Policy, October. Version
Brown, Drusilla K. and Robert M. Stern. 1989. "Computable General Equilibrium
Estimates of the Gains from U.S.-Canadian Trade Liberalization," in David
Greenaway, Thomas Hyclak, and Robert J. Thornton, eds., Economic Aspects
of Regional Trading Arrangements London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, pp. 69-108.
Brown, Drusilla K. and Robert M. Stern. 1989. "U.S.-Canada Bilateral Tariff
Elimination: The Role of Product Differentiation and Market Structure," in
Robert C. Feenstra, ed., Trade Policies for International Competitiveness
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.