Dates marked "R" are recruiting seminars.
Titles that are highlighted are available on line.
Economics 842: Research Seminar in International Economics
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Date | Speaker | From | Topic |
Jan. 27 ** 4:00 PM ** |
Giovanni Maggi | Princeton (visiting NYU) | "The Value of Trade Agreements in the Presence of Political Pressures" |
Feb. 24 11:40-1:00 |
Gordon Hanson | Texas | "Illegal Immigration, Border Enforcement, and Relative Wages: Evidence from Apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico Border" |
Mar. 11 (Tue) | Jim Tybout | World Bank | "What Makes Exports Boom?" |
Mar. 17 | Simeon Djankov | U of M | "Trade Reorientation and Productivity Growth in Bulgarian Enterprises" |
Mar. 24 | David Weinstein | U of M | "Do Endowments Determine the Location of Production? Evidence from National and International Data" |
Mar. 31 | Frank Bodmer | U of M | "Trade and Wages: What Do We Know? What Can We Know?" |
Apr. 7 | Demiroglu & Debaere | U of M | "On Similarily of Factor Endowments" |
Apr. 14 | Torsten Perrson | World Trade Organization | "Separation of Powers and Political Accountability" |
Apr. 21 | Sean Durkin | Wayne State | "Social Capital, Social Interactions, and International Trade" |
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