This is Ford School Currents, now with Pete Martel. Pete is a third year PhD student in Public Policy and Sociology. The Graduate Employees Organization, the union that represents some 2100 graduate student instructors at the university, went on strike for eight days in September of 2020. The main issues were related to the graduate students' objections to the way the university was re opening amidst the COVID 19 pandemic. So a four day strike turned into an eight day strike. What do you feel you accomplished and what did you learn through this process? There were a number of issues that we felt had real substantive meat to our workplace that the university just refused to bargain over. Things such as requests for increased DEI positions and a disarmed and demilitarized workplace, as well as, mandatory trainings regarding inclusive teaching, land acknowledgements, and resources for our students to record sexual harassment and bias incidents. The university refused to bargain over those issues. I think and I hope that it raised the issue to the university on terms that this is important. This isn't just a few radicalized students in the graduate department at U of M who have these issues that are near and dear to them. There was a broad base of support for this and we knew what we were up against. Everything was online. So we ended up with some general membership meetings and Zoom conferences that included over 1200 members. It's a fully democratic process where issues are raised by different committees and different plank members, and they're voted on, and they're explained. And there's lengthy, very lengthy Q&A sections and lots of discussion where everybody's invited to participate and eventually vote on which issues and how we wanna go about resolving those issues. The two main issues that were continued were striking over the reopening plan and striking over defunding or disarming the campus police. So you've taken us through the broader issues and the movement and what you were trying to accomplish as a group. How did it affect you personally in terms of the way that you approach social justice issues? So I think some key takeaways, as an old White guy, was our hearts can be in the right place. We need to listen to people that are directly impacted by these issues and we need to inform our actions according to what they tell us. Democracy is a clunky drawn out process, but it's a good process. We need to give space, we need to give voice to people who are often left out of the democratic process. Listening to the people, the discrete and insular minority, who are often left out of the democratic process, because where majority rules, the minority is left without rights. So we need to give a special protection and make sure they're heard, that they have say in what happens, and that they have an equitable voice in the process. Pete Martel, thank you very much. Thanks for having me.