Hey everyone, I'm Ann Lin. Many thanks to the Ford Environmental Policy Association for inviting me to talk about how environmental issues affect the policy area that I think about, which is migration. The dominant policy understanding of migration is that it's an individual process. So when the person leaves one place for another, whether that new place is a new neighborhood, a new state, or new country. We think about those decisions as individual calculations of benefits and cost. As fleeing from danger or towards better opportunities. Many people like me who study migration talk about these as push and pull factors. Policies are based on pushes and pulls, such as asylum policies for people who are persecuted, or student visas, for people who want opportunities unavailable in their home countries. Climate migration forces both scholars and policymakers to realize that there is a communal aspect to migration. Natural disasters might destroy housing, food, and jobs in a particular area. Weather or temperature changes might diminish the viability of agriculture, fishing, or other traditional occupations. A long-term drought or sea level rise can make some areas uninhabitable. When this happens. Multiple individual decisions to migrate happen in conjunction, changing the individual calculus of migration decisions and multiply their overall impact. For instance, consider the decade, the impact of decades long drought on staple crops in the Honduras, which has been recently been exacerbated by hurricane damage in the fall of 2020. These conditions obviously create push factors for individual subsistence farmers who can no longer feed their families, especially when they have also accrued debt from previous years of crop failure. But migration as a response also becomes more likely. When smugglers see this potential market, focus their recruitment areas on these distressed areas or with caravans of migrants join together for protection and resource sharing. Migration policy has not responded well to the communal drivers of migration. Take another communal driver of migration, war. As everyone who has participated in this year's IPE knows, the legal definition of refugee is an individual definition. A person who faces persecution based on race, religion, political belief, or membership in a social group. Yet most people who flee the dangers and deprivation of a war zone flee because they are vulnerable to collateral damage, not because they have faced individual persecution. As a result, only 1% of the world's refugees are ever permanently resettled. The rest often face years of living in the no man's land of refugee camps. Or on the edges of a refuge country's economy and society. Now, I should be clear, international legal definition has been a lifesaver for millions of refugees who do qualify for protection, whether that is through permanent resettlement or temporary countries of refuge. It's not an indictment of that definition, however, to say that it does not adequately address a communal driver of migration, like war or destruction rains down on people regardless of their political beliefs and social identities. And if that legal definition can't address war effectively, how much less likely is it to address climate change, which disproportionately burdens already marginalized peoples, but really doesn't fit into a persecution framework. Climate change provides an opportunity for immigration policy makers and scholars to think seriously about new and better kinds of solutions for focusing on the communal drivers of large-scale migration. We know that even if countries get serious about reducing CO2 emissions, we won't be able to prevent or potentially reverse climate impacts that are already affecting migration. But policy can potentially act as a counterweight, making it possible for sending regions, Develop alternative ways of making a living, of addressing health impacts, or adopting sustainable mitigation efforts. Climate change could even be a creative force. Encouraging migration. That then brings new ideas and new energies to the places where migrants settle. And encouraging both potential migrants and residents to design new solutions for environmental damage. Thank you. And happy Earth Day 2021.