Hi everyone. Thank you for joining us this afternoon for the live Instagram tour of the Ford School. My name is Moriah and I'm a second year MPP. I'm originally from the Los Angeles area. I'm doing an international policy concentration here at the Ford School. I'm involved in the International Policy Student Association in the Ford Munk conference. And I'm excited to show you around. If you have any questions as we're going through the building, please let us know and I'm excited to introduce. Yeah. Hi everybody. I'm Alhan. I'm what they call a dinosaur here because I'm a third year. So I'm a dual degree Ford and Ross student. So I'm an MPP MBA student like Moriah. I've also been at the, sorry, I lost my chain of thought. I was trying to say was that I'm also an international policy concentration or whatever. And Moriah and I funnily enough met when we were doing the Ford Munk Conference, which Moriah was the director for this year. I was the Director for the previous year. We can talk more about that as well as the International Economic Development Program. And we hope you join us at the Ford School or join your own cohort. And we will see you on the other side perhaps. Great. So we're going to start right now with the great hall. This is on the first floor of the building. This is an area where a lot of students are in between classes doing work in between classes. A lot of students will just like congregate in this area. Also, we have our annual Christmas party here. That's a really fun time for the community to come together. We have an acapella group, snacks. Also, we have someone to introduce you to in relation to what Alhan was talking about. The International Economic Development Program, which is one of the programs that's offered here at the Ford School, through the International Policy Center. And Alhan and I did the trip together last year to Chile, and this year's group went to Colombia. And right now, they are hosting a bake sale for donations for the nonprofits that the cohort worked with in Colombia over spring break. So I'll pass it over to Sarah really quickly. Hi, everyone. My name is Sarah. I'm here representing the International Economic Development Program. As Moriah said, we are here to raise money for five Colombian organizations that we worked with over spring break in Bogota. Each of these organizations helped support Venezuelan migrants coming to Colombia. Awesome, thanks Sarah. And there's a lot of yummy things like conchas, cookies, cupcakes. And I will be stopping by later to buy one. Now, we're going to walk over to one of our study areas here on the first floor. These two rooms. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We'll talk about these too. I'll talk a little bit about these classrooms right here. Sure. This is the Annenberg Auditorium, and this is the Betty Ford classroom. But we just called the Betty and Annenberg for short. What's important about these rooms is this is where you will begin with your core curriculum. So if you're doing microeconomics or stats, most people have to do it unless you waive out of it. That's usually Micro is going to be in this bigger Annenberg and then folks in Stats are going to be split. It's really interesting because I also started out in this room, and now it's my third year, and my final Ford class is also in this room. So it's a weird full circle. But these two rooms represent the heart of the Ford School in terms of events and core classes. Yeah, definitely. As Alhan mentioned, there's also events there. We actually went to an event about two weeks ago with former Dean Michael Barr who was speaking, who's now on the Federal Reserve Board. On the governance board. Yeah. We'll now walk down this way. Again, just as a reminder, feel free to drop any questions that you might have into the chat as we're mentioning things that might be of interest or as you're seeing things on the tour. One more classroom, one more. We're walking back. Yeah. These are some study desks that we have here at the Ford School, and there are a lot of different areas for students to study in between classes. I know that when I have like an hour or two and I don't want to leave the building, that'll look for one of these open tables. Do you have anything else say about like study spaces? Yeah, sure. I think the key thing about this floor is that we have most of our classrooms on this space. You all can pass. It's fine just last time, but besides that, it's usually pretty busy. We have classrooms behind us, so we probably don't want to be too loud. But what's interesting about this hallway as well, is there's a lot of memorabilia from President Ford. So I believe that is, um, his speech from the Ford School dedication, which is really interesting. I forgot. It's a pretty moving speech. And there's several aspects of it where he talks about his time at Michigan and how that led him over to his presidency. And then there's a lot of memorabilia down this hall as well. But for the most part, this particular part of the Ford School is mostly a quiet zone. It usually going to classes. And in the great hall is where we think of as the main social space. As people are coming out of various classrooms and thinking about, okay, how are we doing on the exams or how's lecture today, et cetera, Definitely as Alhan mentioned, and we'll see as we're walking back through this way, we have a lot of photos from the Ford administration of key moments. And then also like the groundbreaking ceremony and other things about when Ford came to the Ford School when it was named after him. These are cool things that remind you of public service and different core values that the Ford School stands for. Now we are going to be heading up to the second floor. On the second floor, we'll be visiting our graduate career services and also student academic services, and also a quick cameo from Ford himself. Any words for our admitted MPP students Come to the Ford School! It's great. Okay. Yeah, I think that some students have like traditions or maybe they like rub the head of Ford for good luck before tests. Also, one time during Christmas, I saw someone put a little Christmas hat on Ford. Do you want to talk about the IEDP? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I think one of the things that we just showed you was that bake sales. Moriah and I both did the International Economic Development Program. Maybe we can talk a bit about it just really quickly. In terms of the IEDP, which is short for the International Economic Development Program, every year the student cohort chooses a country, then a group of students is selected to run the program. That's about five people who comprise the board, and then another 15 students who are enrolled in the class, and usually during spring break or winter break, whatever you want to call it. Depending on climate change, we go travel to the country that the student body has collectively chosen. Moriah and I went to Chile together. The year before that, the cohort went to Puerto Rico, and this past year they went to Colombia, I believe. Now, when you come to the Ford School, you will hopefully be part of the process that chooses the country that the next cohort studies for the year. And that's definitely been one of my favorite things that I've done at the Ford School is the IEDP program. And was actually one of the reasons why I chose the Ford School. I think I mentioned it in my application essay. So it's really cool that I was able to participate in that in my first year. Now we are about to head into the graduate career services office. So one of my favorite things about the graduate career services office is the endless supply of candy that we have here at the front that Eric always stocks and is really wonderful. I don't know if you want to say hi to some of the admitted. Yeah. So yeah, We also have our Director of Graduate Career Services, Peter Vasher. He can say a little bit about Yeah. About the office. Yeah. We're excited to see you all. Welcome you to the Ford School, but our office works one on one with all of our Ford school graduate students. We're a small but mighty team that offers a lot of individual attention, one on one counseling opportunities to engage with employers and alumni through events workshops. We have north of 125 events in a given year, both in person and virtually excited to see you all in the fall. Yes. Awesome. Thanks Peter. Do you want to talk about some of the services that Peter mentioned that you've taken advantage? Yeah, I can talk about I was going to say welcome to the Career Development Center. And there's always Eric here. But in addition to the candy, I think there's a lot of other services as well. For example, right when you come to the Ford School, you can begin and there's an elaborate resume review. And you're encouraged to kind of speak to the team from day one. And from there on, we actively have appointments as many as you want to schedule, and people are generally just readily available. I think what I found really special is, especially because I am at another school as well, at the University of Michigan. Just the personal touch that the Ford School ads so, May, whose desk we see behind us. Anytime there's an interview and she knows about it, she will always follow through. Even if I haven't mentioned that, hey, this is when the interview is happening. And it's just very nice because I think it speaks to the community at the Ford School and the importance that everyone gives to each individual student. So I think we'll keep on going towards the student academic services. That's where we'll go next. I just wanted to quickly mention that one of the things I really enjoyed about this is an internship search group that I did. And throughout the internship process, this office is really supportive with helping you with your cover letters, with statements of interest, with resumes, as Alhan mentioned, And also was really supportive as I'm going through the job search right now. Yeah, so now we will be in the Student Academic Services Office. I also work at the front desk here. I'm excited to introduce you to some of my colleagues and the people who work here and make it so special. Fancy seeing you all here. Yeah. If you could maybe say your name and your role here in the office and any message that you might have for admitted MPP students. Okay. I'm Patrick Lyle. I'm the Registrar, and welcome to Ford. Hi, everyone. My name is Dustin. I oversee recruiting and admissions. So welcome to the Ford School and we hope to see you here. Awesome. I'll just kind of go through here. Hi, everyone. My name is Zach. I'm an admissions Officer here at the Ford School. I'm very excited to welcome you all and go blue. Okay. Let us make my way. Hey, everybody. I'm Jordan Long. I'm the Academic Advisor here at the Ford School for the Master's Programs. But yeah, welcome to the Ford School. Happy to meet all of you and go blue. Yeah. Starting this year, we have a tradition of the Jordan Long song that was performed at the talent show that Jordan does not want disclosed. It's a song about Jordan. You will see why when you come to the Ford School, Jordan is amazing and such a great resource to students. He covers both cohorts. Yes. And a great team. Yes. So thank you all for introducing yourselves and Yeah. I spend a lot of time here working in the front, and I've really enjoyed, Yeah. My time being in the office. And there's also candy here, so go Blue. Great bye. Next we are walking into the student lounge. I would say the great hall and the student lounges were in a lot of the social activity happens at the Ford School. It's like the heart of when you're going to run into other students and it seems like it's pretty packed right now. We'll go ahead and walk in. Yeah, we are in the student lounge and this is a really nice area for students to just be together to work on like maybe stats problem sets together, micro problem sets just to talk when you're having lunch. We have refrigerators here for students to be able to store their food. Then we also have microwaves, that's really nice to reheat your lunch. Then we also have our nice little coffee corner where we have a Keurig. People will just like stock this with tea and other things for students to be able to use. Then we also have lockers over here that our students can keep their belongings throughout the day and that's something that's nice for students to do. Alhan, do you have anything to say about the student lounge? Not at the moment, but Tyler was going to make a cameo, but he decided not to. Oh, no. Okay. Yeah. No. Students are hard at work right now, so we won't bother them. We'll make our way to the third floor now. Awesome. Yeah, We're going to go up to the third floor. As we mentioned, most of the classrooms are on the first floor. On the third floor is where we have a lot of faculty offices and we also have conference rooms. The graduate student instructors for the Ford School have their offices. I don't know if you want to talk a little bit, Alhan is a graduate student instructor, not for the Ford School, but maybe he can share a bit more about what that looks like. Sure, graduate student instructors are responsible for teaching, assisting with most parts of the core curriculum. What that means is that, for example, that the Ford School, we will have microecon statistics program evaluation and a number of courses such as the politics of public policy, or values and ethics, you'll always have a graduate student instructor for that. That usually means somebody who is a graduate student themselves who has taken this class before. They are usually a resource, either running section or they can review some of your material or hold tutoring hours. We also talked about the GSI program quite a bit, is because it comes with a full tuition waiver for that semester, as well as health insurance. In addition to that, we also get a stipend. It's definitely a competitive program, but it's one that can help you support your graduate education and one that truly is the hallmark of a Umich education just really quickly in terms of where we are right now. Behind us we have the International Policy Center which is the hub of most international events. At least I'm being organized, I don't think we should. I don't think we need to go inside, but that's a quick preview of where it is. And these are several professors' offices which begin now. And we can take you throughout this floor as well. Would you like to add something to the GSI part or any other? I think you covered most of it. Yeah. And then also here we have our conference room and a lot of student organizations will host events there. We have a few of those conference rooms throughout the building, which is really nice. Yeah. All these doors that you're seeing as we're walking through all belong to faculty, also to our amazing like writing center staff. I think that's another really great thing that the Ford School offers is having writing instructors who teach classes on policy memo writing, on writing op Eds, other things. But also you can schedule appointments with them and you can show them your work for a memo, for class, a cover letter, really anything and they will help you with that. That's really great. These are the graduate student instructor offices. Do you mind saying hello to the Instagram live people really quick? I'm not repping Ford. Oh, no, It's okay. But you're also another dual student. Hi there. My name is Javi I'm a fourth year dual degree in law and public policy I'm the GSI for budgeting and financial planning, which is an MPP class, mostly second years are taking this class. We have two sections, one is in person and the other one is like hybrid. We have like people taking classes online for one of the sessions and then the other section is on Zoom. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah, of course, yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Next we're heading into the reading room, which is probably my favorite study spot in the Ford School. It has a lot of really great natural lighting. It's also just like very open and cozy. I think whenever I really need to be focused and like in the zone, I like to come here. We have all of these study desks, and as you can see, a lot of Ford students hard at work, it's typically a quiet zone. But we had permission before this. Now, we're just going to walk through this way. This is another part of the study room where there are study carols. There are armchairs. Yeah. And then now we are going to walk into the computer lab. Yeah. We're getting to see a lot of Ford students at work today. The computer lab, right now, there's not a class, but there will be classes here. R for Public Policy, STATA, for Public Policy, Excel for public policy, data visualization. This is also like when there aren't classes, Students come in here to work on problem sets, especially for program evaluation or statistics. All of these computers have STATA on them. They also have ArcGIS It's a nice resource for students if you don't want to download those things on your computer. And you can always come in here and there will be other people doing work and so you can be in together. Is there anything you want to say? Yeah, sure. I can talk a bit more, I think to the culture at the Ford School. So what you see, besides Sam, are a number of groups that are working on various projects. I think the reason for that is that group study is really encouraged at the Ford School. We do believe that if you work on things together, you're able to learn in a better manner. That's what the school really emphasizes. And people or individuals who maybe in your first year study group may end up being some of your closest friends at the Ford School. Sorry, that is also something that's important to take seriously perhaps or to pay attention to. Yeah. Awesome. Thanks for mentioning that Alhan I think some of the people that were in my study groups in statistics in my first semester are now some of my best friends. Yeah, it's really bonding through those moments. So now we are walking up to the fourth floor. There are five floors here at the Ford School, so some stairs today. On the fourth floor there are more faculty offices. But there are also, there's the Poverty Solutions Lab, there's also the Education Policy Initiative, Youth Policy Lab, Center for Local and Urban Policy. All of these research centers have different research assistant positions open. So students are able to work there. A lot of faculty are associated with the different institutes, Is anything you want to talk about? I think people also usually like this spot. As you can see, somebody is there as well just as a quiet place to reflect or study. We believe that in addition to that, we also have an embedded counselor at the Ford School with the CAPS Services. We have that on the fourth floor as well. I'm trying to recall a couple of things. There's also like the Center for Law, Business, and Policy, I believe is also on the fourth floor. They're split between the fourth and the fifth floor. The fifth floor, which we will go to momentarily. And again, there's also faculty lounges up there. But long story short, as we progress, it's more faculty offices as you move upwards, and as you go downwards, there's more classrooms and communal spaces. Yeah. Awesome. Then I think what we can do really quickly is maybe go yeah, we can go up to the fifth floor and we can show you a really cool view up there as well. Yeah. Yeah. So you can see the Big House, so Michigan Stadium from here. Oh, we're going to continue on the fourth floor. Looks like we might have some people that will talk to us. Oh, okay. Amazing. Another like program and office that we have here is the Science, Technology and Public Policy program. It's a certificate program for Ford School students and also any other graduate students here at the University of Michigan. I'll let Julie talk a little bit more about the program. Hi, I'm Julie Berson Grand. I'm the Education Manager here for STPP. I help manage the graduate certificate program that you might be interested in and try to arrange new educational opportunities. A lot of them experiential within our space. We're excited to welcome you to Ford. Awesome. Would you like to introduce yourself? Yeah. My name is Kristin Burgard. I work on the Community partnership, So we work with groups like the Detroit Disability Power, Detroit Justice Center, We the People Michigan, and help provide them with advocacy material. Awesome. Thank you guys. Yeah, that's just one of the many wonderful offices that we have here on the fourth floor. So, thanks again. Yeah. Now we will walk up to here. Okay. Yeah. We have a professor who These are admitted students. Do you want to introduce yourself? What am I saying? Your name? Courses that you teach. Oh boy, I don't know that I'm prepared for this. I just hold it. What do you want me to say? You want me to say my name? Yes. And I teach some stuff. What do I teach? The International Economic Development Program that we mentioned. Okay. You want me to mention that one? It's already happening. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, no. Hi. I'm Amy Beck Harris. I am on faculty at the Ford School. I teach a number of different classes here, including what they had mentioned is the International Economic Development Program. This year we went to Colombia, the previous year we went to Chile. I also teach public management. I teach public management generally in an international context. This coming year, I'll be teaching it in the context of international development. So that's a lot about thinking about, we see a problem out in the world that we care about that we want to do something about. How do we actually design interventions or activities, or approaches that are specifically designed to actually generate the impact we care about. I teach other things as well, but now I'm going on too long. So, I'll pass the microphone back. Thank you, Amy. We appreciate it. See you later. So now we are heading up to the fifth floor Some wonderful surprise guests. As we mentioned, there's a view of the Michigan Stadium, also known as the Big House. I will say that I've gone to almost every home game, football game. Being originally from Los Angeles, I was actually able to go to the Rose Bowl game that Michigan played against Alabama this year. That was really cool and special. Actually, both of my parents went to the Ford School, and that's one of the reasons Here, we will show the view. Great. Sorry, I'm just trying to catch my breath. We've been walking up a lot of stairs. Do you want me to take over for this? Oh, yeah. We;ll just want to talk a little bit more about why we decided to come to the Ford School And maybe you could talk a little bit more about Ford Munk because we talked about IEDP. Sure. You're also on the student affairs committee. Sure. So if you want to get involved, there's always a lot of options. The first of which of course, is the Student Affairs Committee, which you can think of, broadly speaking, as our student council or student government. Usually through that, you can think of it as a funding body, but also a body that can use advocacy to get the administration to move on a few things, and some of the initiatives we worked on were reflection spaces, more funding for different types of organizations, some type of movement on certain policy talks from the school. And the administration is always very open to hear any feedback that we have. Um, so that was one. And then another organization that both Moriah and I work on or worked on previously was the Ford Munk Conference. So this is a policy conference we co-host with the University of Toronto. The Munk School of Global Affairs, I believe, which is their version of a public policy school. And I think it's perhaps one of the only international conferences co- organized by policy schools across borders. And one year it's hosted by the Munk School, and the following year it's hosted by the Ford School. We hosted this year. Therefore, they're going to host next year. It's always a very exciting time and each year the topic changes as well. But I don't think we need to talk about that. What we can get into as right as we wrap up is that if you have any questions or if future Fordies have anything they want us to talk about or want to be connected with us or any professors, please email fspp-admissions@umich.edu if you have any questions. And please just a quick reminder as well that if you have the offer of admission, please accept it by the deadline which is April 15. April 15, two weeks. Yes. Thank you, Alhan, for talking more about that as we wrap up. I just wanted to share briefly why I decided to come to the Ford School. As Alhan had mentioned Actually, both of my parents went to the Ford School. My mom graduated in '89 and my dad graduated in '95 with his MPP JD. So I've been a long Wolverine fan, but besides that, I've been interested in international policy. And I was working at an international policy nonprofit for a few years before I decided to go back to grad school. I wanted to make a pivot into government work and more policy-oriented things. And I really loved Ford's emphasis on public service. And I knew that I wanted to be in DC, Had seen alumni and just the graduate profiles from the Ford School and thought that this was the right place for me. I feel like that has just been confirmed since I've been here. I know it might sound a little cliche, but I think it's because it's true. And I think Alhan can attest to this as well, that one of the best things about the Ford School is the community, So the friends that I've made, like Alhan and other people in my cohort and just faculty like Amy who we talked to, everyone is so supportive and I hope that you can experience this community as well. I don't know if you want to add anything. Sure. I'll just echo everything that was said. I am also part of another school which is the business school. And over there, each graduating class is about 400. I think what's really interesting about the Ford School is that you get this much smaller, tightly knit community because every cohort is about around 100, 150. ballpark. That really allows for a lot of friendships to be fostered. And Moriah and I actually also going to a wedding this September for one of our friends which we're really excited about. And Maria also landed a job in DC. So if you're coming with some hard and fast calls with regards to where you see yourself or whichever pivot you want to make the Ford School, is the place to come for much of that. So if you have any questions, feel free to write us. I'm available at alhanf@umich.edu I don't know if Moriah wants to give her email, so I won't put her on the spot. But if you have any questions or connect with us on LinkedIn or email us and we'd be happy to help out however we can. Go blue and Yeah. See you, See you in the Ford School.