So good morning welcome back for those of you here yesterday welcome for those of you are here for the 1st time today this is the 2nd day of our a conference who says you can't have a little bit of cartoon fun at a central making conference want to thank Jay Campbell for putting that video together was really nice new touch for us to do a promo video with a cartoon in it. I'm really excited for today's conversation. Adrian and I together as you know are leading this project with the Gates Foundation to identify technology business and policy innovations that central banks could employ to a better Foster financial inclusion a Yesterday we had a great conversation instead of conversations and a great keynote speech from Mary Ellen Iskenderian of women's world banking about the gender gap in access to financial services and some strategies central banks can use to increase access for women and to improve. Local economies today we're going to hear in just a moment with a keynote from Jennifer Tasher of the financial health network. Formerly c.f.s. I can't quite let go of that former moniker and Jan has really been a leader in the u.s. in changing the conversation about financial inclusion to focus not just on access to financial products and services but to a more holistic view of financial health and so we're delighted she's here we're going to hear more about. That from her in just a moment. We're obviously an air of great technological change lot of innovation lot of. New products and services being offered new players in the market and over the course of the day we're going to hear about many of those innovations and how central banks might respond to those innovations or help lead innovation an org. Out of the way of innovation depending on one's perspective and really excited not only for the speakers who are going to be hearing from up here but also incredibly knowledgeable members of the audience. Again from all over the world so we're going to have a plenty of time for interactive conversation for a q. and a discussion in the breaks and looking forward to that as well so before we dive in just a few key housekeeping items you're currently in the auditorium and will spend most of the day here coffee and refreshments will be in the atrium our 1st keynote speaker will be in here and then. We'll hear from our 1st panel at lunch we'll go back to the Great Lakes room down the hall and we'll be there for our 2nd panel discussion following the panel the 2nd panel will return to this room for panels 3 and 4 and our closing Keno at the end of each keynote our panel if there's time to do so will open the 4 to questions look out for the mike runners and please do use them as Remember we have our online audience watching them with us over the next couple days you should also feel free to tweet or use your Linked In and promote the conference has tag central bank of the future or b o t f You got that right so we welcome your tweets and social media outlets from that's so without further delay It's my pleasure to introduce our keynote speaker this morning Jennifer tester of the financial Health Network Jennifer is the president and c.e.o. of the financial health network the nation's authority on consumer financial health. She founded the financial health network and c.f.s. in 2004 and has since achieved notable success as a champion for increased access to high quality financial products and services for under-served consumers the research that the financial health network puts out is 2nd to none and really a wonderful resource for everybody in this space including most recently the u.s. financial health goals I would recommend is a must read for everybody in this room and online Jennifer is a nationally known thought leader on the topic of consumer financial health often contributing to American Banker and Forbes She's a frequent speaker across a broad spectrum of industry and policy convening zinc looting everything from Money 2 $1020.00 in Vegas to the Department of Treasury in d.c. she launched the financial health network's annual conference emerge the financial health forum which presents cutting edge thought leadership and showcases innovators executives and emerging companies in the financial services industry Jennifer also received Crane's Chicago business 40 under 40 Award in 2006 and is currently an advisory council member to actually on Center for Financial Inclusion she received undergraduate and graduate degrees in journalism from Northwestern University and a public policy degree from the University of Chicago I also have the unique privilege of working with Jennifer as a member of the board of directors of the financial health network so I get an up close view on this amazing woman and all the critical work that she does so I feel particularly lucky to be able to introduce her today and I think we're all very lucky to have her open our day 2 of this conference. Thank you. Good morning. That was kind of weak people it's early Calabria outside Good morning. Thank you so much Adrian for that really lovely introduction and thanks to both you and to Michael for having me here and for making me feel like a rock star with all those crazy tweets you've been sending out about my speaking here. Really I'm incredibly honored to be in such incredible company I'm quite humbled by it this is and really expert audience and I know that I have a lot to learn so I'm really looking forward to the rest of today and I hope you'll take my remarks this morning as just some food for thought as we continue the conversations so when I was 1st asked to come and speak with you I found myself. For mixed because it's really hard to think about the central bank of the future and and where you want to go without getting stuck on how you get there. And then it was Bill Gates who got me unstuck maybe not directly but when I called Adrian to say hey help you know how do I think about this she said don't worry about it Bill said go out 50 years don't be constrained by what we know about central banks today you know just think about where you want to be then we'll figure out how to make it possible and I said that's something I can do some might find that intimidating but for me it really freed me up to be more creative I was less worried about how to get there and more focused on where we want to be and so I have to wishes for the central bank of 50 years from now one that the financial health of the citizenry is as important a goal as the health of the economy and to that data assets are understood to be at least as important as financial assets and are regulated and managed as such. So I'm going to talk about each of my wishes in the rest of this talk and I'm going to explain what they have to do with each other if it's not already clear but 1st let me just say a little bit more about who I am so that you can put my remarks into context as Adrian already said I'm the founder and c.e.o. of the financial health network which until just May was known as the Center for Financial services innovation and the organization has been around 15 plus years so you'll forgive Michael and potentially even me if I stumble over my new name we're a resource to business leaders innovators and policymakers who are working to improve the financial health of their customers employees and communities we lead a network of $160.00 plus companies including most of the big brands and cutting edge in techs in the financial services industries in the u.s. we invest in and support early stage innovators using technology to solve financial health challenges and we have about a portfolio of about 40 companies and organizations we publish an annual annual National Longitudinal Survey the u.s. financial health polls that measures the financial health of people in America and we've developed a measurement methodology and a set of tools to enable a wide array of companies and organizations to measure the financial health of their stake holders often as part of a broader effort to implement financial health as a business strategy now let me give you a few caveats my entire career has been focused on the u.s. market and while I've participated in the global dialogue on financial inclusion and I'm a member of the Advisory Council for the Center for Financial inclusion and oxy you know and I have relied on many of the people in this room to teach me about the context in developing countries and I still have very much to learn in addition I am not an economist I am not a lawyer. I have been a banker. But I self identify as a former journalist a financial health expert and a lover of audacious ideas that can make the world a better place Ok so on to my 1st wish the financial health of the citizenry is as important a goal as the health of the economy so the 1st question you may be asking is why financial health not financial inclusion and in fact I was just sitting with someone I've just met and his financial health You mean like managing people stock portfolios said no no no don't buy my can answer right now because you're going to be really bored for the next hour or so. Well the reason why we need to be thinking beyond financial inclusion is because of the incredible success of the people in this of the people in this room at the rate we're going we're going to be on track to solve the pure inclusion problem well before 50 years from now according to fin backs just in the last 8 years the share of adults who own an account through a financial institution or a mobile money service has increased 18 points from 51 percent to 69 percent that is remarkable there's no other word for it it's remarkable Now there's lots of issues that remain we've talked about dormancy I know that those numbers aren't quite as rosy in developing countries I'm not saying we've got it all solved but if we think that having an account or having access is the 1st step we have made incredible progress and in fact the financial inclusion community over the last couple of years as really begun to grapple with what comes after inclusion and I would argue that what comes next is a focus on financial health. This really reflects on my journey and the organization's journey we started life as an organization that was started to shine a spotlight on the needs of on and under banked consumers here in the United States and the role that technology could play in helping get them connected and this is 2004 so this is the year that Google went public it was the year that Mark Zuckerberg invented the Facebook in his dorm room but this was pre i Phone so you know we knew the technology was coming and changing but we have course I'd be lying if I said I had any clue what was really to come. And so when you think about the invent in the United States at least the invention of prepaid cards coupled with the i Phone which came out in 2007 it really made access ubiquitous That's not to say there aren't people in the United States or in other developed countries who don't have a bank account but it's incredibly small. People who may be unbanked today may have had an account yesterday and they may have a know it one again tomorrow and so the sort of basic inclusion problem felt. Like we were on the cusp of solving it and then we had the financial crisis in the Great Recession and that made it clear that all was not well with everybody and that in fact the majority of people in this country were struggling financially and we just missed it we were capturing the wrong data we didn't see the the fact that people were dramatically over indebted and that that was helping them essentially finance their basic lives and so that's when we came to understand that access wasn't enough. And that we needed to be thinking about the next chapter and that's when we invented this idea of financial health which I'm going to tell you about in a moment. Now I think you already know this but I do need to make the point that owning an account itself is great but it's not sufficient we talked yesterday about India where amazingly the government facilitated opening accounts for everybody but half of them are dormant I can give very similar statistics in the United States 89 percent of people in the United States according to our research have a checking account but of those 68 percent are not financially healthy 30 percent aren't able to pay their bills on time and 39 percent wouldn't be able to pay an emergency $400.00 expense with cash or a cash equivalent Moreover owning an account isn't always a good thing just look at the overdraft problem in the United States where 7 of some of the largest banks the United States generate at least 30 percent of their service charge income from overdrafts and consumers are paying the numbers are not as clear as they should be but anywhere from $10.00 to $20000000000.00 with a b. each year on overdrafts look at lending products both in the United States and around the world that give lenders huge power to collect because they have access to that bank account so what I'm here to talk about today and what I really think we should care about and central banks should ultimately care about is the outcome that we want for people what happens after you on that account and you use it we want people to be financially healthy we need to raise the bar beyond consumers just being financially literate protected and banked which again are all 3 very important things but those alone aren't don't necessarily mean financial well being. So what is financial health we define it as having a database system that enables you to build resilience and thrive or to pursue opportunities. Many other organizations including the c.f.p. here in the United States have their own definitions they are all roughly the same they may use slightly different words but they're all about the idea of having systems today that allow you to prepare for tomorrow both managing the downside and the upside so what's the state of financial health the United States. Well we created a set of indicators how do you know if you're financially healthy after years of research there are 8 indicators they are coupled around 4 basic. Functions that we all need spending saving borrowing and planning and each one of those has 2 indicators and they're not rocket science so the indicators for Spend are I have more coming in than goes out and I can pay all my bills on time and in full just to give you a flavor or for saving it's I have enough short term savings and I have enough long term savings. And we've actually developed a school or a financial health score on a scale of 0 to 100 and so when we survey people and ask them these 8 questions we are able to group them into 3 categories. Healthy coping and vulnerable and we're also able to give them a score and when we do that in the United States we find that only 28 percent are healthy 55 percent are coping and 17 percent are vulnerable now I want to just be clear this is an intentionally high bar. This is not graded on a curve. And coping means you're doing Ok in some for some people they're doing more Ok than others but. So it's a nice headline to say 72 percent of Americans aren't financially healthy but there is a lot of there it's important to desegregate the data as I think what I would say and we do that in our polls report so what are we doing with all this measurement in the United States well we're working with members of our network who are taking these exact same questions and measuring the financial health of their own customers these are banks then tax other kinds of and actual services providers so insurance companies and they're then able to benchmark against national regional averages and they're also able to break down their own mental. Sort of preconceptions about who they think their customers are versus what the reality is for those customers and they're then able to use that data and understanding to build products services experiences policies marketing campaigns that are really. Aimed at trying to improve where their customers need help we've got a moment 50 companies doing that some of them have been doing it now for several years there they have year on year data some of them are now starting to use their own transactional data in place of survey questions to be able to assess those indicators which is incredibly exciting because it makes it easier for everybody. And we also see measurement starting to happen around the world into other developed countries in particular a strange tremendous amount of work by Commonwealth Bank of Australia. There is a new national Canadian measurement survey the results of which will be out in November I'll be in your city in Toronto to talk about them but t.d. bank has been working on there's been some interest in Western Europe in doing something similar. And so we're really excited to see this catching on not just because it's nice to know but because we can't hold ourselves accountable for the financial health of our customers or even our employees for that matter if we're not measuring how can we know what works with the new products and new services and new things that we're offering if we're not actually able to measure now some of you may be asking what is the relevance of this framework to the developing world well several years ago in partnership with Axiom we did some work to understand that very question thanks to support from the Gates Foundation we did work in Kenya and India. To understand how they related to this concept from a qualitative perspective we found that people use very similar words to define financial health in Kenya in India as they do in the United States we then developed a tailored set of potential indicators recognising that you know these these contexts are quite different and the look the questions indicators are going to be exactly the same and we also recognise the need to consider other issues like absolute income level is there a level below which this is just not this is not relevant you know this is not on masses hierarchy. The role one plays in one's household I'm thinking a lot about Mary Allen's comments yesterday the Meet the even more dramatic levels of income Bala Tilly Now Gates is finding some additional work happening right now it through i.p.s.a. to develop the right set of survey questions to actually measure the indicators effectively I can tell you this is really hard I can tell you they've tried and the 1st go around didn't yield the results they were hoping for they're going back to the drawing board doing this cross country is just incredibly challenging but I the initial work we did gives me hope that that there might be an opportunity for a common framework and set of language that we can all use to be having this conversation globally so what would it mean for central banks to have information about the financial health of the citizenry Well it might enable the creation of a dual mandate that the economy is healthy and the health of citizens are healthy and it seems like they should be one in the same thing at beating each other but it's not necessarily the case so for instance in the United States when the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates to encourage borrowing and grow and do encourage growth particularly among businesses and corporations those lower interest rates can be harmful to individual savers especially older Americans nearing or in retirement who are really counting on that. That interest that they're earning there's clearly a connection between macroeconomic health and microeconomic health consumer financial challenges are often the canary in the coal mine that signals that the broader economy is headed for trouble consider the subprime mortgage meltdown in the United States that triggered the last financial crisis yet academics and central banks tend to consider macro and micro economics in isolation from each other as separate disciplines. If the macro economy is the balance sheet and the my girl economy is the p. and l. then what we're really missing in a way is the cash flow statement that connects them and I think that financial health data may turn out to be an effective linkage understanding this linkage is critical to designing policies that can improve overall economic health without sacrificing Main Street for Wall Street or vice versa which is to say financial inclusion and ultimately financial health need to be more than just a standalone mandate or function ultimately it needs to be integrated into the broader role of central banks and it needs to be part of their purpose that's a word we didn't really talk about a lot yesterday we talked about what the remit is what the roles are what the functions are but if we're thinking about 50 years what we really need to start from is what's the purpose I think that's really important Ok on to wish number 2 which number 2 is that data assets are understood to be at least as important as financial assets and are regulated and managed as such for the last 10 plus years we have been in thrall with the rise of new technologies that have literally changed how we live our lives including our financial lives technology gets a massive share of the credit for the progress that has been made in inclusion the power of financial technology to expand access to and use of accounts is probably demonstrated best in Subsaharan Africa and Africa where 21 percent of adults now have a mobile money account that's twice the number twice the present in 20 or 2014 and easily the highest of any region in the world but technology alone isn't going to get us to financial If technology is the car than data is the fuel you've no doubt heard the expression that data is the new oil. And that's not just figurative So consider the world's most valuable companies by market capitalization 10 years ago just 10 years ago 3 of the top 10 were oil and gas companies another 3 were banks today the end of the 3rd quarter 21005 of the top 10 were data platforms Amazon Google Facebook Ali Baba and 10 cent Microsoft is number one there are no oil and gas companies on that list and there's only one bank that's in 10 years the increasing sophistication of technology and computing power have crowned data King and that's particularly true in financial services the integrity of ail ability security and portability of data are increasingly at the heart of the banking system and the financial system more broadly consumers particularly lower income consumers often generate more data assets that are more valuable in the market than their financial assets so consider what we've learned from the financial diaries methodology that was pioneered around the globe and then we copied you several years ago in the United States and in partnership with n.y.u. and Jonathan Moredock and my partner colleague Rachel Snyder We applied the methodology in the United States and followed $235.00 low and moderate income families for a year documenting every dollar that flowed in and out of their households by the end we had gathered 300000 cash flows covering $100.00 different spending categories 38 income types and 69 kinds of financial instruments. The dollar value of the inflows and outflows from the typical savings account vastly exceeded the total accumulation this kind of data and the use of it and this the consumer's control over it is an essential ingredient in the recipe for financial health and inclusion consider the big topics on today's agenda am l. Well that's fundamentally about identity how can I prove that you are who you say your block changed while I know that there are some incredible innovation going on around digital currencies many of the use cases today are really focused on distributed ledger as a more efficient way of keeping track of the data about who owns what I mean that's what a ledger is right it's just a way to keep track of data data is power and consumers don't really have very much power because they generally don't own and control their own data what could they do if they did well they could shop more effectively for financial products having provided having providers bidding for their business they could trade it for preferential pricing they could use it for identity verification they could provide it to a lender for credit underwriting in the u.s. and in other highly developed economies Ai fueled by consumer data is being used to optimize decision making when to pay a bill how much to sweep into savings how to avoid a potential overdraft many of the companies that we've invested in are pioneering exactly these kinds of solutions central banks have a major stake in this issue in terms of both managing risk and creating the conditions for economic growth and opportunity given the constant attacks on bank data systems by state actors central banks should be worried about both the systemic risk of breaches and the impact of breaches on consumer wellbeing. Meanwhile as I said a moment ago empowering consumers to control their own data has the power to create more market competition and drive positive financial health outcomes central banks around the world have been set up to manage financial assets their liquidity their quality and the procedures processes and capital necessary to maintain a stable system they are not set up to provide the same services and protections when it comes to data assets. In fact no one is the world is really just beginning to reckon with this issue providers in Europe are really the 1st guinea pigs trying to figure out how to balance a set of g.d.p. our requirements to keep data private with the p.s.t. to requirements to securely share data a stray seems to be headed down a similar path and while there is a law in the United States that suggests that consumers indeed own their own financial data there are no enabling regulations and so with that void industry has taken the self-regulation route working collectively on technology technical standards but largely cobbling the rest of the rules via 2 party contracts between banks and data aggregators and in a market with $6000.00 plus banks that's not going to end well I suspect I believe there's a critical role for central banks to play in ensuring that consumers are empowered and that actually brings me back to wish number one so my 2 wishes may be unrelated may seem unrelated at 1st glance one that financial health of the citizenry is as important a goal as the health of the economy and to that data assets are understood to be at least as important as financial assets and are regulated and managed as such but in fact they are deeply interconnected central banks play a major role in ensuring consumers are empowered to own and control their financial data. Only makes sense in a world where central banks are responsible not just for a healthy economy but also also propel through the citizenry and of central banks are going to hold themselves accountable for the financial health of citizens then they're going to need data of their own to measure and monitor financial health in the United States I want to commend the Federal Reserve for being proactive on the data front the primary tool the Fed has for understanding what goes on with households has been for years now the survey of consumer finance which is essentially a try annual survey of the ledger who owns what now 6 years ago as our financial diaries findings and the importance of cash flow and income ball to Lety were coming to light the Fed added a new annual survey to its arsenal the survey of household economics and decision making or shed it provides a far more nuanced view of the real financial lives of Americans and as a 1st step in taking a more holistic approach to stewarding the economy but to highlight the cultural challenges involved in thinking differently about the role and purpose of central banks consider that the shed is included on the Fed's website under the consumers and communities tab. As opposed to the survey of consumer finance data which you can find under both the economic research tab and the data tabs but you won't find a shed in either of those 2 categories as I said I really like big ideas it's easy to talk about big ideas frankly especially when you've got 50 years but it's a lot harder to figure out how we get there from here and there are numerous obstacles legal regulatory cultural political. And I expect that most of the conversation today is going to unearth those challenges and enable us to grapple with them as we get into the much needed weeds and details I hope you will hold in the back of your mind my 2 wishes along with whatever your wishes might be for the central bank of the future this convening and the central bank of the Future initiative give me hope that together we can both dream big and then make those dreams a reality thanks very much thank you. I'm happy to take questions I think they're coming around with a microphone I think she had a question Hello My Name is why only Luella number the co-founder and president of a farm but which is a fin taken trade tech solution for the African market and I love how you separate financial inclusion from financial health. But I was very curious to know what are the 3 buckets of measurement for financial hope that you mentioned to you 1st see a need to blend that we fight Coast schools to get a much better deeper appreciation because a lot of times people don't know what they quit school means what it can get them or how they can use it and leverage it and where we all on the continent we don't even have that so I'm very curious to know whether there is a move for such a concept right well that's interesting and this I think is a difference of contexts in the United States. Where there is a robust credit bureau system I would say most people including most lenders would tell you the credit score is insufficient tool for actually. Separating goods from bads. And. Me We particularly learned that in the crisis in the financial crisis and in fact here there's efforts and have been for quite a while to bring in as much additional data as possible that's not credit credit bureau data and so we see a financial health score if you will as really a more holistic view into. Consumer wellbeing and for instance under the Baro indicators which would be relevant in this conversation they are I have a good credit score so that's kind of factored in and then the other is I have a manageable debt load and unlike a lot of credit underwriting for say. A lot and unlike a lot of credit underwriting we're also including in their. Rental payments other basic things so that you know what we would think of as being reasonable might be less than what a traditional lender might consider. I don't I don't I'm not at all suggesting that I think our score should be a pure replacement for the credit score nor are we doing any work with consumers directly to say hey you should know what your financial health score is we're a long way from that even being a possibility however some of the companies that we're working with are putting if in some cases a score and in some cases simply. Explanatory information about hey you took this survey here's what we're learning about your financial wherewithal here's some advice about what you might want to do so we do have some early learnings about. What that experience is like for the customer or the employee to receive that information how do you handle that conversation what else do you need to provide alongside that or in addition how do you keep this front and center in people's minds I think in countries with less developed or completely undeveloped credit markets I think there's an incredible opportunity in the same way at the payments you just leap frogged right over. To digital I think there's going to be an incredible opportunity as more people are connected into the system to be generating the kind of data that that if they have the power to own and use can be very powerful if not there are huge downside risks here that I don't want to overlook right not just by data security and privacy but also about. You know who's using your data and for what purpose so I that's why I think the ownership question and the empowering the citizens to own and control their own data is going to be so important I sholl most central bank. The 2 wishes that you spoke about this morning very comparing So the 1st is you said around or central bankers looking and focusing not only on the economic the broader economic wellbeing but that of the citizens and the 2nd about looking at data and putting data ownership at the hands of the individuals. I was hoping or I thought you were going to land around monetizing that data for the benefit of each of the citizens is that anywhere near what you think the future holds because I was making the connection between how healthy you are in terms of your incomings and outgoings and how do you generate if you can generate financial assets if you generate data assets can that actually make you more well off so if you could speak about that. Exactly what. Yes that is that is absolutely a possibility and in. In the United States for instance that's a that's a real topic of conversation I met with a senior executive at one of the 3 credit bureaus here in the United States a few weeks ago and he said The future is user permission and data so that's the in-between step you know that's not it's not credible as a ready to say you know you can only control it but. Increasingly that's the. Least got to be user permission so and I think this conversation comes up a lot in the context not of financial data or assets per se financial data but around your social data what you're generating off Amazon Facebook etc But I think absolutely the same idea holds for financial data and. If we can build platforms and systems and processes that will work for financial grade data it will apply elsewhere. So that was a really intriguing lecture I think one. I think important consideration is if the central banks or to have expanded a man days that would include presumably not only their traditional mandates of price stability and and some jurisdictions for employment but were to include financial health would it also require that central banks be accorded it broader set of tools to achieve those mandates right now it's quite difficult for central banks to achieve you know their current mandates using their existing tools so do they need you know for instance the ability to engage in more fiscal what were traditionally regarded as fiscal measures to provide subsidies you know for instance for certain sectors to stimulate the economy or at the same time insulating say savers from some of those effects as an excellent question I actually maybe you're going to you're going to. Think that I'm punting but I actually think that's a political question. More than that mandate or purpose question. I think it's a challenging question and one of the it's interesting because one of the things we talked about yesterday in our small groups. Was this idea that in less developed markets in a funny way. The central bank is playing all roles and that as an economy grows more bigger more sophisticated etc that it may be that some of those roles peel off because they're end up being other regulators other government entities and so. It could be that in answer to your question it may not be the Fed or Sydney or a central bank. That needs those tools it may be that there are other entities in that country's system that ultimately need to be part of playing that was playing that role. I think in a in an in an in a company that's in a country that's an entirely or stage it's easier to imagine them having those kind of tools thank you just as an add on to this question of this dialogue 1st of all congratulations to the organizers this is a really kick **** event it's great and that one of the things that I think we are doing here is a compliment such a few things and maybe a bit of fair. Semantic things I mean I think we're using central bank is of a catch all term many central banks around the world not all and not the majority necessarily have supervisory authority but many don't so that a lot of the issues that we're talking about also crosses again across that supervisory issue and when you look at financial inclusion whether it's in the course of the surance or other areas we do a lot of work in that area trauma center we collaborate with c. gap and some of your other organizations one thing to think about is that risk based approach to supervision like just because something is being supervised in a developed jurisdiction and you have all these k.y. see requirements and everything that are so on or is it doesn't mean that when you go into a less developed jurisdiction you have to apply the very same rigor to the smallest of items right and in order to bring that proportionality you have to have that risk approach otherwise what you do is you just go with a checklist of all the risks in the world so if you if all of the risks are your priorities you have no priority in terms of risk management so I think that perspective needs to be brought into this kind of a discussion as well so. The core mandate of the central bank is monetary policy correct in many instances they do supervision just to sum up not all central banks or supervisors right I personally appreciate that perspective and I agree I completely agree about the need for tearing risk. I would say though in the context of my remarks. What it fundamentally what I'm encouraging central bankers to think about is the idea that by having a more holistic approach to putting the actual citizen at the center of their. Monetary policy and or supervision that the stick of regulation is not always the smartest tool in the in the toolkit and it gives you frankly more opportunities the example I like to give a lot is is around overdraft. In the United States right it's a big battle about. Should it be regulated like credit or is it a service and you know people are paying billions of dollars a year but the fact is if we as a country had succeeded in speeding up our payment system we wouldn't have overdrafts in the 1st place so central banks and governments need to be thinking about a broader set of tools than just the regulatory stick. Thank you for being here Brian I'm a current student here. I appreciated your points about data thinking about data as an asset and the question of who should be able to have control over that. But I wonder if you have any thoughts about the other side of the balance sheet data as a liability. I think my. Thinking here comes from thinking about like Equifax right where regulators kind of $25.47 people $18000000000.00 off balance sheet liability that's more like the market cap is like $16000000000.00 more than the value of the company that a liability that doesn't show up anywhere so how should the central bank be thinking about that in terms of like the financial health of the economy I think that's a really great point. In 50 years ideally we wouldn't have honeypots like Equifax sitting with stale databases of data. And in a fully built out. Vision of consumer owning controlling their own data. And distributed Ledger technology. You sort of avoid that problem that's not to say there aren't liabilities in the system and we don't need to think about that. It ends up being I think a very different different problem but I guess this is 50 years I'm dreaming big here and. I said thank you so much thank you.