So welcome back everybody and welcome to our new guests we think resolved all of our technical difficulties were happy to have you back for the University of Michigan central bank of the Future Conference which is hosted here at the University of Michigan by the Center on finance law and policy for those of you who are watching on line are new to the audience I'm Michael Barr on the faculty director of the Center on finance on policy as well as the Joan and Sanford while dean of the Gerald r. Ford School of Public Policy and good afternoon everyone I'm Adrian Harris I'm a senior research fellow at the center as well as a professor of the practice at the Ford School of Public Policy we're thrilled to have so many distinguished speakers here today looting governors deputy governors of central banks and former governors including will have with us tomorrow Governor from the rigs bank in Sweden Deputy Governor Timothy lane he's been with us today with us tomorrow from the Bank of Canada deputy governor Howard from the central bank of Egypt. Governor I'm odd from the Central Bank of Nigeria and former governor and from the central bank of Kenya we have an outstanding lineup of speakers joining us over the next couple of days policymakers fin tect executives journalists academics and leaders from various disciplines and many stakeholders in the audience today from a number of organizations including the World Bank the i.m.f. see gap financial help network and others as many of you know this is a small part of a larger research project that Adrian and I are conducting in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that is looking to eliminate the technology business and policy innovations that can be used to improve financial inclusion around the world. Technology has already dramatically changed financial services whether these changes lead to more affordable useful services that benefit low and moderate income people or those who live in rural areas or lack permanent address or don't have a dedication whether leads to fewer services or less affordable options that's a result of the decisions they will be making now and many decades into the future the experts who will be presenting over the next few days and who are asking questions from the audience come from lots of different backgrounds but we're all united in the goal of expanding access to financial inclusion and working to make a financial system that works for everyone we hope you'll leave this conference with a different outlook and the number of new ideas that will spur further discussion and as part of that we hope this conference will inspire you to submit a proposal to present next year's conference so part of what you'll find in your packets are a call for papers including deadlines and other logistics for policy proposals research ideas technology proposals that we can present next year there's also a few other items in your registration packet that I'd like to call your attention to 1st the University of Michigan's Fin Tech collaborative where he has issued a request for proposals to fund Internet disciplinary research papers courses and educational initiatives around the university with an emphasis on block change applications 2nd this Friday the 4th is the deadline for the u.n. students to register for the $21000.00 rockets in tech challenge it's a pitch pitch competition where students can win cash for developing Finn attack hashcash students. For developing a fin tech solution to modern business problems with the potential for social impact. 3rd also finding your packet for a flyer for October 18th you have an innovation in action is hosting a financial inclusion design Jam were student teams will be challenged to take the best components of bank credit union and other lending products and create a universally easy and affordable short term loan product in just 4 hours I want to go over a few additional details for the next couple of days you're in Palmer Commons in the Great Lakes room the hole you walk through is the atrium we're hearing obviously in just a moment from Mary Ellen Iskenderian and following her address will be holding an opening reception in the atrium that is open to everyone tomorrow morning will spend most of the day in the auditorium called Forum hall Jen tester from the financial health and health network will get us started and we'll have a full day of 4 different panels about Central Bank approaches to financial inclusion at the end of each keynote or panel conversation if there's time to do so we're going to be opening the floor to questions look out for the mike runners and please do use the mics because we'll be both video recording and live streaming this conference as we are now and the people watching online want to hear to hello to our online viewers already a Before we get to introductions of our keynote speaker we'd like to think number of people who making this event possible are collaborators in this larger eventual venture Michael weekend Chris Kolob be a monster not Paul and Paul will sing of the bell and Melinda Gates Foundation co-sponsors the Ford School of Public Policy and the Ross schools business plus impact our student group co-sponsors domestic policy Corps in Michigan the Fin Tech and of course all of you our speakers and participants today. We'd also like to thank the c.f.l. staff Christy there and. You've all had great interactions with and helping us all get here and arrive safely and in one piece Kelly Brown Laura Lee Chris Myers Eric Van Deventer of the Ford school Haley Philips cat Johnson. The impact studio and business plus impact and all of the Center on financial and policies are A's who you've seen throughout the conference and have been helping you along your journey as well but especially our designers j. Campbell Lauer and Elizabeth fellow the burger and our core research team Ashton Jennifer Cali Cole Lucas Carr and Michael. And now let me begin our formal part of the day by introducing our wonderful keynote speaker for the afternoon Mary Ellen Iskenderian Malian is President c.e.o. woman's world banking a global nonprofit devoted to giving more low income women access to the financial tools and resources they require to achieve security and prosperity Mary Ellen joined women's world banking in 2006 and leads the woman's world banking global team based in New York and she also serves as a member of the investment committee of its Impact Fund prior to joining women's world banking Mary Ellen worked for 17 years at the International Finance Corporation an arm of the World Bank before that she worked for the investment bank Lehman Brothers Mary Ellen is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations is a member of the women's form of New York in the business and Sustainable Development Commission shields an m.b.a. from the Yale School of Management and a Bachelor of Science and International Economics from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service Please welcome me and joining Mary Ellen thank. Good afternoon it's really wonderful to be with you today even though it's a little rainy out there thank you to Michael and Adrian for inviting me to address such a distinguished audience of governor's deputy governor as former governors and other luminaries I don't like to acknowledge the long hours hard work and attention to detail that Christie bare trace event is an action Smith have invested in making this event a reality we certainly are living in interesting times aren't we globally we're seeing big systemic shifts taking place at an unbelievably rapid pace and might have echoing a bit here. Of Will we want to fix this or should I keep going. With it. Sorry. That's it that's any better well but yeah great thank you for your patience. Climate change is literally reshaping the world around us political institutions and systems are being challenged in ways few of us ever anticipated the way we live work and engage with each other has been fundamentally changed by the role of digital technology over the past few decades in many ways this is a particularly volatile and uncertain time and we all have a vested interest in considering how we can shape the future to hold a more stable resilient and equitable world. These ships have also resulted in significant changes in the rules each of you play as regulator standard setter and policy maker you and your central bank colleagues around the globe have recognized that the oversight of monetary policy payments and financial institutions is not only critical for the integrity and stability of our financial systems but is also essential in promoting sustainable and inclusive growth and the building of economies that work for all in fact the very concept of stability has been a reevaluated in the last decade as regulators have questioned just how stable a financial system can actually be if 80 percent of the of a country's financial transactions take place outside that system many of you have been in the forefront of the drive toward greater financial inclusion and your hard work has really paid off in recent years we've seen great strides in increasing financial access throughout the developing world according to the World Bank's Global Fund x 1200000000 adults have obtained a financial services account since 2011 including 515000000 just since 24000 between 20142017 the share of adults who have an account with a financial institution or through a mobile money service rules globally from 62 percent to 69 percent it's clear that the tremendous advances in digital financial services are behind a lot of that progress but despite these advances there remain some truly profound gaps in providing access to even the most basic financial services to those who need them most many of you will be familiar with another statistic from the 27900 acts that 1700000000 people around the world are still unbanked. But what some of you may be less familiar with and I'd argue we should all be paying more to attention to is the fact that the majority of these unbanked adults nearly a 1000000000 of them are women in looking at the conference agenda for the next day and a half I see that you'll be tackling many of the issues that drive financial inclusion data technology innovation and these are the same things that are at the heart of central banking I have a request for you though as you approach these discussions stop for a moment and think about how each of these issues might impact women differently than they do men I am absolutely certain that none of you would ever explicitly design a discriminatory regulation and that you undoubtedly have no intention of the imposing policies that affect women and men differently but the truth of the matter is that policy is not gender blind closing the gender gap and financial inclusion will require central bankers and other policymakers who are sensitive to the differences in men's and women's experience with the financial system and in the broader economy and as you begin to apply this gender lens to various policy approaches approaches there are a few specific issues that can have a disproportionate effect on women and today I'd like to address 3 of them with you. 1st let's talk about numbers and data central banks and financial regulators are among the most data driven institutions in the public sector but if you really drill down into the data to understand how women may be experiencing financial services and broader economic trends differently from men as I'll discuss to promote policy reforms that nurture a more inclusive financial system and a more inclusive the economy it would be important for central banks and regulators to gather and analyze gender desegregated data 2nd I'd like to explore some of the links between financial stability which is what many central banks tend to emphasize through their regulations and financial inclusion financial institution regulation has traditionally focused on promoting the safety and soundness of individual firms so that collectively the financial system can remain stable but is there room in regulation to consider whether that financial system includes everyone and especially women research indicates that when women have access to appropriate financial tools health and education outcomes for their family members especially that of their children improves and these at outcomes strike me as the things that could be critical to promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in an economy which is an increasingly relevant goal among many central banks. As my 3rd focus I'd like to discuss with you some of the practical things that central bankers regulators standard setters and other policy makers as well as industry can do to ensure that women are able to produce the proof to participate in the formal financial system he writes like to emphasize the specific products and services that may best serve the needs of women especially those in developing countries already share I'll share some of the results of women's world banking's field research and initiatives in this area with regard to these 3 areas of focus Sextus aggregated data regulation that promotes stability and inclusion and appropriate products that serve the needs of women I'd like to challenge all of you to bear these topics in mind during our discussions here in Ann Arbor as we consider what the central bank of the future might look like and how we might promote a more inclusive financial system that can be a pillar of a more inclusive and sustainable economy so 1st and foremost let's begin with data I want to stress the urgent need for financial service providers to report and for central banks and regulators to collect gender desegregated financial data we can not move the needle on financial inclusion let alone reach that 1700000000 unbanked adults without knowing who they are and designing targeted strategies to reach them thanks will never realize the markets they're overlooking unless they truly know who they're serving and mobile network operators are no better more than half of the telcos offering mobile wallets today do not desegregate their customer data. And for the academics in the room you're not off the hook either the basic unit of academic research still remains the household but we know that not every member of that household shares the same experience but data collection can't be an end in itself it must be used to further policy goals let's take a look at the experience of Chile the only country that has consistently collected Sextus aggregated financial decade of financial data for more than a decade the quality and depth of financial reporting and the banking superintendent gets 100 percent compliance from the banks in Chile on their entire desegregated data set has allowed the government to implement a range of policy initiatives more effectively notably their finding that women held a higher percentage of housing loans while men held more consumer loans and that women were better we painters greatly influenced the design of a highly successful affordable housing scheme Today women make up 62 percent of that program's account holders and women headed households have been particular beneficiaries we've been heartened in recent years by the growing attention to the need for more and better data including the i.m.f. decision to require gender desegregated data in its annual financial access survey but we need to do more in a 2nd area for your consideration relates directly to your core mission as regulators implementing sound regulatory atory policy to ensure financial stability. While the i.m.f. has been cautious about endorsing the macroeconomic benefits of financial inclusion they have very clearly stated that in developing countries increased account ownership and saving at a formal financial state institution can significantly affect macroeconomic stability particularly in times of financial stress the question I'd like to pose today is whether there is room in regular retore policy to consider not just financial and economic stability but also financial and economic inclusion in this regard the benefits of bringing more women into the formal financial system and providing them access to the full complement of financial services that they need cannot be overstated from either a financial or an economic perspective literally mountains of research clearly demonstrate that women spend a greater percentage of the financial resources under their control on education health care of you Trisha in water and sanitation really all the elements of the sustainable development goals to quote just one of the myriad pieces of research on this topic a study in China demonstrated that for every 10 percent increase in financial resources under a woman's control there was a one percent increase in the rate of survival of girls in the household and significantly improved educational outcomes for both boys and girls in that household but a similar 10 percent increase in men's income resulted in reduced rates of survival and educational outcomes for girls and no change in outcomes at all for boys. These gains in health outcomes for girls and in the educational outcomes for both girls and boys show that everyone wins when women control over financial when women's control over financial resources increases and that's a wonderful outcome for policy makers to pursue in general but financial regulators and central bankers in particular should consider these outcomes as aligned with their focus on financial and economic stability and growth while more research is necessary to quantify the impact of these improved outcomes on economic growth I do argue that healthier and better educated people are probably better positioned to participate more fully in the economy than people who are less healthy and less educated over the next day and a half you'll consider the ways in which the central bank of the future can promote more inclusive economies so I'd ask you to also bear in mind the long established positive links between gender equality and a country's per capita g.d.p. its level of competitiveness competitiveness its expenditures on school enrollment and a range of other human development indicators likewise gender inequality is associated with an increase in income inequality as measured by the Gini coefficient of up to 10 points if we accept that financial inclusion can be a driver of gender equality how can central bankers and regulators improve women's access to appropriate financial services and which services are most important to women this brings me to my 3rd area of focus namely the products and services that are most helpful to women's financial inclusion. Women's World Banking stealed work along with the numerous research studies and financial diary projects indicate that savings products are the financial services most frequently requested by low income women digital savings in particular present an opportunity to serve women's financial needs in ways that both informal and traditional formal financial services have been unable to do financial services delivered digitally can address physical and emotional barriers for women by offering better services at lower cost digital savings accounts can enable women to save as frequently as possible even in very small amounts and women clients already save whether digital savings may or may not enable them to save more is unclear but it can keep that woman's savings intact directed towards concrete goals and also gives her access to funds in case of emergency perhaps the best way to show you the importance of savings to low income women is to let the women tell you themselves we're going to play a little video here thank you. Technology can bring financial services closer to women mobile phones and banking even this can reduce the risk the cost and the distance of financial transactions for women women face a number of barriers in their access to financial services they often have limited mobility in the inability to leave their home in Mother we mean the most celebrated We know it's their sports ability as the House could do some business and do household watercraft at this same time so we looked at that and didn't do it to really have much to do or out where our service does. Quite a distance so you know to me and to her you know we do total the support that we have being distributed to the customers through what we call agents and it is the agents out of a kit to do with. The vicinity or. People leave so it should be global a very small distance to get to. Hint and to do by transaction it's actually a good sign that I'm not going to get off. And write them from. My bank my coming up we. Did not. Have my bank when I signed I spent thank you for 10 days because of my. Physical today. We think that's wrong. To kill most of the mathematics to do the job and get to the next Mark we think and technology is allowing financial service providers to bring their services directly to the ones we're seeing great success with digital tools in terms of in field account opening doorstep service collection and we're now starting to see partnerships where. Existing informal savings groups are partnering with banks to bring more women into the formal financial system this is a financial services represent a huge opportunity to close the gender gap and financial inclusion but what happens to them are all they've got for moving on money from you know people that would have known by the when you get it right if you are all gone wow. It's getting cheaper it's clearly more flexible and you to helps you track so it gives you history so make a footprint on the customer and helps you we find you put up you know better than physical we ever do we've seen a real shift at women's world banking and then today almost all of the projects at least the 10 have some digital component because we really believe that digital financial services can be the key to closing the gender gap in financial inclusion. So I always love an excuse to watch that video Yeah I think no one will hear it for ever. Partly to see deputy governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria. Who is here with us today advocating for women's financial inclusion back in her former life as a banker and partly to see in walk that woman at the end of the video with a particularly electric smile I was fortunate enough to meet a few years ago in Lego's she runs a busy fruit stall in an open market open air market there. She tried to save for years so that she could expand her business into a bigger fruit stall but she struggled to have enough money left at the end of the month to pay her children's school fees which was her absolute top priority let alone invest in her business walk by told us she needed a safe place to save that had 3 important characteristics it had to be convenient because she didn't have time to leave her business to go stand in line at a bank branch that had to be confidential because she didn't want her husband or her neighbors knowing how much she'd saved or what she was saving for and it had to be more secure than say than carrying cash from her shop to her home to hide under her mattress. But want also talked about a kind of emotional distance from the bank when she said that she didn't think a bank would be for her since she doubted she would be treated with dignity and respect by the branch staff so it was very fortuitous that Diamond Bank the 4th largest corporate bank in Nigeria at the time made the strategic decision to move into the retail market and saw the competitive opportunity in expanding their presence to low income clients through digital financial services Diamond Bank came to women's world banking to understand and reach potential clients like walk. So together we designed a savings account called betta that offered all of the benefits of confidentiality and security that walked out was looking for as well as convenience since as you heard her say transactions could be managed through her cell phone we also addressed that emotional distance that she and so many other women had told us about by creating a group of account officers called better friends that visited diamond customers businesses to help them open accounts and provide some basic financial education. Within 3 years time over 600000 better accounts were opened and while the original expectation was that the better friends would simply get the customer started on their journey and would be quickly replaced by cell phone transactions the friends of soon emerged as the preferred savings channel mobilising close to 70 percent of better account deposits this balance of technology and the human touch were essential to building trust and reinforcing savings behavior this outcome and the introduction of the better product were made possible by regulators at the Central Bank of Nigeria who realized that women like Walker were being excluded from the financial system by the cumbersome and complex layers of no your customer or k y c documentation that had traditionally been necessary to apply for a bank account. Now make no mistake k y c and customer did customer due diligence remain an important part of the customer onboarding process regulators and bankers alike seek to prevent abuse of the financial system and deter the laundering of ill gotten gains through financial accounts by requiring customers to identify themselves upon opening an account nevertheless excessively stringent customer due diligence requirements can exclude a woman like me from the financial system simply because she lacks the full suite of identification documentation that might otherwise be required given that her account balances and transactions are likely to remain low in value and therefore most likely will not involve money laundering activities regulators and standard setting bodies have recognized that institutions can risk adjust their k y c requirements in such cases to reflect the lower level of money laundering or tech terrorist financing risk that's intice a pated with such account holders. Nigeria was one of the 1st markets to introduce what is often called tiered k.y. see requiring customers with lower value balances like walk to provide only basic information like their name address gender telephone number and place and date of birth to be able to use a bank account that innovation of simplifying the k y c requirements for lower risk customers was a critical in Viet Nam and for financial inclusion in Nigeria there may be other standards where a risk adjusted approach may make sense to help expand access to financial services among women the poor the unbanked and other marginalized groups when drafting new regulations or when evaluating existing regulations central bankers and regulators should consider whether those rules may unnecessarily impede access to financial services for women where the risks to the financial system or the broader economy may be quite low in some areas that come immediately to mind include the following There are important changes that regulators can make to their country's credit infrastructure namely through the establishment of credit and movable collateral registries that can help to close the $285000000000.00 credit gap for women lead small businesses. Of the $189.00 economies surveyed by the World Bank's women business in the last report 50 have neither a public credit registry nor a private credit bureau that serves more than 5 percent of the adult population and where registries do exist they typically cover only large balance loans effectively depriving women business owners of the opportunity to build credit histories. In addition the introduction of moveable collateral registries can be a boon for increasing women's access to capital women are far less likely and in some countries even legally prevented from owning land or built property and Maybelline financial service providers to underwrite loans using movable assets like machinery equipment livestock crops inventory even receivables as collateral can be a game changer for women small business owners. Regulators also must address the very real pop problems of account dormancy those impressive financial inclusion gains I cited from the Global Fund x. a few moments ago they simply reflect account openings and they define an active account as one that merely has a single transaction in the preceding 12 months that's hardly what any of us would consider active customer engagement in India for example where we've seen huge progress in the opening of new accounts has over 55 percent of accounts held by women as dormant this high rate of dormancy speaks to the need to create products that meet women's needs and are relevant to their lives women don't want and are unlikely to engage with pink products Rather they want products that reflect the convenience confidentiality and security that walk pup mentioned and they also want financial service providers to understand their need for flexibility particularly if they are working in the informal sector and have irregular incomes and one last broad area where significant work remains is in the area of identity women who lack appropriate identity documentation may be unable to open accounts or even to purchase a sim card for their mobile phone. According to the World Bank's id for development program 45 percent of women lack identity in lower and even middle income countries in some countries live births of girls aren't even registered while central banks are generally not the authority that oversees identity policy central bankers could become powerful advocates for expanding access to identity for women because it is one of the biggest impediments to their participation in the financial system and Quansah currently in the formal economy so I've now shared with you the 3 areas where I'd really like to challenge all of you to bring the a gender lens to your discussions today and tomorrow as you think about the risks and opportunities that the central bank of the future may face especially when promoting financial inclusion 1st as some of the most data driven public institutions and central banks and financial regulators must do a better job collecting and analyzing data in order to understand how women are and are not being served by the financial sector to build a more inclusive financial system and a more inclusive economy central banks need to consider the impact that policy reforms can have on all citizens and where women's experience might be quite different from those of men. 2nd when drafting new regulations or evaluating existing ones I urged central bankers and financial regulators to consider whether regulations could help to promote financial inclusion as well as financial stability or at the very least whether regulation should not serve shouldn't serve as an unnecessary deterrent to inclusion and especially to the inclusion of women who constitute the vast majority of the unbanked today and then 3rd when seeking to promote women's financial inclusion central bankers regulators and industry need to consider what products and services are most important to addressing the needs of women in developing countries while some work has already be done been done on savings products more work is ahead to close the credit gap for women and to address the unintended consequences in product regulate product related regulations such as the treatment of dormant accounts collateral and even that broader issue of identity how can we prepare central banks and financial regulators to address these areas of focus with a gender lens as they build the central bank of the future studies have shown that the greater the focus on diversity and gender parity within regulatory institutions the greater the emphasis on women as clients and as leaders within the financial institutions they oversee what's more there's a growing body of research like the i.m.f. spanking on women leaders study led by rightness the high suggesting that higher shares of women on the boards of banking supervision agencies is associated with greater bank stability. We know that diversity drives better decision making in fact failing to have a variety of profiles and perspectives around the table as well as having gender parity leads to riskier decisions and weaker institutions that's why this year women's world banking launched our 1st leadership in diversity for regulators program it's a global offering designed in partnership with the Alliance for financial inclusion and taught by women's world banking and faculty members from Oxford University side business school the course brings together senior officials from central banks and other regulatory agencies together with high potential women from those respective institutions in a 9 month leadership program each senior official identifies a policy initiative to sponsor at their institution that's related to serving the women's market and then works with a high potential woman leader to implement that initiative while simultaneously supporting her professional development during and after the program for instance in this year's program the central bank of Egypt has worked to develop a clear plan to promote women's economic empowerment and I'm delighted to see deputy governor Loba novella excuse me hello in the audience today their strategy was quite comprehensive It includes initiatives to measure the levels of women's representation across various sectors review gender based pay gaps conduct unconscious gender bias training and initiate support programs to build female talent pipelines across the banking sector. Another example comes from the central banker for Wanda where they also developed an impressive strategy to advance women's financial inclusion by using digital financial services to accelerate the formal financial inclusion of traditional smart savings groups by using digital technology to map stakeholders and facilitate data collection the central bank plans to financially include $220000.00 women in formal financial institutions in the coming year I find these initiatives particularly exciting and inspiring because we're seeing the central banks challenging themselves to think more expansively about their mandate to drive inclusion beyond the narrow confines of regulation from Egypt looking to drive behavior change in the entire sector that they're regulating to all Rwanda looking to bring traditional savings groups into the digital world in collaboration with the private sector one central banks financial regulators standard setters and industry focus on these 3 areas gender desegregated data regulations that promote financial stability and inclusion and products and services appropriate for women what can we realistically expect as outcomes I'd suggest that we ask Waka the near Nigerian fruit seller to serve as an inspiration for us she was once a merchant struggling to earn a living wage and pay for her children's school fees but thanks to the foresight of local regulators who recognized that some of their own regulations were unnecessarily excluding unbanked individuals such as one. And thanks to the innovations of financial service providers who are willing to re-evaluate their product offerings and develop more appropriate tools for potential customers like walk she is literally a changed woman today. She went from believing that banks had no interest in her business prospects to becoming an active saver in a bank she expresses great pride in her financial a compliment cop complements and she's quick to encourage her friends and families to open their own better accounts of her savings helped her to expand her business such that she's now looking for that larger stall in a busier part of the market her growing success unable to her to pay those school fees that she once found so daunting so much so that all of her children are finishing their secondary schooling with plans to attend university something that Walker who had only minimal schooling herself never imagined might be possible for all of her kids countless women like walk around the world are doing their best to provide their for their families with limited or no access to financial services today let's do our part to make sure that they can improve their ability to save to borrow and to conduct payments efficiently and safely let's help them create their own means to lift themselves and their families out of poverty let's empower them to pursue participate more fully in the formal economy and in broader society the central bank of the future has a stake in these women just as these women have a stake in the central bank of the future thank you so much for your attention I know I am the things standing between you and the cocktail party but if you'd like to ask some questions I'd be delighted to to continue the conversation thank you so much. I think that during his working pretty good. That is a better all right Hi I'm Brian Ricketts I'm a current public policy and business student here at the university I just want to thank you for being here thank you Doc I wanted to ask you if if you'd seen banks who were working to be more inclusive on the consumer facing side they've got these deposits Do you also see the same impacts with what they do on those deposits it's a really great question in fact if anything we find it easier to sell banks on the credit opportunity than we do on the savings opportunities so we've become very big proponents of bundling. Product opportunities because as I mentioned the women really do want that safe place to save but the banks want to make money by lending to them so that bundling can really make all the difference. I wondering if you could give us some advice about how do you engage mobilize energize the people on the ground to get involved in a conversation about the central bank of the future I mean in your experience what is it is there a way to translate. People's you know real live need for better financial services into mobilization for change. Well I think the fact that you've been able to bring so many regulators from developing economies to this to this venue in this conference says a lot about the excitement and certainly our of our regulators program we were just blown away by the enthusiasm that I think there's a tremendous desire to reach those who are on Reach there's a very keen understanding of last mile issues I found amongst the the regulators that we talked to and I so I do think that raising awareness is probably those the single best thing that we we can do making it clear that this is a market that can be served that these are valuable customers who are. Just in terms of this sheer scale of serving them can make it very very important difference to the financial system that's I'd say that's really my Our experience is just making it making the awareness and we're not the only ones doing that obviously the global phonetics and many of you in the room have been big contributors there but it's least marks perience as when the regulators are aware of the scale of the issue there they're eager to join in the conversation. Thank you very much Mary and thank you very inspiring keynote to good little newts to memories of the path life you know. Some of the most of the examples here have to do with how women's world banking is working with banks Trojan banks part of the conversations we had at the Tuesday or meetings we're looking at some of these other participants that are not trying to tional financial institutions can you speak a **** at all about what women's will banking is doing with these alternatives should I think it's provided that I've not tried to no bank and where you see an opportunity for them to you know take financial inclusion further because perhaps. What is seen in the high domain Siri may be a dissatisfaction with what the trying to shut off when and also with what you think policymakers and how policymakers can and connect to it these are the providers to fame way in some of these examples you had to have the central banks and the punishable by does you know come up with an reduce Lucian's how can we then take that for the 2 D's nontraditional financial service providers that's a really great question and we're only just starting to work with some of these newer providers but one thing that's been really interesting and actually we're seeing this maybe a little bit more on our Impact Investment Fund than we are in the angio activities but we've seen this sort of trend where fin techs who are sort of in their series b. round coming to us saying we never thought we didn't plan to have a majority of women clients but when we look at who's you know alternative credit scoring model companies alternative lending platforms peer to peer lending platforms have been terrific for women and a lot of the countries we work in and the the entrepreneurs who are setting up the company and now we're trying to raise a 2nd round of funding are realizing that's who that's who they're they're banking now we have real concerns about digital credit and the consumer protection issues around that and that's that's been another really important part of our dialogue with those companies and where I think regulatory bodies absolutely have to stay focused I mean Women's World Banking had its origins in the micro finance industry and I fear that some of what's going on in digital credit today is worse than anything we saw on the micro finance industry in terms of overindebtedness and interest rates and and. And now frankly n.p.l. for for those institutions so I think that there is a huge possibility but particularly for women. If you know you've seen in the some of the pays you go. A solar business is now really looking much more like a financial service companies and we've been in guys in a few of them about their offerings you know once that woman has that asset of the solar lamp that she's been making payments diligently for and some of the pays you go energy companies are reporting to credit bureaus to allow those women to to build credit histories they're starting to make loans with the solar lamp says as collateral Interestingly one of them came to us recently and said the men all want to borrow for television sets the women all want agricultural inputs and education and so you know some things never change but I think there's just a huge opportunity there for for those but I'd say making sure that people are protected that the digital literacy is there as well as the financial literacy in the consumer protection it is in place b. I see Job one. I'm seeing there wrap it up sign here Kristie yeah thank you all very much thank you thank you.