Before you get it documents and other materials the 1st step is to commit time to your job search we realize you are very busy schedules but set it aside 15 to 20 minutes a week can really make a big difference there are 5 tangible steps to complete as you prepare for your job search that's when I think your resume and Linked In profile I mean these updated with your most recent academic and professional experiences will make you prepared for an informational interview I did networking event or to apply to a job at a moment's notice and or to get organized take time to create a process to ultimately reduce the stress about the job search process with an Excel sheet to keep track of dates and application requirements that filters on 4th careers for job loss and compile a list of organizations you consider working that simplify your search I said once approach Number 3 Prepare your success stories for and professional background that you're actually proud of draft those stories by articulating the situation you're in the action you take and the results that show your impact them before we find your writing sample review recent academic and professional papers and memos and choose one that you are confident in sharing a part of an application and a 5 finalize your list of references reach out to professors supervisors and other individuals that you'd like to add as references and when they confirm compile a list of at least 3 of references with their contact information so you're ready to go as soon as an employer requests information and remember you can always come see is that the G.C.'s office with all your questions and concerns.