trust in government | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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trust in government

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State & Hill

Discourse: Fordies in the news, spring 2024

Apr 24, 2024
“The most likely explanation for our findings is that Black—and to a lesser extent Hispanic—families were more concerned about the health risks associated with in-person schooling than white families. This is consistent with the fact that nonwhite...
State & Hill

Snapshot: Associate Dean Jeffrey Morenoff

Dec 12, 2023
Sociologist Jeffrey Morenoff, associate dean for research and policy engagement Focus: neighborhood environments, crime and criminal justice, the social determinants of health, racial/ethnic/immigrant inequality, and methods for analyzing...

Stevenson provides lessons, advice for 118th Congress

Feb 6, 2023
As the 118th Congress begins, Americans’ trust in Congress and government is at an all-time low. Economist Betsey Stevenson lends her expertise to members of Congress in a new article for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. First, Stevenson says,...
State & Hill

Breaking down public trust

Jun 10, 2021
By Rebecca Cohen (MPP '09)Americans’ trust in government institutions to “do the right thing” has steadily eroded since the late 1960s,1 correlated for many analysts with events such as the Vietnam War, Watergate, the ’70s oil embargo, and President...
In the Media

Watkins-Hayes relates current pandemic to HIV epidemic

Jun 9, 2021 Michigan Radio
Celeste Watkins-Hayes, the Jean E. Fairfax Collegiate Professor of Public Policy, relates what she has researched and written about the  HIV epidemic to the current COVID-19 pandemic in an interview on Michigan Radio, marking the 40th anniversary of...

Community Conversation - restoring public trust in state government

Mar 30, 2016, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Weill Hall, Annenberg Auditorium (1120)
Join us for a Community Conversation about Restoring Public Trust in Michigan's State Government. Topics will include state government services, management of the public purse, and oversight of Michigan's political system.  We invite you to share thoughts, insights, and ideas! 
Ford School