Ford School Committee
The Ford School Committee

Founded in 1991 to promote and increase private support for the Ford School's students, research, and policy engagement, the Committee for the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy is comprised of leaders from the public and private sectors with an interest in public policy and higher education.
Ford School Committee members provide volunteer leadership in fundraising and review the goals, programs, and plans of the school—helping to develop new initiatives that further the school's education, research, and service objectives. Committee members assist with fundraising, provide links to policymakers and policymaking arenas, and provide counsel on higher education and public policy.
Ford School Committee members
Dudley Benoit, MPP '95
Executive Vice President
Alliant Capital
Woodland Hills, California
Peter F. Borish, AB '81, MPP '82
Computer Trading Corporation
New York, New York
L. Michael Costa, MPP '82
Executive Director
California Area Agencies on Aging
Sacramento, California
Martha Darling
Retired Senior Manager
Boeing Company
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Congresswoman Deborah (Debbie) I. Dingell
U.S. House of Representatives
Ann Arbor, Michigan
David P. Fauri, PhD, AB '62, MPP '64
Professor Emeritus
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work
Richmond, Virginia
Michael Fleming
Executive Director
David Bohnett Foundation
Beverly Hills, California
Michael (Mike) G. Ford
Retired Associate Director, Pro Humanitate Institute
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Elizabeth (Liz) R. Haar, BS '87
Retired EVP and President of Emerging Markets
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Dexter, Michigan
Steve Hamp, MMP '78, Hon. LLD '02
Chair, Michigan Education Excellence Foundation
Chair, New Economy Initiative
Ann Arbor, Michigan
James (Jim) B. Hudak, MPP '71
Operating Partner
RiverGlade Capital
Napa, California
Broderick Johnson, JD '83
Executive Vice President, Public Policy
Executive Vice President, Digital Equity
NBC Universal/Comcast
New York, New York
Ann (Annie) Maxwell, MPP '02
Executive Vice President
Omidyar Network
Silicon Valley, California
Hendrik (Hank) G. Meijer, B '73
Executive Chairman
Meijer, Inc.
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Penelope (Penny) Naas, AB ’92, MPP ’93
Board Member/Advisor/Trade Experette
Washington, D.C.
Thomas (Tom) R. Reedy
Senior Managing Partner
Dillon Kane Group LLC
Chicago, Illinois
Elizabeth (Liz) Schrayer, AB '82
Schrayer & Associates, Inc.
Washington, DC
Michael (Mike) B. Staebler, JD '69
Retired Senior Partner and Attorney at Law
Pepper Hamilton LLP
Detroit, Michigan
David Sutphen, JD ‘95
Jasper Advisors
Founder & Co-CEO
Lanham, Maryland
Nancy Tellem
Bloomfield Hills, MI
Adarsh Trehan, AM '65
Retired Senior Program Analyst
U.S. Department of Commerce and Veteran Affairs
McLean, Virginia
Hardy Vieux, MPP '97, JD '97 Chief of Staff
Kids in Need of Defense (KIND),
Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence
Washington, DC
Sanford (Sandy) I. Weill
Chairman Emeritus, Citigroup Inc.
Sonoma, CA