In a new book, Marijuana: A Short History, the Brookings Institution’s John Hudak profiles how policy has evolved; how factors like economics, racism, politics, and public opinion have shaped policy, and what the future of marijuana policy may hold.
Climate change is a potential threat to the welfare of mankind and its mitigation is becoming urgent. Nuclear energy, which provides one-fifth of U.S. electricity generation, is currently the leading utility-scale, carbon-free baseload power source in America. But it is expensive, controversial, and regulated in a way that poses challenges to technological innovation. So how does nuclear power fit into U.S. climate change mitigation goals going forward?
CCIRF is delighted to kick off the new academic year with a luncheon discussion with higher education expert James Kvaal, currently Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence at the Ford School. Kvaal played a leading role in the Obama Administration on issues related to higher education, including helping to shape the White House proposal on free community college.
Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS)
CRC & CLOSUP Ask if Michigan's System of Funding Local Government is Broken
Join us for a webinar on Sep 13, 2016 at 1:00 PM EDT.
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Join us on Tuesday, September 6 for a very special film screening, free food, and the chance to meet your fellow students, faculty, and staff as we learn about the legacy of our namesake president, Gerald R. Ford.
Literati is pleased to host Megan Tompkins-Stange in support of her book Policy Patrons: Philanthropy, Education Reform, and the Politics of Influence.
Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS)
Education Policy Initiative is pleased to host a free and public conference in Washington, DC on student debt policies with international and US-based student loan experts.
Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS)
Washington, DC area alumni are invited to a book conversation with Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Megan E. Tompkins-Stange. She will be discussing her new book, Policy Patrons: Philanthropy, Education Reform, and the Politics of Influence.
Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS)
Dr. Gottschalk is a professor of political science at the University of Pennsylvania specializing in American criminal justice politics. In her presentation, she will examine why the carceral state, with its growing number of outcasts, remains so tenacious in the United States.