Sponsors and organizersThis workshop is sponsored by The Center for Human Potential and Public Policy at the Harris School of Public Policy Studies at the University of Chicago, The American Psychological Association, The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and the National Poverty Center at the University of Michigan's Gerald R.
OverviewFourteen papers will be presented by leading economists and other social scientists on the relationship between the macroeconomy, policy changes, poverty rates, and the extent of economic need. The papers, commissioned by the National Poverty Center, utilize the most current available data to explore topics such as:The boom of the 1990s: how fully – and in what ways – were less-skilled persons able to take advantage of this economic expansion? What were the limits to poverty reduction through economic expansion?
Summary CLOSUP co-sponsored the 2005 version of the annual State Politics and Policy Conference, along with State Politics and Policy Quarterly and the Department of Political Science at Michigan State University.
The Charge to the Class will be delivered by Former Slovak Republic Ambassador Ronald N. Weiser. More than 80 graduates will receive a masters degree in Public Policy or Public Administration; seven graduates will receive joint degrees in areas such as law and business; and, an additional four graduates will receive a PhD degree.
Ambassador Weiser founded McKinley Associates Inc., a national real estate investment company, in 1968 and served as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer until 2001.
Joseph White will talk about the politics of cost containment in the U.S. health care system. Joe is famous for his insightful and sharply expressed views on health care and other social policy issues, as well as on budget politics. His writings include 'False Alarm: Why the Greatest Threat to Social Security and Medicare is the Campaign to Save Them' (Johns Hopkins University Press 2001), and 'Competing Solutions: American Health Care Proposals and International Experience' (Brookings, 1995).
William Collins, Vanderbilt University and The Long Run Economic Impact of the 1992 Los Angeles Riot. Justin McCrary, University of Michigan.
Read the Paper
Charlayne Hunter-Gault was the first African American woman to graduate from the University of Georgia in 1962. She is one of television's premier journalists and correspondents and a two-time Emmy winner. Hunter-Gault received the Peabody Award for her work on Apartheid's People, a NewsHour series on South Africa, Hunter-Gault is best known for her 20-year position (1977-1997) with the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour. The Peabody award recognizes distinguished service in broadcast journalism.
Sir Tony Atkinson Warden, Nuffield College, Oxford. Sir Tony Atkinson is internationally known for his work on inequality and income distribution He has been the Warden of Nuffield College, University of Oxford since 1994, and has been involved as an advisor to the European Union on social policy issues. This lecture was the keynote address for the conference, 'Changing Social Policies for Low-Income Families and Less-Skilled Workers in the EU and the U.S.,' jointly sponsored by the
Washington Post Columnist E. J. Dionne writes about the strengths and weaknesses of competing political philosophies. His analysis of American politics and trends of public sentiment is recognized by the public and private sectors as among the most reliable in the business. His writing reflects a belief that America is about to enter a new progressive era, encompassing a period of government reform and renewed civic and community activism. www.postwritersgroup.com/dionne.htm
Over 35 experts from a wide variety of disciplines and organizations gathered in Ann Arbor on March 14 and 15 to begin planning efforts to address the future of regional economic development in the Great Lakes meta-region. Co-hosted by the Brookings Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program and the Gerald R. Ford School's Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy at the University of Michigan, the conference took a visionary approach to large scale regional economic development.
For years John K. Cooley has been a staff correspondent successively for the Christian Science Monitor and ABC News, and has written widely on the Middle East and North Africa. Cooley's most recent book, An Alliance Against Babylon: The US, Israel and Iraq, which was just released last month, explores the roots of Israel's longstanding enmity with Iraq and its role in the war between the U.S. and Iraq.
Kathryn Edin, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania; Maria Kefalas, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia. Co-sponsored by the Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan.
Jim Garrison is a policy entrepreneur who has written widely about culture, politics, and social change. He is founder and President of State of the World Forum, a group that Jimmy Carter convenes, to establish a global network of leaders, citizens and institutions dedicated to action on key global problems. The Forum engages the most diverse group of individuals possible from Nobel Laureates to grassroots activists to spiritual leaders in addressing the full spectrum of human concerns.
Professor of Economics at Columbia University and Nobel Laureate for Economics in 2001, Joseph Stiglitz is internationally recognized as one of the leading economic educators of our time. Stiglitz is credited in creating a new branch of economics, 'The Economics of Information,' and his work has dealt extensively with growth and development in the Third World. His book, Globalization and Its Discontents (W.W.
On November 12, 2004, alumni, friends and donors attended the ceremonial groundbreaking for the new home of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, Joan and Sanford Weill Hall (see photo). Construction of the $34 million building is now officially underway – and the promise of a magnificent academic facility is literally coming to life. Over 450 guests attended the groundbreaking, including Ford school alumni from as far back as the Class of 1953, current students, President and Mrs.
Video: 1:00:58
Jason DeParle of the New York Times. Remarks by U-M professors Sandra K. Danziger and Alford Young, Jr. Moderated by Professor Sheldon Danziger. http://www.jasondeparle.com
Free and open to the public.OverviewFor 2003, our Poverty Research Grants program focused on funding research that will broaden our understanding of the linkages between poverty and health status. Learn more about the funded projects.
Kristin S. Seefeldt, Research Investigator, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. Read Michigan's Welfare System. Douglas J. Besharov, Joseph J. and Violet Jacobs Scholar in Social Welfare Studies, American Enterprise Institute and Professor of Public Affairs, University of Maryland. Research from the Welfare Reform Academy. Sheldon H. Danziger, National Poverty Center Co-Director; Henry J. Meyer Distinguished University Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R.
Cecilia Munoz, Vice President, Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation, National Council of La Raza. James P. Smith, Senior Economist, Rand Corporation. Philip L. Martin, Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California-Davis. Read Immigration: Shaping and Reshaping America.
This workshop largely replicated last year's successful course. Read about the 2003 Summer Workshop, including participant comments.
Participants were provided with training in the use of the 1% and 5% Public Use Micro-sample from Census 2000 and other Census Bureau datasets so that they can better understand social and economic issues affecting low-income populations and carry out their own analyses.
June 14- 18, 2004
Ann Arbor, MI
Download the reading list for this workshop.
This workshop was designed as an intense mini-graduate course on poverty, providing the background to persons who want to offer undergraduate courses or engage in poverty-related research but who did not receive substantive training about poverty research in their graduate work.
The instructors for the workshop were University of Michigan