Kathryn Cardenas
PhD and Fellowship Coordinator, Student & Academic Services
Weill Hall
735 S. State St. #2252
Ann Arbor, MI, 48109
Our students' dissertation titles are recorded below. Full-text versions of all the dissertations are available via the University's Deep Blue service.
Student Name | Dissertation Title |
Abarcar, Paolo | Essays on the Economics of International Migration and Return. |
Beam, Emily | Information and Labor Markets in the Philippines. |
Broussard, Nzinga Harriet | Essays in Labor and Development Economics. |
Crow, Mark | Economic and Social Determinants of Military Labor Supply: Essays on the Effects of Local Labor Market Conditions and the Opioid Crisis and Service in the U.S. Army. |
Ferrero, Chiara | Essays in Public Finance and Political Economy. |
Fitzpatrick, Anne | Three Essays in Health and Development. |
Garlick, Robert | Essays in Development Economics and Econometrics. |
Godlonton, Susan | Three Essays on Job Trainee and Employee Behavior: Experimental Evidence from Malawi. |
Goldberg, Jessica Ann | Experimental Evidence about Earning, Saving, and Borrowing Money in Rural Malawi. |
Goldstein, Daniel Aaron | Three Essays on the Objective Function in Economics. |
Hernández, Mónica | The Role of Out of School Factors on Student Performance and Educational Attainment. |
Hyman, Joshua | Three Essays on the Economics of Education. |
Johnson, Erik Paul | Three Essays in Environmental Economics and Applied Econometrics. |
Lim, Katie | Three Essays on Female Self-Employment. |
Mahajan, Parag | Essays on Labor Mobility. |
Matsudaira, Jordan D | Three Essays in Education and Labor Economics. |
McLaren, Zoe | Essays on Labor Market Outcomes in South Africa. |
Montgomery, Nicholas | Essays on Public Finance and Time Use. |
Murphy, Daniel | Modeling Demand in International and Macro Economics. |
Nunn, Ryan Douglas | Three Essays on Estimation with Unpriced Amenities. |
Owen, Stephanie | Essays in the Economics of Education. |
Pounder, Laurie | Life-cycle Consumption Examined. |
Ratner, David Diamond | Three Essays on the U.S. Labor Market: Macroeconomic Trends and Cycles. |
Resch, Alexandra Margaret | Three Essays on Resources in Education. |
Streich, Francie | Online Education in Community Colleges: Access, School Success, and Labor-Market Outcomes. |
Theoharides, Caroline | Three Essays on the Economics of International Migration. |
Thompson, Hope | The Expansion of Renewable Energy Technologies and Their Impact on Household Energy Portfolios and Sustainable Development: A Study Of Nepal. |
Toohey, Desmond | Three Essays in the Economics of Unemployment and Aging. |
Tulayasathien, Soraphol | Essays on International Taxation. |
Walsh, F.G. Elias | Three Essays on the Economics of Education and Labor Economics. |
Student Name | Dissertation Title |
Barnes, Carolyn | Political Learning Revisited: How Nonprofit Service Provision Shapes Political Participation Among the Poor. |
Beatty, Alison | Cross-National Policy Diffusion in States and Provinces. |
Benstead, Lindsay Joy | Does Casework Build Support for a Strong Parliament? Legislative Representation and Public Opinion in Morocco and Algeria. |
Bray, Janna | The Local Politics of Muslim Immigration. |
Brown, Ashley Reid | Coffee Shop Conversations: An Exploration of How Local Elected Officials Develop and Engage Their Social Networks. |
Demessie, Menna Aklilu | Navigating the Boundaries of Blackness: Congressional Caucuses U.S. Foreign Policy and African Affairs. |
Ellis, Cali | Trust and Communication in Cross-Border Counterterrorism Networks. |
Gause, LaGina | The Advantage of Disadvantage; Legislative Responsiveness to Collective Action by the Politically Marginalized. |
Gong, Abe W. | What Theories of Political Participation Can Teach Us about the Blogosphere, and Vice Versa. |
Helfstein, Scott Adam | Predispositions and Foreign Policy Surprises: Assessing the Impact of Rational and Biased Beliefs on Strategic Decision-Making. |
Hemphill, Portia | Rebel Without a Pause: Discovering the Relationship between Rap Music and the Political Attitudes and Participation of Black Youth. |
Howard, Tiffiany Ora | State Pressures and the Forced Migrant: Evaluating Global State Failure in an Effort to Ameliorate the Consequences of Forced Migration in the Developing World. |
Kabo, Valenta | The Political Economy of Property Rights: An Examination Into the Components of Land Laws and Their Effects on Politics and Growth. |
Katz, Daniel M | Perspectives on Law and Legal Institutions as Complex Adaptive Systems. |
Kavanagh, Jennifer Erin | The Dynamics of Protracted Terror Campaigns: Domestic Politics, Terrorist Violence, and Counterterror Responses. |
Kostyuk, Nadiya | Public Cyberinstitutions: Signaling State Cybercapacity. |
Lee, Jieun | Political Activities of Foreign Multinational Corporations in the United States. |
Lerner, Michael | Green Catalysts? The Impact of Transnational Advocacy on Environmental Policy Leadership. |
Loftis, Kenyatha Vauthier | Proprietary Threat and the Participation Paradox in Gifted and Talented Education: A Multi-level Mixed Methods Theory of Resource Distribution. |
McGee, Heather | Water, International Development and Collective Action: An Impact Assessment of an Irrigation Management Project in Southern Kyrgyzstan. |
Okwuje, Ifeoma M F | Analysis of the Contribution of the 1979 UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women to Women's Rights: Statistical Findings and Country Cases. |
Phinney, Robin Linden | Diverse Interest Group Coalitions and Social Welfare Policy in the United States. |
Phoenix, Davin | Anger (Mis)Management? Racial Differences in the Emotional Foundations of Political Action. |
Potter, Rachel | Writing the Rules of the Game: The Strategic Logic of Agency Rulemaking. |
Ravanilla, Nico | Essays in Political Economy and Governance: Lessons from the Philippines. |
Ravishankar, Anita | A Pathway to Prosocial Policing? A Framework for Police Behavior and Three Tests of What Works in Police Reform. |
Reynolds, Molly | Exceptions to the Rule: Majoritarian Procedures and Majority Party Power in the United States Senate. |
Simonelli, Corina | Economic Counterinsurgency: Implications for Political Violence and Foreign Investment. |
Stephens, Lafleur Nadiyah | The Effectiveness of Implicit and Explicit Racial Appeals in a "Post-Racial" America. |
Teodoro, Manuel P | Bureaucratic Ambition: Professional Careers, Personal Motives, and Policy Innovation. |
Tkacheva, Olesya | Federalism and Democratic Consolidation in Russia and Beyond. |
Ullah, Haroon K | Tug of Faith: Understanding the Emergence and Success of Islamic Parties. |
Student Name | Dissertation Title | |
Cheng, Siwei | Unequal Origins, Unequal Trajectories: Social Stratification over the Life Course. | |
Cross, Christina | The Color, Class, and Context of Family Structure and Its Association with Children's Educational Performance. | |
Dinzey, Zaire Zenit | Fighting Crime, Constructing Segregation: Crime, Housing Policy, and the Social Brands of Puerto Rican Neighborhoods. | |
Fang, Michael | Three Essays on the Relationship Between Social Ties and Mental Health. | |
Forbes, Melissa Kay | Climate Change 'Resolution:' Dynamics of Shareholder Engagement between U.S. Firms and Investors. | |
Gillooly, Jessica | "911, Is This an Emergency?": How 911 Call-Takers Extract, Interpret, and Classify Caller Information. | |
Greenman, Emily Kate | Intersecting Inequalities: Four Essays on Race, Immigration, and Gender in the Contemporary United States. | |
Grieger, Lloyd Dale | Three Essays Examining the Behavioral and Socioeconomic Transition to Adulthood in the United States and Africa: Evidence from Longitudinal Studies. | |
Harris, Angel Luis | Do African Americans Really Resist School: An In-Depth Examination of the Oppositional Culture Theory. | |
Hevenstone, Debra | Labor Market Inequality and Atypical Employment. | |
Johnson, Maria S | Through a Daughter's Eyes: Understanding the Influence of Black Fathers on Their Daughters' Conceptualizations of Fatherhood and Womanhood. | |
Killewald, Sasha (Achen) | What Money Buys and Family Costs: Three Papers on the Work-Family Intersection. | |
King, Katherine E | Biological, Psychosocial, and Social Capital Implications of the Neighborhood Built Environment. | |
Lewis, Ronald L'Heureux | Educational Inequality in an Affluent Setting: An Exploration of Resources and Opportunity. | |
Liu, Airan | Family SES, Non-cognitive Skills and Achievement Inequality in Children's Early Life. | |
Morrell, Erica | The Politics of Food Policy: Knowledge, Power, and Participation in two American Cities. | |
Paul, Anju Mary | Multinational Maids: Multistate Migration among Aspiring Filipino Migrant Domestic Workers. | |
Pavelle, Bridget Jennifer | Life Course Transitions and Instability in Health Insurance Coverage. | |
Peachey, Everett | State Sponsored Political Socialization and Public Diplomacy Exchange Program Outcomes: The Case of the Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) Program. | |
Perez, Anthony D | Muddy Waters: The Fluidity and Complexity of Racial and Ethnic Identification in the U.S. | |
Pineda, Daniela | A Federal Intervention to Improve Latino College Participation: Evidence from the Title V Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program. | |
Roberts, Christopher Nigel | Exploring Fractures within Human Rights: An Empirical Study of Resistance. | |
Ross, Karen Elizabeth | Charter Schools and Segregation: The Cases of Michigan and North Carolina. | |
Seefeldt, Kristin S | Three Essays on Women Low-wage Work and Economic Well-being. | |
Sternthal, Michelle J | The Social Determinants of Health Disparities: The Role of Social and Temporal Contexts. | |
Turner, Kennedy | On the Battlefield?: Using Cultural Schemas to Navigate the Racial Terrain of College. | |
Wyse, Jessica Jasmine | Race, Gender and the Administration of Justice in a Community Corrections System. | |
Yarger, Jennifer Lyn Eckerman | Three Essays Examining Social Determinants of Fertility Attitudes and Behavior: Evidence from Longitudinal Studies. | |
Zelner, Jonathan Leigh | Integrating Social and Biological Processes of Infectious Disease Transmission at Three Levels: Household, Community and Region. |
To read dissertations in full, submitted in partial fulfillment of the doctoral program at the University of Michigan, visit the University's Deep Blue collection, which also includes dissertations written by U-M faculty.