Over the last decade, K-12 education in Detroit has undergone unprecedented change with the establishment of the Education Achievement Authority in 2012, the surge of charter school enrollment, and the influence
Borenstein discusses economic changes in the utility business, wholesale electricity markets, the impact on retail electricity distribution, and the incentives created for generators, distributors, and consumers of electricity.
John Ciorciari remarks on major points of his book "Hybrid Justice: The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia" and takes questions from the audience. September 2014.
The panel examines current narratives about human rights atrocities, the resolution of civil conflicts & the success of international legal policy instruments in producing reparation policy frameworks. September 2014.
Alejandro Castillejo-Cuéllar’s lecture explores how socio-political injuries in the national context and history of Colombia's armed conflict are simultaneously located across multiple faultlines of place, time and space. September 2014.
Ned Gramlich: A celebration of lifetime professional achievements. For those who wish to honor Ned Gramlich in a lasting way, contributions can be made to the Gramlich Fund, a student support endowment established in Ned's honor.
Douglas Holtz-Eakin, June E. O'Neill, Rudolph Penner, Robert D. Reischauer and moderator Douglas W. Elmendorf speak about current budget policy at the "Honoring Ned Gramlich and the Importance of Policy Research" conference. May, 2014.
Sandra Braunstein moderates a conversation with Robert Avery, Eric Belsky and Kenneth D. Wade about consumer protection and housing at the "Honoring Ned Gramlich and the Importance of Policy Research" conference. May, 2014.
In the keynote speech of the conference, "Honoring Ned Gramlich and the Importance of Policy Research," Betsey Stevenson speaks about the role of policy research in the Council of Economic Advisers. May, 2014.
Michael S. Barr, Gerald A. Carlino, James Hines and moderator Byron Lutz hold a panel on stabilization policy at the "Honoring Ned Gramlich and the Importance of Policy Research" conference. May, 2014.
Sheldon Danziger, William G. Gale, Eugene Steuerle and moderator Marina von Neumann Whitman hold a panel on income distribution at the "Honoring Ned Gramlich and the Importance of Policy Research" conference. May, 2014.
Ann C. Lin is an associate professor of public policy at the Ford School. Her research focuses on immigration policies, such as guest worker programs and legalization, and the political beliefs of American immigrants.
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. The Charge to the Class was delivered by U.S. Senator Carl Levin. May, 2014.
Carla Hills describes the events that lead up to her appointment as United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and reflects on her work with President Ford. April, 2014.
Margo Picken, John Ciorciari and moderator Susan Waltz discuss the positive and negative effects of the UN-backed Khmer Rouge trials that began several years ago in "extraordinary chambers" of the courts of Cambodia. April, 2014.
The students of Ford School's Public Policy 456/756 class along with their instructor and current Ann Arbor Mayor John Hieftje host a mayoral candidate debate. April, 2014.
Joy Rohde remarks on major points of her new book "Armed with Expertise: The Militarization of American Social Research during the Cold War" and answer questions from the audience. April, 2014.
Christina Romer examines financial crises of the past and explains implications for what Europe and other areas should do today, and for what policies should be used in future crises. April, 2014.