Resilient Democracies | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Resilient Democracies

A creative, research-based approach to strengthening democracies–now and for a better future
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Freedom of the press and a healthy information ecosystem. The rule of law. Free and fair elections. Government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Separation of powers. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Freedom of expression. A healthy multi-party system. These are fundamental aspects of our democracy, and they require work, reform, and commitment to uphold them.

At a time of growing threats to our democratic institutions and growing fractures in our society, the Ford School honors the legacy of our namesake president with an initiative designed to bring people together across differences, uncover and elevate practices that make democracies strong, and rebuild key democratic norms.

Resilient Democracies is a Ford School initiative that includes a best-in-class, innovative expansion of democracy-based curriculum and research, civic engagement opportunities, and public events to help us meet this urgent moment, and help shape a more peaceful nation and just world.

The right to vote is at the very foundation of our American system and nothing must interfere with this very precious right.”

President Gerald R. Ford, for whom our school is named, extended the 1965 Voting Rights Act in 1975



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Nov 8 2024

Post Election Analysis

11:30 am-1:00 pm
Nov 6 2024

Year of Democracy, Civic Empowerment, and Global Engagement

Ford School Dean Celeste Watkins-Hayes, LSA Dean Rosario Ceballo, and Ford School Professor Jenna Bednar are co-leading the Year of Democracy, Civic Empoewerment, and Global Engagement—a university-wide effort that encourages constructive dialogue, provides enriching events, and improve access to voting. 
Learn more about the Year of Democracy

Hail to the Voters!

Led by Jenna Bednar, UMICH Votes is a non-partisan campus coalition whose mission is to improve the accessibility of voting, foster the confidence necessary to navigate the voting process successfully, and help students understand why their votes matter, for students of all three University of Michigan campuses.
Visit UMICH votes
Research insights

Governance to promote flourishing

Jenna Bednar suggests that the framing of human well-being needs to be expanded beyond purely financial targets to include an emphasis on community, human dignity, sustainability, and beauty.
Read Governance for Human Social Flourishing
Research Insights

2020 Census undercounted Detroit population

Poverty Solutions research found an 8% undercount in some neighborhoods, costing the city millions in federal aid.
Read the study
Student experience

Ali's course examines cybersecurity and elections

Ford School students join peers from the College of Engineering in a hybrid course that looks at technical aspects of cybersecurity and policy actions to mitigate the challenges. Election security is a major focus.
Read about the course
Student experience

U-M students break voting records in 2020

With a major GOTV effort from students and the university, voter turnout among U-M college students jumped to 78% in the 2020 election.
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Research insights

Federally-funded science boards seen through political lens

Kaitlin Raimi’s research shows the legitimacy of scientists are judged based on political persuasion and highlights the risk of politicizing scientific advice.
Read more about the study
Research insights

Rewriting boundaries to reflect diversity

With a team of students, John Chamberlin helped the State of Michigan define ‘communities of interest’ to inform legislative redistricting.
Read about the study
Faculty expert

Lantz analyzes direct democracy gains and abortion access

Paula Lantz discusses the benefits and limitations of using direct democracy in six states where citizens took action on abortion access.
Read the story
Alumni impact

Sharon Dolente (MPP/JD ‘04) expands ballot access in Michigan

Dolente is a senior advisor for Promote the Vote and was recognized with a 2021 Community Heroes Award for her work to revolutionize Michigan’s voting laws and make it easier to vote.
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Faculty expert

Hanson provides historical perspective on DC insurrection

Jon Hanson traces the January 6th violence to President Trump's 2016 rhetoric.
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Courses, faculty, news, and more

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