Employers recruiting at the Ford School
The reputation of U-M academic programs attracts employers to campus through many avenues. Some recruit specifically at the Ford School, others recruit through U-M’s central Career Center and campus-wide job fairs. Below is a list of employees who have recently recruited our students.
- Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System - Washington, DC
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Washington, DC
- Environment Protection Agency, Office of Water and Watersheds - Seattle, WA
- Internal Revenue Service, Program Evaluation and Risk Analysis - Washington, DC
- U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Global Health
- U.S. Government Accountability Office - Washington, D.C
- U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration - Washington, DC
- California Legislative Analyst's Office - Sacramento, CA
- State of Michigan, Governor's Office - Lansing MI
- State of Oregon - Salem, OR
- Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau, Program Evaluation - Madison, WA
- Chicago Civilian Office of Police Accountability - Chicago, IL
- City of Detroit, Department of Innovation & Technology - Detroit, MI
- City of New York Consumer Affairs, Financial Empowerment - New York, NY
- City of Seattle, Office of Civil Rights and Labor Standards - Seattle, WA
- DC Office of State Superintendent of Education - Washington, DC
- San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Policy & Government Affairs - San Francisco, CA
International Organizations
- The World Bank - Washington, DC
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Geneva, Switzerland
- United Nations Environment Programme - Quito, Ecuador
- World Food Programme - Maputo, Mozambique
Non-Profit Organizations
- Annie E. Casey Foundation, Office of Strategic Initiatives - Baltimore, MD
- Center for American Progress - Washington, DC
- Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Strategy and Policy Office - Lansing, MI
- PYXERA Global - Washington, DC
- The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab - Cambridge, MA
- The Urban Institute, Justice Policy Center - Washington, DC
- UChicago Urban Labs - Chicago, IL
- Vera Institute of Justice - New York, NY
- Accenture - Arlington, VA
- Booz Allen Hamilton - Washington, DC
- Deloitte, Government & Public Services - Chicago, IL
- Guidehouse - Detroit, MI
- LMI, Implementation Practice - Tysons, VA
- McKinsey and Company - Chicago, IL
- Abt Associate, Social and Economic Policy Division
- Acccumen, LLC - Washington DC
- Bird - Los Angeles, CA
- Element AI - Montreal, Canada
- General Motors - Detroit, MI
- Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. - Ann Arbor, MI
- Vysnova Partners - Washington, DC
Download list of post-graduation plans for the class of 2022 (Adobe PDF).
Download list of post-graduation plans for the class of 2021 (Adobe PDF).
Download list of post-graduation plans for the class of 2020 (Adobe PDF).
Download list of post-graduation plans for the class of 2019 (Adobe PDF).