Research Seminar in International Economics

School of Public Policy/Department of Economics

Discussion Paper Abstracts

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690. Daza, Brian, "Government Spending Multipliers and Distribution of Commodity Booms in the Spatial Economy," November, 2024. ABS PDF

689. Shu, Haibing, Jagadeesh Sivadasan, Wenjian Xu, "Hedging by Hiring: Executive Composition and Compensation, Responses to Adverse Trade Shocks," November, 2024. ABS PDF

688. Boehm, Christoph E., Andrei A. Levchenko, Nitya Pandalai-Nayar, and Hiroshi Toma, "Dynamic Models, New Gains from Trade?" May, 2024. ABS PDF

687. Krishna, Pravin, Andrei A. Levchenko, Lin Ma, and William F. Maloney, "Growth and Risk: A View from International Trade," January 26, 2023. ABS PDF

686. Cevallos Fujiy, Brian, Gaurav Khanna, and Hiroshi Toma, "Cultural Proximity and Production Networks," November, 2022. ABS PDF

685. Aristizabal-Ramirez, Maria, John V. Leahy, and Linda Tesar, "A North-South Model of Structural Change and Growth," October, 2022. ABS PDF

684. De Arcangelis, Giuseppe and Dean Yang, "Labeled Remittances: A Field Experiment among Filipino Migrant Workers in the UAE," Februarty, 2022. ABS PDF

683. Bonadio, Barthélémy, Zhen Huo, and Andrei A. Levchenko, and Nitya Pandalai-Nayar, "Global Supply Chains in the Pandemic," April, 2021. ABS PDF

682. Atalay, Enghin, Sebastian Sotelo, and Daniel Tannenbaum, "The Geography of Job Tasks," March 22, 2021. ABS PDF

681. Pellegrina, Heitor S. and Sebastian Sotelo, "Migration, Specialization, and Trade: Evidence from the Brazilian March to the West," January, 2021. ABS PDF

680. Boehm, Christoph E., Andrei A. Levchenko, and Nitya Pandalai-Nayar, "The Long and Short (Run) of Trade Elasticities," February, 2021. ABS PDF

679. Bartelme, Dominick, Ting Lan, and Andrei A. Levchenko, "Specialization, Market Access and Real Income," December, 2020. ABS PDF

678. di Giovanni, Julian, Andrei A. Levchenko, and Isabelle Mejean, "Foreign Shocks as Granular Fluctuations," November 16, 2020. ABS PDF

677. Boehm, Christoph E. and T. Niklas Kroner, "The US, Economic News, and the Global Financial Cycle," September 4, 2020. ABS PDF

676. Handley, Kyle, Fariha Kamal, and Ryan Monarch, "Rising Import Tariffs, Falling Export Growth: When Modern Supply Chains Meet Old-Style Protectionism," August, 2020. ABS PDF

675. Bartelme, Dominick, Arnaud Costinot, Dave Donaldson, and Andres Rodriguez-Clare, "The Textbook Case for Industrial Policy: Theory Meets Data," August, 2019. ABS PDF

674. Cravino, Javier, Andrei A. Levchenko, and Marco Rojas, "Population Agingand Structural Transformation," September, 2019. ABS PDF

673. House, Christopher L., Christian Proebsting, and Linda L. Tesar, "Regional Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations," July 2019. ABS PDF

672. House, Christopher L., Christian Proebsting, and Linda L. Tesar, "Austerity in the Aftermath of the Great Recession," February 7, 2019; Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming. ABS PDF

671. House, Christopher L., Christian Proebsting, and Linda L. Tesar, "Quantifying the Benefits of Labor Mobility in a Currency Union," December 2018. ABS PDF

670. Deardorff, Alan V. and Rishi R. Sharma, "The Simple Analytics of Trade Creation and Diversion," June 14 2019; forthcoming Canadian Journal of Economics. ABS PDF

669. Huo, Zhen, Andrei A. Levchenko, and Nitya Pandalai-Nayar, "The Global Business Cycle: Measurement and Transmission," June 10, 2019. ABS PDF

668. Haltenhof, Sam, "Services Trade and Internet Connectivity," January 24, 2019. ABS PDF

667. Lee, Jieun and Iain Osgood, "Exports, Jobs, Growth! Congressional Hearings on US Trade Agreements," October 26, 2018; Economics and Politics 31(1), March 2019, pp. 1-26. ABS PDF

666. Auer, Raphael A., Barthélémy Bonadio, and Andrei A. Levchenko, "The Economics and Politics of Revoking NAFTA," December 12, 2018; IMF Economic Review, 68:1 (February 2020), 230-267 (Special Issue: 2018 IMF Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference volume) ABS PDF

665. Deardorff, Alan V. and Rishi R. Sharma, "Exempted Sectors in Free Trade Agreements," October 15, 2018; revised January 23, 2020; forthcoming in Canadian Journal of Economics. ABS PDF

664. Deardorff, Alan V., "Comparative Advantage in Digital Trade," November 13, 2017; in Simon Evenett, ed., Cloth for Wine? The Relevance of Ricardo's Comparative Advantage in the 21st Century, VOX, CEPR Policy Portal, December 6, 2017, pp. 35-44. ABS PDF

663. Deardorff, Alan V., "Sensitive Sectors in Free Trade Agreements," May 17, 2017; East Asian Economic Review 22(4), December 2018, pp. 403-425. ABS PDF

662. Boehm, Christoph E., "Government Consumption and Investment: Does the Composition of Purchases Affect the Multiplier?," May 7 2018. ABS PDF

661. Cravino, Javier, Ting Lan, and Andrei A. Levchenko, "Price Stickiness along the Income Distribution and the Effects of Monetary Policy," April 2018; Journal of Monetary Economics, 110 (April 2020), 19-32. ABS PDF

660. Alquist, Ron, Nicolas Berman, Rahul Mukherjee, and Linda Tesar, "Financial Constraints, Institutions, and Foreign Ownership," January 2018. ABS PDF

659. Cravino, Javier and Samuel E. Haltenhof, "Real Exchange Rates, Income per Capita, and Sectoral Input Shares," August 2017. ABS PDF

658. Cravino, Javier and Sebastian Sotelo, "Trade-Induced Structural Change and the Skill Premium," May 2017; American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 11(3), July 2019. ABS PDF

657. Lee, Jieun, "China’s Nonmarket Economy Treatment and U.S. Trade Remedy Actions," October 15, 2016; Journal of World Trade 51:3, June, 2017. ABS PDF

656. Do, Quy-Toan and Andrei A. Levchenko, "Trade Policy and Redistribution when Preferences are Non-Homothetic," March 6, 2017; Economics Letters, 155 (June 2017), 92-95. ABS PDF

655. Auer, Raphael A., Andrei A. Levchenko, and Philip Sauré, "International Inflation Spillovers Through Input Linkages," February 15, 2017; Review of Economics and Statistics, 101:3 (July 2019), 507-521. ABS PDF

654. Alviarez, Vanessa, Javier Cravino, and Andrei A. Levchenko, "The Growth of Multinational Firms in the Great Recession," November 11, 2016; Journal of Monetary Economics, 85 (January 2017), 50-64 (Carnegie-Rochester-NYU Series on Public Policy). . ABS PDF

653. Deardorff, Alan V, "Local Import Competition in a Lumpy Country," July 8, 2016; Frontiers of Economics in China 13(1), 2018. ABS PDF

652. House, Christopher L. and Linda L. Tesar, "Greek Budget Realities: No Easy Options" October, 2015. ABS PDF

651. Deardorff, Alan V., "What Do We (and Others) Mean by 'The Terms of Trade'?" May 23, 2016; Turkish Economic Review 3:2, June 2016, pp. 281-291. ABS PDF

650. Handley, Kyle and Nuno Limão, "Policy Uncertainty, Trade and Welfare: Theory and Evidence for China and the U.S.," March, 2016. ABS PDF

649. di Giovanni, Julian, Andrei A. Levchenko, and Isabelle Méjean, "The Micro Origins of International Business Cycle Comovement," December 15, 2015; American Economic Review 108:1, January 2018, pp. 82-108. ABS PDF

648. Cravino, Javier and Andrei A. Levchenko, "The Distributional Consequences of Large Devaluations," November 12, 2015; American Economic Review 107:11, November 2017, pp.3477-3509. ABS PDF

647. Dominguez, Kathryn M. E., "Exchange Rate Implications of Reserve Changes: How Non‐EZ European Countries Fared during the Great Recession," Feb 20, 2014; Comparative Economic Studies 56, 2014, pp. 229-252. ABS PDF

646. Alquist, Ron, Rahul Mukherjee, and Linda L. Tesar, "Liquidity-Driven FDI," June 15, 2015. ABS PDF

645. Alquist, Ron, Rahul Mukherjee, and Linda L. Tesar, "Fire-Sale FDI or Business as Usual?," June 15, 2015; Journal of International Economics 98, January 2016, pp. 93-113. ABS PDF

644. Mendoza, Enrique G., Linda L. Tesar, and Jing Zhang, "Saving Europe?: The Unpleasant Arithmetic of Fiscal Austerity in Integrated Economies," June, 2014. ABS PDF

643. Cravino, Javier and Andrei A. Levchenko, "Multinational Firms and International Business Cycle Transmission," June 9, 2015; Quarterly Journal of Economics, 132:2 (May 2017), 921-962. ABS PDF

642. Zimring, Assaf, "Testing the Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek Theory with a Natural Experiment," May 22, 2015; Canadian Journal of Economics 52(1), 58-92, February 2019. ABS PDF

641. Sotelo, Sebastian, "Domestic Trade Frictions and Agriculture," May 9, 2015; published after very large updates in Journal of Political Economy 128(7), 2690-2738, July 2020. ABS PDF

640. Levchenko, Andrei A. and Nitya Pandalai-Nayar, "TFP, News, and 'Sentiments': The International Transmission of Business Cycles," February 27, 2015; Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming. ABS PDF

639. Cassidy, Alecia Waite, Edward Tower, and Xiaolu Wang, "Manufacturing Fetishism: The Neo-Mercantilist Preoccupation with Protecting Manufacturing," August 24, 2014. ABS PDF

638. Deardorff, Alan V., "Trade Implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership for ASEAN and Other Asian Countries," July 24, 2013. ABS PDF

637. Levchenko, Andrei A. and Jing Zhang, "The Global Labor Market Impact of Emerging Giants: a Quantitative Assessment," June 27, 2013; IMF Economic Review, 61:3 (August 2013), 479-519. ABS PDF

636. Murphy, Daniel, "Why are Goods and Services more Expensive in Rich Countries? Demand Complementarities and Cross-Country Price Differences," February 25, 2013. ABS PDF

635. Monarch, Ryan, Jooyoun Park, and Jagadeesh Sivadasan, "Gains from Offshoring? Evidence from U.S. Microdata," January 21, 2013; published as "Domestic Gains from Offshoring? Evidence from TAA-Linked U.S. Microdata,"Journal of International Economics 105 (March 2017). ABS PDF

634. Handley, Kyle, "Exporting under Trade Policy Uncertainty: Theory and Evidence," May, 2012. ABS PDF

633. Levchenko, Andrei A. and Jing Zhang, "Ricardian Productivity Differences and the Gains from Trade," December 19, 2012; European Economic Review, 65 (January 2014), 45-65. ABS PDF

632. Krishna, Pravin and Andrei A. Levchenko, "Comparative Advantage, Complexity, and Volatility," September 25, 2012; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 94 (October 2013), 314-329. ABS PDF

631. Desai, Mihir A., C. Fritz Foley, and James R. Hines Jr., "Trade Credit and Taxes," May, 2012. ABS PDF

630. di Giovanni, Julian, Andrei A. Levchenko, and Isabelle Méjean, "Firms, Destinations, and Aggregate Fluctuations," August 30, 2012; Econometrica, 82:4 (July 2014), 1303-1340. ABS PDF

629. Murphy, Daniel, "Does a Rising Tide Lift All Boats? Welfare Consequences of Asymmetric Growth," March 28, 2012. ABS PDF

628. Hallak, Juan Carlos and Jagadeesh Sivadasan, "Firms' Exporting Behavior under Quality Constraints," September, 2011. ABS PDF Web-Appendix

627. di Giovanni, Julian, Andrei A. Levchenko, and Francesc Ortega, "A Global View of Cross-Border Migration," May 24, 2012; Journal of the European Economic Association 13:1 (February), 2015, pp. 168-202. ABS PDF

626. Levchenko, Andrei A. and Jing Zhang, "Comparative Advantage and the Welfare Impact of European Integration," March 8, 2012; Economic Policy, 27:72 (October 2012), 567-602. ABS PDF

625. di Giovanni, Julian, Andrei A. Levchenko, and Jing Zhang, "The Global Welfare Impact of China: Trade Integration and Technological Change," February 14, 2012; American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 6:3 (July 2014), 153-183. ABS PDF

624. Do, Quy-Toan, Andrei A. Levchenko, and Claudio Raddatz, "Comparative Advantage, International Trade, and Fertility," February 15, 2012; Journal of Development Economics, 119 (March 2016), 48-66. ABS PDF

623. Shkura, Iryna and Barbara Peitsch, "Assessing Ukrainian Banking Performance Before and After the Crisis," 2011; in Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, 2011, No 7. ABS PDF

622. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Labor Standards and Human Rights: Implications for International Trade and Investment" August 19, 2011; in Zdenek Drabek and Petros C Mavroidis, (eds.), Regulations of Foreign Investment: Challenges to International Harmonization, World Scientific, forthcoming. ABS PDF

621. Stern, Robert M., "My Studies in International Economics" July 15, 2011; in Michael Szenberg and Lall Ramattran (eds.), Eminent Economists II: Their Life and Work Philosophies, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming. ABS PDF See: Official Bob Stern Fan Club | Bob Stern, Free Trader at 80 | Tribute to Nurkse

620. Kim, Yun Jung, Linda L. Tesar, and Jing Zhang, "The Impact of Foreign Liabilities on Small Firms: Firm-Level Evidence from the Korean Crisis" December 12, 2011; Journal of International Economics 97(2), November 2015, pp. 209-230. ABS PDF

619. Lincoln, William F. and Andrew H. McCallum, "Entry Costs and Increasing Trade" November 4, 2011. ABS PDF

618. Bircan, Çağatay, "Foreign Direct Investment and Wages: Does the Level of Ownership Matter?" June, 2011. ABS PDF

617. Bircan, Çağatay, "Optimal Degree of Foreign Ownership under Uncertainty," June 1, 2011. ABS PDF

616. Levchenko, Andrei A., Logan T. Lewis, and Linda L. Tesar, "The Role of Financial Factors in the Trade Collapse: A Skeptic's View," August, 2010; in Jean-Pierre Chauffour and Mariem Malouche, eds., Trade Finance and Trade During Financial Crises, Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2011, pp. 133-147. ABS PDF

615. Ahn, Dukgeun and Jieun Lee, "Countervailing Duty against China: Opening a Pandora's Box in the WTO System?," April 26, 2011; Journal of International Trade Law 14(2), 2011. ABS PDF

614. Brown, Andrew G. and Robert M. Stern, "Free Trade Agreements and Governance of the Global Trading System," January 3, 2011; The World Economy, March 2011, Vol 34, Issue 3, pp. 331-354. ABS PDF

613. Stern, Robert M., "Trade in Financial Services -- Has the IMF Been Involved Constructively?," October 10, 2010; in Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research, Special Issue on International Trade Policy, Vol 5, Issue 1, February 2011. ABS PDF

612. Brown, Andrew G. and Robert M. Stern, "Fairness in the WTO Trading System," October 9, 2010. To be published in Amrita Narlikar, Martin J. Daunton, and Robert M. Stern (eds.), The Oxford Handbook on the World Trade Organization. ABS PDF

611. Brown, Drusilla K., Kozo Kiyota, and Robert M. Stern, "Computational Analysis of the Menu of U.S.-Japan Trade Policies," October 8, 2010; published in Hamid Beladi and E. Kwan Choi (eds.) New Developments in Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Trade Policy (Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Volume 7), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.303-355, 2010. ABS PDF

610. Levchenko, Andrei A. and Jing Zhang, "The Evolution of Comparative Advantage: Measurement and Welfare Implications," September 29, 2010; Journal of Monetary Economics, 78 (April 2016), 96-111. ABS PDF

609. Deardorff, Alan V., "Post-Doha Trade Policy Options for a Small Country," June 15, 2010; in Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research, Special Issue on International Trade Policy, Vol 5, Issue 1, February 2011. ABS PDF

608. Deardorff, Alan V. and Jee-Hyeong Park, "A Story of Trade-Induced Industrialization," May, 2010; International Economic Journal 24(3), September 2010, pp. 283-296. ABS PDF

607. Stern, Robert M., Gavin Wright, and Hugh Patrick, eds., The Japanese Economy in Retrospect: Selected Papers of Gary R. Saxonhouse (Description and Table of Contents), July, 2010. ABS PDF

606. Kovak, Brian K., "Regional Labor Market Effects of Trade Policy: Evidence from Brazilian Liberalization," January 10, 2010. ABS PDF

605. Cattaneo, Olivier, Michael Engman, Sebastian Saez, and Robert M. Stern, International Trade in Services: New Trends and Opportunities for Developing Countries (Description and Table of Contents), July, 2010. ABS PDF

604. Stern, Robert M. and Alokesh Barua, India and the WTO: Issues and Negotiating Strategies (Description and Table of Contents), July, 2010. ABS PDF

603. Levenstein, Margaret, Jagadeesh Sivadasan, and Valerie Suslow, "The Effect of Competition on Trade Patterns: Evidence from the Collapse of International Cartels," June 21, 2010. ABS PDF

602. Dominguez, Kathryn M.E., Rasmus Fatum, and Pavel Vacek, "Does Foreign Exchange Reserve Decumulation Lead to Currency Appreciation?," May 15, 2010. ABS PDF

601. Chari, Anusha, Wenjie Chen, and Kathryn M.E. Dominguez, "Foreign Ownership and Corporate Restructuring: Direct Investment by Emerging-Market Firms in the United States," November, 2009. ABS PDF

600. Dominguez, Kathryn M.E., "International Reserves and Underdeveloped Capital Markets," August, 2009; in NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2009, edited by Lucrezia Reichlin and Kenneth West, University of Chicago Press for the NBER, 2010, 193-221. ABS PDF

599. Deardorff, Alan V., "A Trade Theorist's Take on Global Imbalance," April 12, 2010. ABS PDF

598. di Giovanni, Julian, Andrei A. Levchenko, and Romain Rancière, "Power Laws in Firm Size and Openness to Trade: Measurement and Implications," March 19, 2010; Journal of International Economics, 85:1 (Sept. 2011), pp. 42-52. ABS PDF

597. Brown, Drusilla K. and Robert M. Stern, "International Trade, Labour and the WTO: Table of Contents and Introduction," June 19, 2006. ABS PDF

596. Kim, Yun Jung and Jing Zhang, "Decentralized Borrowing and Centralized Default," April 9, 2010; Journal of International Economics, forthcoming. ABS PDF

595. Yi, Kei-Mu and Jing Zhang, "Structural Change in an Open Economy," April 5, 2010. ABS PDF

594. Bai, Yan and Jing Zhang, "Financial Integration and International Risk Sharing," May 8, 2009; Journal of International Economics, 2012 (January), vol 86(1): 17-32. ABS PDF

593. Bai, Yan and Jing Zhang, "Duration of Sovereign Debt Renegotiation," March 2, 2009; Journal of International Economics, forthcoming. ABS PDF

592. Levchenko, Andrei A., Logan Lewis, and Linda L. Tesar, "The Collapse of International Trade During the 2008-2009 Crisis: In Search of the Smoking Gun," October 14, 2009; IMF Economic Review, 58:2 (December 2010), 214-253. ABS PDF

591. di Giovanni, Julian and Andrei A. Levchenko, "Firm Entry, Trade, and Welfare in Zipf's World," September 4, 2009; Journal of International Economics, 89:2 (March 2013), 283-296. ABS PDF

590. Chari, Anusha, Wenjie Chen, and Kathryn M.E. Dominguez, "Foreign Ownership and Firm Performance: Emerging-Market Acquisitions in the United States," May, 2009. ABS PDF

589. Deardorff, Alan V., "Economic Effects of 'Leveling the Playing Field' in International Trade," July 9, 2009; Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 19(1), March 2010, pp. 9-32. ABS PDF

588. Gorodnichenko, Yuriy, Enrique G. Mendoza, and Linda L. Tesar, "The Finnish Great Depression: From Russia with Love," March 30, 2009. ABS PDF

587. Stern, Robert M., "Trade in Financial Services—Has the IMF Been Involved Constructively?" IEO Background Paper, Independent Evaluation Office of the International Monetary Fund, June 5, 2009. Link to Full IMF Report. ABS PDF

586. Stern, Robert M., Gavin Wright, and Hugh Patrick, "Introduction and Overview" to Volumes I and II, The Japanese Economy in Retrospect: Selected Papers by Gary R. Saxonhouse February, 2009; to be published by World Scientific. ABS PDF

585. di Giovanni, Julian and Andrei A. Levchenko, "International Trade and Aggregate Fluctuations in Granular Economies," February 25, 2009; Journal of Political Economy, 120:6 (December 2012), 1083-1132. ABS PDF

584. Davis, Lucas W. and Matthew E. Kahn, "International Trade in Used Vehicles: The Environmental Consequences of NAFTA," January, 2009. ABS PDF

583. Gorodnichenko, Yuriy, Jan Svejnar, and Katherine Terrell,"Globalization and Innovation in Emerging Markets," April, 2008. ABS PDF

582. Koyota, Kozo, Margit Molnar, and Robert M. Stern,"Storm in a Spaghetti Bowl: FTA's and the BRIICS," December 8, 2008. ABS PDF

581. di Giovanni, Julian and Andrei A. Levchenko,"The Risk Content of Exports: A Portfolio View of International Trade," October 23, 2008; NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics, 8:1 (May 2012), 97-151. ABS PDF

580. di Giovanni, Julian and Andrei A. Levchenko,"Putting the Parts Together: Trade, Vertical Linkages, and Business Cycle Comovement," September 25, 2008; American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2:2 (April 2010), 95-124. ABS PDF

579. Levchenko, Andrei A.,"International Trade and Institutional Change," September, 2008; Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 29:5 (October 2013), 1145-1181. ABS PDF

578. Koyota, Kozo and Robert M. Stern,"Computational Analysis of APEC Trade Liberalization," June 24, 2008. ABS PDF

577. Brown, Andrew G. and Robert M. Stern,"Issues of Fairness in Dispute Settlement," June 7, 2008. ABS PDF

576. Koyota, Kozo, "Are U.S. Exports Different from China's Exports? Evidence from Japan's Imports," April, 2008; The World Economy, 33(10): 1302-1324, October 2010. ABS PDF

575. Morrow, Peter M., "East is East and West is West: A Ricardian-Heckscher-Ohlin Model of Comparative Advantage," January 8, 2008. ABS PDF

574. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern, "Some Reflections on Nurkse's 'Patterns of Trade and Development'," August 27, 2007. ABS PDF

573. Arellano, Cristina, Yan Bai, and Jing Zhang, "Contract Enforcement and Firms' Financing," June, 2007. ABS PDF

572. Kiyota, Kozo, "Paths of Development and Wage Variations," revised November, 2008 (initial working paper version November, 2007); in Review of International Economics, 19(4): 697-717, September 2011. ABS PDF

571. Stern, Robert M., "Issues and Options for Multilateral, Regional, and Bilateral Trade Liberalization," Cornelson Distinguished Lecture, Davidson College, April 12, 2007. ABS PDF

570. Kiyota, Kozo and Robert M. Stern, "Issues in U.S.-ROK Economic Relations," October 25, 2007; in Towards Sustainable Economic & Security Relations in East Asia: U.S. and ROK Policy Options, edited by Korea Economic Institute, Washington, D.C.: Korea Economic Institute, pp. 41-73, 2008. ABS PDF

569. Stern, Robert M., "The Multilateral Trading System," April 2, 2007. ABS PDF

568. Deardorff, Alan V., "Trade Policy Options for Korea Outside the Doha Round," October 8, 2007. ABS PDF

567. Davis, Gerald F., Marina v.N. Whitman, and Mayer N. Zald, "The Responsibility Paradox: Multinational Firms and Global Corporate Social Responsibility," October 13, 2005, Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2007, forthcoming. ABS PDF

566. Stern, Robert M., "A Review of Charan Devereaux, Robert Lawrence, and Michael D. Watkins, Case Studies in US Trade Negotiation: Making the Rules and Resolving Disputes," Journal of Economic Literature, March 2008, forthcoming. ABS PDF

565. Kiyota, Kozo, Barbara Peitsch, and Robert M. Stern "The Case for Financial Sector Liberalization in Ethiopia," August 17, 2007; published as "The Benefits of Financial Sector Liberalisation for Least Developed Countries: A Case Study of Ethiopia," OECD Investment Policy Perspectives 2008, edited by OECD, Paris: OECD, pp. 123-135, 2008. ABS PDF

564. Deardorff, Alan V., "The Ricardian Model," June 9, 2007; Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, forthcoming. ABS PDF

563. Kiyota, Kozo, Toshiyuki Matsuura, Shujiro Urata, and Yuhong Wei, "Reconsidering the Backward Vertical Linkages of Foreign Affiliates: Evidence from Japanese Multinationals," May, 2007; World Development, 36(8): 1398-1414, August 2008. ABS PDF

562. Kilian, Lutz, Alessandro Rebucci, and Nikola Spatafora, "Oil Shocks and External Balances," March 29, 2007. ABS PDF

561. Dominguez, Kathryn M. E. and Freyan Panthaki, "The Influence of Actual and Unrequited Interventions," February 2007; International Journal of Finance and Economics 12, 2007, 171-200. ABS PDF

560. Kiyota, Kozo and Shujiro Urata, "The Role of Multinational Firms in International Trade: The Case of Japan," February 2007; Japan and the World Economy, 20(3): 338-352, August 2008. ABS PDF

559. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern "What Should the Developing Countries Do in the Context of the Current Impasse of the Doha Round?," February 20, 2007. ABS PDF

558. Brown, Andrew G. and Robert M. Stern "What Are the Issues in Using Trade Agreements for Improving International Labor Standards?," revised July 23, 2007; World Trade Review, March 2008, forthcoming. ABS PDF

557. Kiyota, Kozo and Robert M. Stern "Economic Effects of a Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement," April, 2007; Economic Effects of a Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, Washington, D.C.: Korea Economic Institute, 2007. ABS PDF

556. Kiyota, Kozo, "On Testing the Law of Comparative Advantage," January 15, 2008. Published as "A Test of the Law of Comparative Advantage, Revisited," Review of World Economics / Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 147(4): 771-778, November 2011. ABS PDF

555. Kiyota, Kozo and Toshiyuki Matsuura, "Why Is Multinational Status Important? Evidence from Job Creation and Job Destruction in Japan," November, 2006. ABS PDF

554. Brown, Andrew G. and Robert M. Stern, "Issues of Fairness in International Trade Agreements," September 18, 2006; Margin: The Journal of Applied Economic Research 1(1), January-March 2007, pp. 1-22. ABS PDF

553. Dinkelman, Taryn, James Levinsohn, and Rolang Majelantle, "When Knowledge Is Not Enough: HIV/AIDS Information and Risky Behavior In Botswana," July 24, 2006. ABS PDF

552. Petrin, Amil and James Levinsohn, "Measuring Aggregate Productivity Growth Using Plant-Level Data," December, 2005. ABS PDF

551. Saxonhouse, Gary R. and Robert M. Stern, "Trade Policy Issues and Policy Options for Japan and the United States: Introduction and Overview," World Economy, June, 2006. ABS PDF

550. Coibion, Olivier, Liran Einav, and Juan Carlos Hallak, "Equilibrium Demand Elasticities across Quality Segments," April, 2006. ABS PDF

549. Park, Albert, Dean Yang, Xinzheng Shi, and Yuan Jiang, "Exporting and Firm Performance: Chinese Exporters and the Asian Financial Crisis," April, 2006. ABS PDF

548. Saxonhouse, Gary R. and Robert M. Stern, "Reversal of Fortune: Macroeconomic Policy, International Finance, and Banking in Japan," International Economics and Economic Policy, December 2005. ABS PDF

547. Dominguez, Kathryn and Freyan Panthaki, "What Defines 'News' in Foreign Exchange Markets?" November, 2005; Journal of International Money and Finance 25, January 2006, 168-198. ABS PDF

546. Gorodnichenko, Yuriy and Linda Tesar, "A Re-Examination of the Border Effect," October 2005. ABS PDF

545. Brown, Drusilla K., Kozo Kiyota, and Robert M. Stern, "An Analysis of the U.S.-SACU FTA Negotiations," May 31, 2006; World Development, 36(3): 461-484, March 2008. ABS PDF

544. Brown, Andrew G. and Robert M. Stern, "Concepts of Fairness in the Global Trading System," November 25, 2005; Pacific Economic Review, forthcoming. ABS PDF

543. Deardorff, Alan V., "Gains from Trade and Fragmentation," July 21, 2005. ABS PDF

542. Stern, Robert M., "Review of Elliott and Freeman, Can Labor Standards Improve under Globalization?," July 1, 2005; Journal of Economic Literature, December, 2005. ABS PDF

541. Deardorff, Alan V. and Indira Rajaraman, "Can Export Taxation Counter Monopsony Power?," June, 2005; published as "Buyer Concentration in Markets for Developing Country Exports," Review of Development Economics, 13(2), May 2009, pp. 190-199. ABS PDF

540. Whitman, Marina v.N., "American Capitalism and Global Convergence: After the Bubble," August, 2003; Occasional Paper #67, Washington, D.C.: Group of Thirty, 2003. ABS PDF

539. Whitman, Marina v.N., "From Trade Liberalization to Economic Integration: The Clash between Private and Public Goods," January, 2003; in Jacob Ryten (ed.), The Sterling Public Servant: A Global Tribute to Sylvia Ostry, Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2004. ABS PDF

538. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern, "A Centennial of Antidumping Legislation and Implementation -- Introduction and Overview," December 20, 2004; World Economy 28(5), May 2005, pp. 633-640. ABS PDF

537. Deardorff, Alan V., "How Robust is Comparative Advantage?," May 16, 2005. ABS PDF

536. Leibbrandt, Murray, James Levinsohn, and Justin McCrary, "Incomes in South Africa since the Fall of Apartheid," May 12, 2005. ABS PDF

535. Yang, Dean and HwaJung Choi, "Are Remittances Insurance? Evidence from Rainfall Shocks in the Philippines," April 2005. ABS PDF

534. Yang, Dean, "Coping With Disaster: The Impact of Hurricanes on International Financial Flows, 1970-2001," March 2005. ABS PDF

533. Auguste, Sebastian, Kathryn M.E. Dominguez, Herman Kamil, Linda L. Tesar, "Cross-Border Trading as a Mechanism for Implicit Capital Flight: ADRs and the Argentine Crisis," February 2005; Journal of Monetary Economics 53, 2006, 1259-1295. ABS PDF

532. Dominguez, Kathryn M.E. and Linda L. Tesar, "International Borrowing and Macroeconomic Performance in Argentina," February 8, 2005; in Sebastian Edwards, ed., Capital Controls and Capital Flows in Emerging Economies: Policies, Practices, and Consequences, University of Chicago Press for the NBER, 2007, 297-342. ABS PDF

531. Yang, Dean, "International Migration, Human Capital, and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Philippine Migrantsí Exchange Rate Shocks," February 2005. ABS PDF

530. Stern, Robert M., "The Place of Services in the World Economy," February 15, 2005; Colombian Economic Journal, 2006 (3); reprinted in ICFAI Professional Reference BookñKnowlege Management in the Services Sector, ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad, India, forthcoming. ABS PDF

529. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern, "Globalizationís Bystanders: Does Trade Liberalization Hurt Countries that Do Not Participate?," February 10, 2005; World Development, August 2006 (Vol. 34, No. 8). ABS PDF

528. Brown, Drusilla K., Kozo Kiyota, and Robert M. Stern, "Computational Analysis of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)," revised, February 5, 2005; North American Journal of Economics and Finance, August 2005. ABS PDF

527. Brown, Drusilla K., Kozo Kiyota, and Robert M. Stern, "Computational Analysis of the U.S FTAs with Central America, Australia, And Morocco," revised January 31, 2005; The World Economy, October 2005. ABS PDF

526. Levinsohn, James and Margaret McMillan, "Does Food Aid Harm the Poor? Household Evidence from Ethiopia," 2005. ABS PDF

525. Yang, Dean, "Integrity for Hire: An Analysis of a Widespread Program for Combating Customs Corruption," January 2005. ABS PDF

524. Gordon H. Hanson, Kenneth F. Scheve, and Matthew J. Slaughter, "Public Finance and Individual Preferences Over Globalization Strategies," January 2005. ABS PDF

523. Levinsohn, James, "Globalization and the Returns to Speaking English in South Africa," October 29, 2004. ABS PDF

522. Burstein, Ariel, Christopher Johann Kurz, and Linda Tesar, "Trade, Production Sharing and the International Transmission of Business Cycles," November 2004. ABS PDF

521. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern, "Designing a Pro-Active Stance for India in the Doha Development Agenda Negotiations," October 13, 2004. ABS PDF

520. Yang, Dean, "Can Enforcement Backfire? Crime Displacement in the Context of Customs Reform in the Philippines," September 2004. ABS PDF

519. Deardorff, Alan V., "A Trade Theoristís Take on Skilled-Labor Outsourcing," September 13, 2004. ABS PDF

518. Brown, Andrew G. and Robert M. Stern, "Global Market Integration and National Sovereignty," September 25, 2004; The World Economy, March 2006 (Vol. 29, No. 3). ABS PDF

517. Deardorff, Alan V., "Who Makes the Rules of Globalization?," August 26, 2004. ABS PDF

516. Deardorff, Alan V., "Trade and Location: A Moving Example Motivated by Japan," August 23, 2004. ABS PDF

515. Brown, Drusilla K., Kozo Kiyota, and Robert M. Stern, "Computational Analysis of the Menu of U.S.-Japan Trade Policies," August 6, 2004; The World Economy, June 2006, pp. 805-55. ABS PDF

514. Brown, Drusilla K., Kozo Kiyota, and Robert M. Stern, "Computational Analysis of the U.S FTA with the Southern African Customs Union (SACU)," July 6, 2004; published as "An Analysis of a US-Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Free Trade Agreement," World Development, 36(3), pp. 461-484, March 2008. ABS PDF

513. Yang, Dean, "Why Do Migrants Return to Poor Countries? Evidence from Philippine Migrantsí Responses to Exchange Rate Shocks," July 2004; Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming. ABS PDF

512. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern, "Enhancing the Benefits for India and Other Developing Countries in the Doha Development Agenda Negotiations," July 16, 2004. ABS PDF

511. Chari, Anusha, Paige P. Ouimetand, and Linda L. Tesar, "Acquiring Control in Emerging Markets: Evidence from the Stock Market," October 2004. ABS PDF

510. Kimura, Fukunari and Kozo Kiyota, "Foreign-owned versus Domestically-owned Firms: Economic Performance in Japan," March 31, 2004; Review of Development Economics 11(1), February 2007, pp. 31-48. ABS PDF

509. Hallak, Juan Carlos and James Levinsohn, "Fooling Ourselves: Evaluating the Globalization and Growth Debate," January 2004. ABS PDF

508. Mendoza, Enrique G. and Linda L. Tesar, "Winners and Losers of Tax Competition in the European Union," July 2003; forthcoming in Macroeconomic Policies in the World Economy, Kiel Institute for World Economics. ABS PDF

507. Mendoza, Enrique G. and Linda L. Tesar, "A Quantitative Analysis of Tax Competition v. Tax Coordination under Perfect Capital Mobility," April 2003. ABS PDF

506. Dominguez, Kathryn M. E., "When Do Central Bank Interventions Influence Intra-Daily and Longer-Term Exchange Rate Movements?" July 2003; Journal of International Money and Finance 25, November 2006, pp. 1051-1071. ABS PDF

505. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern, "Empirical Analysis of Barriers to International Services Transactions and the Consequences of Liberalization," teaching module prepared for a World Bank course on Trade In Services And International Trade Agreements: The Development Dimension, January 2, 2004; in Aaditya Mattoo, Robert M. Stern, and Gianni Zanini (eds.), International Trade in Services A Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan and The World Bank, forthcoming; adapted for publication in Philippa Dee and Michael Ferrantino (eds.), Quantitative Methods for Assessing the Effects of Non-Tariff Measures and Trade Facilitation, World Scientific, 2005; also adapted for inclusion in J.R. Bryson, J.R. and P.W. Daniels (eds.), The Service Industries Handbook, Cheltenham: Elgar, forthcoming. ABS PDF

504. Moraga-Gonz·lez, JosÈ Luis and Jean-Marie Viaene, "An Example of Procompetitive Trade Policies," December, 2003. ABS PDF

503. Helg, Rodolfo and Lucia Tajoli, "Patterns of International Fragmentation of Production and Implications for the Labor Markets," January, 2004. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, forthcoming. ABS PDF

502. Coleman, Andrew, "Storage, Slow Transport, and the Law of One Price: Evidence from the Nineteenth Century U.S. Corn Market," February, 2004. ABS PDF

501. Deardorff, Alan V., "Ricardian Comparative Advantage with Intermediate Inputs," February 28, 2004; North American Journal of Economics and Finance 16, March 2005, pp. 11-34. ABS PDF

500. Deardorff, Alan V., "Local Comparative Advantage: Trade Costs and the Pattern of Trade," February 27, 2004. ABS PDF

499. Stern, Robert M. and Katherine Terrell, "Labor Standards and the World Trade Organization," August, 2003. ABS PDF

498. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern, "Enhancing the Benefits for Developing Countries in the Doha Development Agenda Negotiations," August 13, 2003. ABS PDF

497. Deardorff, Alan V., "Michigan's Stake in International Trade and Investment," September 23, 2002. Published in Ballard, Courant, Drake, Fisher, and Gerber, eds., Michigan at the Millennium: A Benchmark and Analysis of Its Fiscal and Economic Structure, East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 2003, pp. 101-116. ABS PDF

496. Stern, Robert M., "Labor Standards and Trade Agreements," Revised August 18, 2003; Revue díEconomie du Developpement, December 2003 (Analyser les Relations Nord-Sud - Analyzing North-South Relations), Essais en l'honneur d'Elliot Berg. ABS PDF

495. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Developing Countries' Stake in the Doha Round," June 11, 2003. ABS PDF

494. Okubo, Toshihiro, "The Border Effect in the Japanese Market: A Gravity Model Analysis," April 16, 2003. Forthcoming in Journal of the Japanese and International Economies. ABS PDF

493. Hallak, Juan Carlos, "The Effect of Cross-Country Differences in Product Quality on the Direction of International Trade 2002," February, 2003. ABS PDF

492. Deardorff, Alan V., "What Might Globalization's Critics Believe?," December 19, 2002. The World Economy 26(5), May 2003, pp. 639-658. ABS PDF

491. Fukao, Kyoji, Toshihiro Okubo, and Robert M. Stern, "An Econometric Analysis of Trade Diversion under NAFTA," October 30, 2002; North American Journal of Economics and Finance, December 2002. ABS PDF

490. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Multilateral, Regional, and Bilateral Trade-Policy Options for the United States and Japan," December 16, 2002. The World Economy 26(6), June 2003, pp. 803-828. ABS PDF

489. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Computational Analysis of Multilateral Trade Liberalization in the Uruguay Round and Doha Development Round," December 8, 2002; in Aaditya Mattoo and Robert M. Stern, eds., India and the WTO, Washington, D.C.: World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 13-46. ABS PDF

488. Fitzgerald, Doireann and Juan Carlos Hallak, "Specialization, Factor Accumulation and Development," May, 2002. ABS PDF

487. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern, "EU Expansion and EU Growth," October 29, 2002; in Alan V. Deardorff, ed., The Past, Present and Future of the European Union, IEA Conference Volume No. 138, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, pp. 74-102. ABS PDF

486. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "The Determinants of Child Labor: Theory and Evidence," September, 2002. ABS PDF

485. Gary R. Saxonhouse and Robert M. Stern, Japan's Lost Decade: Origins, Consequences, and Prospects For Recovery - Chapter Abstracts, August 22, 2002. ABS PDF

484. Gary R. Saxonhouse and Robert M. Stern, Japan's Lost Decade: Origins, Consequences, and Prospects For Recovery - Introduction, August 22, 2002. ABS PDF

483. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "The Effects of Multinational Production on Wages and Working Conditions in Developing Countries" August 30, 2002; in Robert E. Baldwin and L. Alan Winters, eds., Challenges to Globalization: Analyzing the Economics, National Bureau of Economic Research, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004, pp. 279-326. ABS PDF

482. Friedman, Jed and James Levinsohn, "The Distributional Impacts of Indonesia's Financial Crisis on Household Welfare: A 'Rapid Response' Methodology," September 2001; World Bank Economic Review 16, 2003, pp. 397-424. ABS PDF

481. Hanson, Gordon H. and Chong Xiang, "The Home Market Effect and Bilateral Trade Patterns," June 2002. ABS PDF

480. Stern, Robert M., "An Economic Perspective on Russia's Accession to the WTO," June 11, 2002. ABS PDF

479. Xiang, Chong, "New Goods and Rising Skill Premium: An Empirical Investigation," May 28, 2002. ABS PDF

478. Xiang, Chong, "New Goods and Rising Skill Premium: A Theoretical Investigation," May 28, 2002. ABS PDF

477. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Pros and Cons of Linking Trade and Labor Standards" May 6, 2002; in Douglas Nelson, ed., The Political Economy of Policy Reform: Essays in Honor of J. Michael Finger, New York: Elsevier, 2004. ABS PDF

476. Chang, Pao-Li, "Endogenous Tariff Formation with Intra-Industry Trade," April 19, 2002. ABS PDF

475. Chang, Pao-Li, "The Evolution and Utilization of the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism," April 19, 2002. ABS PDF

474. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Child Labor: Theory, Evidence, and Policy" August 17, 2001; in Kaushik Basu, Henrik Horn, Lisa Roman, and Judith Shapiro, eds., International Labor Standards: History, Theories and Policy Options, London: Blackwell Publishers, 2003. ABS PDF

473. Deardorff, Alan V., "Tariffication in Services" August 2, 2001. In Robert M. Stern, ed., Issues and Options for U.S.-Japan Trade Policies, University of Michigan Press, 2002, pp. 107-121. ABS PDF

472. Saxonhouse, Gary R., "Dispute Settlement at the WTO and the Dole Commission: USTR Resources and Success" August 2, 2001. In Robert M. Stern, ed., Issues and Options for U.S.-Japan Trade Policies, University of Michigan Press, 2002, pp. 363-383. ABS PDF

471. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Impacts on NAFTA Members of Multilateral and Regional Trading Arrangements and Initiatives and Harmonization of NAFTA's External Tariffs" June 15, 2001; in Richard G. Harris, ed., North American Linkages: Opportunities and Challenges for Canada, Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2003, pp. 359-390. ABS PDF

470. Stern, Robert M., "Quantifying Barriers to Trade in Services" November 8, 2000; in Bernard Hoekman, Philip English, and Aaditya Mattoo (eds.), Development, Trade, and the WTO: A Handbook, The World Bank, 2002. ABS PDF

469. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Multilateral, Regional, and Bilateral Trade-Policy Options for the United States and Japan" April 23, 2001. Revised as #490. ABS PDF

468. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "CGE Modeling and Analysis of Multilateral and Regional Negotiating Options" January 23, 2001. In Robert M. Stern, ed., Issues and Options for U.S.-Japan Trade Policies, University of Michigan Press, 2002, pp. 23-76. ABS PDF 467. Deardorff, Alan V., Saul H. Hymans, Robert M. Stern, and Chong Xiang, "Forecasting U.S. Trade in Services" March 30, 2000. In Robert M. Stern, ed., Services in the International Economy: Measurement and Modeling, Sector and Country Studies, and Issues in the WTO Services Negotiations, University of Michigan Press, 2001, pp. 53-81. ABS PDF 466. Dominguez, Kathryn M.E. and Linda L. Tesar, "Trade and Exposure" January, 2001; American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, May 2001, pp. 367-370. ABS PDF 465. Dominguez, Kathryn M.E. and Linda L. Tesar, "A Re-Examination of Exchange Rate Exposure" January, 2001; American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, May 2001, pp. 396-399. ABS PDF 464. Kilian, Lutz and Mark P. Taylor, "Why Is It So Difficult to Beat the Random Walk Forecast of Exchange Rates?" January 1, 2001; forthcoming in the Journal of International Economics. ABS PDF 463. Deardorff, Alan V., "International Provision of Trade Services, Trade, and Fragmentation," August 30, 2000. Review of International Economics 9 (May 2001), 233-248. ABS PDF 462. Deardorff, Alan V., "Developing Country Growth and Developed Country Response," August 14, 2000. Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 10, December 2001, pp. 373-392. ABS PDF 461. Deardorff, Alan V., "Market Access for Developing Countries," August 14, 2000. In R. B. Porter, P. SauvÈ, A. Subramanian, and A. B. Zampetti, Efficiency, Equity and Legitimacy: The Multilateral Trading System at the Millennium, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2001, pp. 159-173. ABS PDF 460. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern, "What the Public Should Know about Globalization and the World Trade Organization," July 20, 2000; published as "What You Should Know about Globalization and the World Trade Organization," Review of International Economics 10 (August 2002), 404-423. ABS PDF 459. Chadha, Rajesh, Drusilla K. Brown, Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Computational Analysis of the Impact on India of the Uruguay Round and the Forthcoming WTO Trade Negotiations," March 28, 2000; in Aaditya Mattoo and Robert M. Stern (eds.), India and the WTO, The World Bank in collaboration with Oxford University Press, 2003. ABS PDF 458. Deardorff, Alan V. "Financial Crisis, Trade, and Fragmentation," April 18, 2000; in Leonard K. Cheng and Henryk Kierzkowski, eds., Global Production and Trade in East Asia, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. ABS PDF 457. Stern, Robert M., "Labor Standards and Trade," February 17, 2000. In Marco Bronckers and Reinhard Quick (eds.), New Directions in International Economic Law: Essays in Honor of John Jackson, Kluwer Law International, 2000, pp. 425-438. ABS PDF 456. Stern, Robert M., "Developing Country Interests in the Forthcoming WTO Negotiations," February 16, 2000; The Journal of East Asian Affairs, Fall/Winter 1999. ABS PDF 455. Deardorff, Alan V., "The Economics of Government Market Intervention, and Its International Dimension," February 10, 2000. In Marco Bronckers and Reinhard Quick (eds.), New Directions in International Economic Law: Essays in Honor of John Jackson, Kluwer Law International, 2000, pp. 71-84. ABS PDF 454. Deardorff, Alan V. and Simeon Djankov, "Knowledge Transfer Under Subcontracting: Evidence from Czech Firms," January 5, 2000. World Development 28, 2000, pp. 1837-1847. ABS PDF 453. Brown, Drusilla K. and Robert M. Stern, "Measurement and Modeling of the Economic Effects of Trade and Investment Barriers in Services," Revised, November 24, 2000; Review of International Economics, 2001. ABS PDF 452. Barsky, Robert B. and Lutz Kilian, "A Monetary Explanation of the Great Stagflation of the 1970s," January 27, 2000; forthcoming in the NBER Macroeconomics Annual as "Do We Really Know that Oil Caused the Great Stagflation? A Monetary Alternative". ABS PDF 451. Melitz, Marc, "When and How Should Infant Industries Be Protected," October 11, 1999. ABS PDF 450. Kilian, Lutz and Tao Zha, "Quantifying the Half-Life of Deviations from PPP: The Role of Economic Priors," October 5, 1999. Forthcoming as "Quantifying the Uncertainty about the Half-Life of Deviations from PPP," Journal of Applied Econometrics. ABS PDF 449. Hanson, Gordon H. and Antonio Spilembergo, "Political Economy, Sectoral Shocks, and Border Enforcement," July, 1999. Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming. ABS PDF 448. Hanson, Gordon H. and Matthew J. Slaughter, "The Rybczynski Theorem, Factor-Price Equalization, and Immigration: Evidence from U.S. States," April, 1999. Forthcoming as "Labor Market Adjustment in Open Economies: Evidence from U.S. States," Journal of International Economics. ABS PDF 447. Hanson, Gordon H., Raymond Robertson, and Antonio Spilembergo, "Does Border Enforcement Protect U.S. Workers from Illegal Immigration?," February, 1999. Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming. ABS PDF 446. Levinsohn, James, Steven Berry, and Jed Friedman, "Impacts of the Indonesian Economic Crisis: Price Changes and the Poor," June 22, 1999; in Michael Dooley and Jeffrey Frankel, eds., Managing Currency Crises, University of Chicago Press/NBER, 2003. ABS PDF 445. Levinsohn, James and Amil Petrin, "When Industries Become More Productive, Do Firms?: Investigating Productivity Dynamics," January 27, 1999. ABS PDF 444. Caner, Mehmet and Lutz Kilian, "Size Distortions of Tests of the Null Hypothesis of Stationarity: Evidence and Implications for the PPP Debate," July 30, 1999; forthcoming in Journal of International Money and Finance. ABS PDF

443. Deardorff, Alan V., "Patterns of Trade and Growth across Cones," July 23, 1999. De Economist 148, June 2000, pp. 141-166. ABS PDF

442. Deardorff, Alan V., "Economic Implications of Europe-Maghreb Trade Agreements," July 17, 1999. ABS PDF

441. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern, Table of Contents and Chapter 1 of Social Dimensions of U.S. Trade Policy, June 7, 1999. Volume published Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press, 2000. ABS PDF 440. Deardorff, Alan V., "Policy Implications of the Trade and Wages Debate," May 26, 1999. Review of International Economics 8, (August 2000), 478-496. ABS PDF

439. Hanson, Gordon H., "Market Potential, Increasing Returns, and Geographic Concentration," May, 1999. ABS PDF Figures (large file - 2.5M)

438. Hanson, Gordon H., Raymond Robertson, and Antonio Spilimbergo, "Does Border Enforcement Protect U.S. Workers from Illegal Immigration?" February, 1999. ABS PDF

437. Stern, Robert M., "Dynamic Aspects of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreements for the MENA Countries," April 14, 1999. In Sebastien Dessus, Raed Safadi, and Julia Devlin (eds.), The Dynamics of New Regionalism in MENA: Integration, Euro-Med Partnership Agreements and After, OECD, Paris, forthcoming. ABS PDF

436. Hanson, Gordon H. and Matthew J. Slaughter, "The Rybczynski Theorem, Factor-Price Equalization, and Immigration: Evidence from U.S. States," April, 1999. ABS PDF

435. Davis, Donald R. and David E. Weinstein., "An Account of Global Factor Trade," October 16, 1998. American Economic Review, forthcoming. ABS PDF

434. Xiang, Chong., "The Sufficiency of the 'Lens Condition' for Factor Price Equalization in the Case of Two Factors," January 11, 1999. Journal of International Economics 53, 2001, pp. 463-474. ABS PDF

433. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "U.S. Trade and Other Policy Options and Programs to Deter Foreign Expoitation of Child Labor," February 19, 1999. In Magnus Blomström and Linda S. Goldberg, eds., Topics in Empirical International Economics: A Festschrift in Honor of Robert E. Lipsey, University of Chicago Press, 2001. ABS PDF

432. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Computational Analysis of the Accession of Chile to the NAFTA and Western Hemisphere Integration," October 16, 1998. The World Economy 23, (February 2000), pp. 145-174. ABS PDF Complete Tables

431. Deardorff, Alan V., "Does Growth Encourage Factor Price Equalization," August 10, 1998. Review of Development Economics, forthcoming. ABS PDF

430. Stern, Robert M., "Labor Standards and International Trade," January 16, 1998. Published in Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean, Integration and Trade, May/June 1999, in English and Spanish. ABS PDF

429. Debaere, Peter, "'Endowments Do Matter': Relative Factor Abundance and Trade" June, 1998. ABS PDF

428. Deardorff, Alan V., "Technology, Trade, and Increasing Inequality: Does the Cause Matter for the Cure?" June 17, 1998. Journal of International Economic Law, September 1998, pp. 353-376. ABS PDF

427. Deardorff, Alan V., "Fragmentation across Cones," August 7, 1998. In Sven W. Arndt and Henryk Kierzkowski, eds., Fragmentation: New Production Patterns in the World Economy, Oxford, 2001. ABS PDF

426. McAusland, Carol, "Learning by Doing in the Presence of an Open Access Renewable Resource: Is Growth Sustainable?" February 13, 1998. ABS PDF

425. Rowland, Patrick F. and Linda Tesar, "Multinationals and the Gains from International Diversification" August 24, 1998. ABS PDF

424. Stern, Robert M., "The WTO Trade Policy Review of the United States, 1996" February 3, 1998. The World Economy, August 1998. ABS PDF

423. Deardorff, Alan V., "Benefits and Costs of Following Comparative Advantage" January 12, 1998. The Sweetland Inaugural Lecture, in Department of Economics, The Economic Outlook for 1998, Forty-Fifth Annual Conference on the Economic Outlook, Ann Arbor, MI, 1997. ABS PDF

422. Deardorff, Alan V., "Fragmentation in Simple Trade Models" January 7, 1998. North American Journal of Economics and Finance 12, July 2001, pp. 121-137. ABS PDF

421. Deardorff, Alan V., "Diverging Populations and Endogenous Growth in a Model of Meaningless Trade" December 31, 1997. Review of International Economics, 7, August 1999, pp. 359-377. ABS PDF

420. Horn, Henrik and James Levinsohn, "Merger Policies and Trade Liberalization" June 11, 1997; Economic Journal 111, April 2001, pp. 244-276. ABS PDF 419. Jackson, John H., "Dispute Settlement in the WTO: Policy and Jurisprudential Considerations" February 9, 1998. ABS PDF

418. Pahre, Robert, "Domestic Politics, Trade Policy, and Economic Sanctions: A Public Choice Model with Application to United States-Chinese Relations" April 10, 1998. ABS PDF

417. Saxonhouse, Gary, "Trade Policy, Constituent Interests and Politics in US-Japan Economic Relations" February 11, 1998. ABS PDF PS

416. Stern, Robert M., "Constituent Interest Group Influences on U.S. Trade Policies Since the Advent of the WTO" December 4, 1997. ABS PDF

415. Deardorff, Alan V. and Richard Hall, "Explaining the Role of Interest Groups in United States Trade Policy" November 11, 1997. ABS PDF

414. Dominguez, Kathryn, "The Dollar Exposure of Japanese Companies" Revised October, 1998. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 12, 1998, pp. 388-405. ABS PDF

413. Chadha, Rajesh, Sanjib Pohit, Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Analysis of India's Policy Reforms" October 29, 1997. The World Economy, March 1998. ABS PDF

412. Dominguez, Kathryn, "The Market Microstructure of Central Bank Intervention" July, 1997; Journal of International Economics, 59, 2003, 25-45. ABS PDF

411. Morck, Randall and Bernard Yeung, "Why Investors Sometimes Value Size and Diversification: The Internalization Theory of Synergy" September 5, 1997. ABS PDF

410. Morck, Randall, Bernard Yeung, and Wayne Yu, "The Information Content of Stock Markets: Why Do Emerging Markets Have So Little Firm-Specific Risk?" August 8, 1997. Forthcoming as "The Information Content of Stock Markets: Why Do Emerging Markets Have Synchronous Stock Price Movements?" Journal of Financial Economics, 1999. ABS PDF

409. Deardorff, Alan V., "Factor Prices and the Factor Content of Trade Revisited: What's the Use?" August 8, 1997. Journal of International Economics 50, February 2000, pp. 73-90. ABS PDF

408. Dominguez, Kathryn, "Monetary Interdependence and Coordination" October, 1996. ABS PDF

407. Morck, Randall and Jungsywan Sepanski and Bernard Yeung, "Habitual and Occasional Lobbyers in the US Steel Industry" February 21, 1997. Published as "Habitual and Non-Habitual Lobbyists in the US Steel Industry: An EM Algorithm Approach," Economic Inquiry, 1999. ABS PDF

406. Debaere, Peter and Ufuk Demiroglu, "International Saving, Investment, and Trade" March 24, 1997. ABS PDF

405. Deardorff, Alan V., "International Externalities in the Use of Domestic Policies to Redistribute Income" July 19, 1997. In Mordechai E. Kreinin, Michael G. Plummer, and Shigeyuki Abe, eds., Asia-Pacific Economic Linkages, Amsterdam: Pergamon, 1999. ABS PDF

404. Demiroglu, Ufuk and Kwan Koo Yun, "The Lens Condition for Factor Price Equalization" June 15, 1997. Journal of International Economics 47, 1999, pp. 449-456. ABS PDF

403. Davis, Donald R. and David E. Weinstein, "Does Economic Geography Matter for International Specialization" June, 1997. ABS PDF

402. Deardorff, Alan V., "Rich and Poor Countries in Neoclassical Trade and Growth" June 29, 1997. Economic Journal 111, April 2001, pp. 277-294. ABS PDF

401. Kilian, Lutz, "Exchange Rates and Monetary Fundamentals: What Do We Learn From Long-Horizon Regressions?" May 28, 1997. Journal of Applied Econometrics 14, September 1999, 491-510. ABS PDF

400. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern, "An Overview of the Modeling of the Choices and Consequences of U.S. Trade Policy," May 28, 1997. In Deardorff and Stern, eds., Constituent Interests and U.S. Trade Policies, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1998, pp. 29-55. ABS PDF

399. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern, "Table of Contents" and "Introduction" to Representation of Constituent Interests in the Design and Implementation of U.S. Trade Policies: The Sweetland Conference, May 28, 1997. In Deardorff and Stern, eds., Constituent Interests and U.S. Trade Policies, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1998, pp. 9-27. ABS PDF

398. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Issues of Environmental and Labor Standards in the Global Trading System," May 19, 1997. In Stanley W. Black (ed.), Globalization, Technological Change, and Labor Markets, Kluwer Academic Press, 1998, pp. 235-276. ABS PDF

397. Chakrabarti, AvikKhfnvfkhu0Rkolq prgho wr wkh fdvh ri pdq| jrrgv/ frxqwu, "The Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment and the Excluded Economies," April 14 , 1997. ABS PDF

396. Stern, Robert M., "Conflict and Cooperation in International Economic Policy and Law," April 17, 1996. Journal of International Economic Law 17, 1996. ABS PDF

395. Deardorff, Alan V. and Robert M. Stern, "Measurement of Nontariff Barriers," Excerpt: Table of Contents and Chapter I, March 17, 1997. Published: Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1998. ABS PDF Complete text available from OECD as Working Paper No. 179

394. Brown, Drusilla K., Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Trade and Labor Standards," March 14, 1997. Open Economies Review, 1998. ABS PDF

393. Berry, Steve, James Levinsohn, and Ariel Pakes, "Voluntary Export Restraints on Automobiles: Evaluating a Strategic Trade Policy," March 19, 1997. American Economic Review 89, June 1999, pp. 400-430. ABS PDF

392. Levinsohn, James, "Productivity in the U.S. Auto Industry: Evidence from Multiple Perspectives," January 28, 1997. ABS PDF

391. Naito, Hisahiro, "Tariffs and Production Subsidies as Devices to Relax the Incentive Problem of a Progressive Income Tax System," November 13, 1996. ABS PDF

390. Levinsohn, James, "Firm Heterogeneity, Jobs, and International Trade: Evidence from Chile," October 29, 1996. Published as "Employment Responses to International Liberalization in Chile," Journal of International Economics 47, April 1999, pp. 321-344. ABS PDF

389. Levinsohn, James, "CARWARS: Trying to Make Sense of U.S.-Japan Trade Frictions in the Automobile and Automobile Parts Markets," March 25, 1996. In Robert Feenstra, ed., The Effects of U.S. Trade Protection and Trade Promotion Policies, University of Chicago Press, pp. 11-32, 1997. ABS PDF

388. Deardorff, Alan V., "An Economist's Overview of the World Trade Organization," November 4, 1996. In Korea Economic Institute, The Emerging WTO System and Perspectives from East Asia, Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies Vol 7, 1997. ABS PDF

387. Stern, Robert M., "Issues of Trade and International Labor Standards in the WTO System," September 11, 1996. In Korea Economic Institute, The Emerging WTO System and Perspectives from East Asia, Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies Vol 7, 1997. ABS PDF

386. Stern, Robert M., "The GATT's Trade Policy Review of Japan, 1994," April 29, 1996. In "Global Trade Policy 1996," The World Economy, 1996. ABS PDF

385. Brown, Drusilla, Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Some Economic Effects of the Free Trade Agreement Between Tunisia and the European Union," July 22, 1996. In Ahmed Galal and Bernard Hoekman (eds.), Regional Partners in Global Markets: Limits and Possibilities of the Euro-Med Agreements, London/Cairo: Center for Economic Policy Research and Egyptian Center for Economic Studies, 1997. ABS PDF

384. De Arcangelis, Giuseppe, "Monetary Policy and Exchange-Rate Regimes in Europe: A Structural Approach," Nov. 22, 1995. ABS PDF

383. Deardorff, Alan V., "International Externalities in the Use of Pollution Policies," Nov. 11, 1995. International Review of Law and Economics 16, March 1996, pp. 53-59. ABS PDF

382. Deardorff, Alan V., "Determinants of Bilateral Trade: Does Gravity Work in a Neoclassical World?" Nov. 7, 1995. In Jeffrey A. Frankel, ed., The Regionalization of the World Economy, NBER, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998, pp. 7-28. ABS PDF

381. Brown, Drusilla, Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "The Economic Effects of an East Asian Trading Bloc," Jul. 7, 1995. In G. Boyd and A. Rugman (eds.), Euro-Pacific Investment and Trade: Strategies and Structural Interdependencies. London: Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1997. ABS

380. Brown, D. K., A. V. Deardorff, S. D. Djankov, and R. M. Stern, "An Economic Assessment of the Integration of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland into the European Union," Oct. 3, 1995; forthcoming in Stanley Black, ed., Europe's Economy Looks East. In Stanley Black, ed., Europe's Economy Looks East: Implications for Germany and the European Union, Cambridge University Press, 1997. ABS PDF

379. Brown, D. K., A. V. Deardorff, A. K. Fox, and R. M. Stern, "Computational Analysis of Goods and Services Liberalization in the Uruguay Round," August 23, 1995. Published as "The Liberalization of Services Trade: Potential Impacts in the Aftermath of the Uruguay Round," in W. Martin and L. A. Winters, eds., The Uruguay Round and the Developing Countries, The World Bank, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. ABS PDF

378. Brown, Drusilla, Alan V. Deardorff, and Robert M. Stern, "Modelling Multilateral Trade Liberalization in Services," Jul. 6, 1995. Asia-Pacific Economic Review, April, 1996. ABS PDF

377. Pahre, Robert, "Integration and the European Union: A Public Goods Analysis," May 30, 1995. Published as "Wider and Deeper: The Links between Expansion and Enlargement in the European Communities," Chapter 6 in Towards a New Europe: Stops and Starts in Regional Integration, edited by Gerald Schneider, Patricia A. Weitsman, and Thomas Bernauer, pp. 111-136 (Praeger/Greenwood, 1995). ABS

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