Bromage Fund | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Bromage Fund

Fellowship and internship support for future leaders.

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Arthur W. and Mary C. Bromage Fellowship

The Arthur W. and Mary C. Bromage Fund provides student fellowship and internship support in honor of the Bromage family. These scholarships are essential for recruiting and retaining talented students--students who will use their Ford School education to become the policy leaders of the future.

Mary and Arthur Bromage
Mary and Arthur Bromage

About the fund

Arthur W. Bromage (1904-1979), the school's longest-serving faculty member, had been at the center circle of the Ford School community for five decades. Alumni and friends established a small fund in his honor just after his retirement, and set out to do more after his passing in 1979. With gifts from the Michigan Municipal League, the International City Managers Association, and the Earhart Foundation, they awarded Arthur W. Bromage Fellowships and Internships to a small group of students, and began to reach out to alumni and friends to contribute to an endowed fund that would honor his legacy far into the future.

Together, 250 donors along with institutional investments have contributed $383,000 to the Bromage Fund. From the beginning, the University of Michigan invested those funds carefully, as it does all endowed funds, and provided the Ford School with a small percentage of the value each year for Bromage Fellows and Interns. Today, thirty-seven years since its launch, the Arthur W. and Mary C. Bromage Fund is valued at $1.3 million.

In the last decade, this endowment has provided $631,532 to more than 100 of the Ford School's talented students.

Make a gift in honor of the Bromage family today.

Philanthropy in action

My presence at the University of Michigan would not be possible without financial assistance from the Bromage Fund. The Ford School offers me the chance to supplement my classroom knowledge with a more macro-level view of how we can best improve our public education system.

Lauren Burdette (MPP '15), Bromage Fund fellowship recipient

Thanks to donor support, I was able to intern with Volunteers of America and support their efforts to honor and support the women and men who have served our country, as well as the families who walk with them every step of the way.

Caroline Meehan (MPP '13), Bromage Fund internship support recipient