2023 Alumni Board candidates statements | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

2023 Alumni Board candidates statements

Graduate Candidates

Ryan Bartholomew, BA ‘15, MPP ‘19
Lansing, MI
Michigan House of Representatives, State Rep. Carrie Rheingans, Legislative Director

I worked as an analyst at a health policy firm affiliated with Michigan Medicine (CHRT) for three years, managing their health policy fellowship, working on a local public health intervention, and being their go-to person for all things ACA. I left in 2022 to manage two State House campaigns. I now work in the Michigan House as the legislative director for one of those State Representatives where I spend my days crafting all manner of legislation, most of it being health-related.

I believe that my experiences, both working as policy analyst and then actually crafting policy, has provided me with a unique perspective that I could use to help current and future Ford students as they think about what sort of career that they might want to pursue when they leave Weill Hall. I love the Ford School. I’m who I am today because of my experiences there. I want to give back to the school that gave me so much, especially as I was once a new graduate not sure of where I would land.


Michael Cahill, MPP/JD ‘99
Brooklyn, NY
Professor & Emeritus President/Dean, Brooklyn Law School

I have spent the last 13 years in higher-ed administration, including stints as dean at a large public law school (Rutgers) and dean and president of a stand-alone law school (Brooklyn Law). Those experiences have acquainted me with various opportunities and challenges facing higher-ed institutions generally, and with specific areas such as admissions and enrollment policy, efforts to promote a diverse and inclusive community, alumni relations, fundraising, and career services. Having recently stepped down as dean to rejoin the Brooklyn faculty as a professor, I have been seeking out ways to put my administrative experience to use in serving other institutions, and the chance to serve on the Ford School Alumni Board seems like a perfect fit. Recent mock job interviews with Ford undergraduates have enabled me to see firsthand their energy, ability, and passion for public service. I would relish the opportunity to have more interactions with Ford students and alumni and to work with others to promote the Ford School’s academic and civic mission.


Olga Ioffe Kasher, MPP/MA ‘99
Washington, DC
World Bank/IFC, Consultant

I am originally from Kazakhstan and became a “Fordie” as an international student in 1997. I have been in international development for 24 years and lived and worked in New York, Moscow and Washington DC, primarily with major international development organizations (World Bank, UNDP, International Finance Corporation).

I am running for the Board for three reasons. First, I have enjoyed volunteering as an alum mentor to the Ford students for the past few years and the students are a great pleasure to work with. Given this experience, I would like to support the Ford School in expanding the outreach of the alumni networks for the current students and recent graduates through more alumni mentorship programs. Finally, statistically, “seasoned” folks like me do not get involved with their alma mater grad programs often enough. While the Ford students and recent graduates could benefit from our experience and advice, we as alumni certainly could benefit from the new ideas, connections and fresh perspectives. Learning from one another could be enriching to everyone in our community. Go Blue!


Sophia Kittler, MPP/MBA ‘14
San Francisco, CA
Mayor London Breed, City and County of San Francisco, Director of Innovation

I am honored to self-nominate to the Ford Alumni Board.

I currently serve as the Director of Innovation for San Francisco Mayor Breed, where my team applies technical data work and human centered design to major city challenges. During seven years in local government, I've tackled issues from cannabis permitting, to budget and finance negotiation to homelessness. I work directly with emerging technology executives to bridge the gap between private and public sector approaches.

I've spent 15+ years at the intersection of policy, innovation, and responsible investment. Prior to joining the City of San Francisco, I worked in social impact finance, including retail bank product design, micro-finance, venture capital, and with the U.S. Treasury. I've gained experience in legislative development, negotiation, budgeting, and implementation management.

I love being a Fordie, and am eager to expand the schools' and Alumni Board's presence on the West Coast. I'm excited to support the Ford School in thinking about new tools and technologies and their role in policymaking, and to support the careers of alumni exploring these fields.


Tara Lanigan, MPA ‘21
Washington, DC/New York, NY
U.S. Department of Transportation, Policy Advisor

I am currently a Presidential Management Fellow serving as a Policy Advisor for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of Research and Technology. I previously led Policy at May Mobility, an Ann Arbor based self-driving shuttle startup, where I fell in love with public transit and working with local governments. The Ford School helped me fully realize the intersection of policy, transportation, technology and sustainability as a career, and I hope to pay that forward to current students. During my ten years living in Southeast Michigan and my time at Ford, I loved blending my worlds by fostering connections across the local political sphere, the Detroit and Ann Arbor startup industries, and my peers in other graduate programs at UM. I hope to help students see the robust communities they can learn from and embed in while they are at Michigan. If elected, it would truly be a pleasure to welcome, serve, and support fellow Fordies.


Farah Mandich, MPP ‘17
Washington, DC
U.S. General Services Administration, Presidential Sustainability Executive

The Ford School and alumni community have been so meaningful to my professional and personal journey. To me, Board service means an opportunity to further steward the benefits of a Ford education; for alumni, current students, staff/faculty, and even our future employers. I have spent my career thus far building a broad range of experience and professional connections in the energy industry - a field of growing interest amongst Fordies - working in and/or interfacing with consultancies, utilities, state regulatory agencies, and the federal government. I am already leveraging this experience and network to serve via prospective student outreach, office hours, and more. If I am privileged to represent you on the Board, I hope to prioritize working on new ways to engage more of you; to connect with each other and future alumni, with an eye toward preserving and enhancing the value of the Ford School experience.


Jonatan Martinez, MPP ‘20
Detroit, MI
City of Detroit, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Deputy Director of the Continuous Improvement Team

As an Alumni Board candidate, my two primary aspirations are expanding the recruitment of Detroiters into the Ford School and connecting students and alumni with professional opportunities in Detroit.

Throughout my career, I have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to public service, mentorship, and operational excellence of public institutions. As the Healthy Homes Manager at the Center for Urban Studies, my team successfully served thousands of Detroit families in combating lead and asthma hazards in underserved Detroit neighborhoods. Moreover, my leadership in coaching and training within the Continuous Improvement team at the City of Detroit has had a positive impact through the improvement of over 50 City programs and training of hundreds of employees in new policies, processes and technologies.

My intimate knowledge of Detroit and extensive network within the city uniquely position me to provide invaluable guidance to the Alumni Boards efforts. I am dedicated to ensuring that the Ford School taps into the wealth of talent and diversity present in Detroit, enriching our academic community and contributing to the city's growth and prosperity.


Salvador Maturana, MPP ‘12
Santiago, Chile
Head of Public Affairs, Chilean American Chamber of Commerce

I bring a diverse international perspective as an alumnus with a career in international organizations, presidential advisory roles, global firms like DiDi, and now as Head of Public Affairs at the Chilean American Chamber of Commerce. My academic journey from the Ford School to Harvard Kennedy School has built a global network I'm eager to leverage for the Ford School's mission.

I've been an engaged alumnus, hosting Michigan delegations in Chile and serving as an Alumni Ambassador to recruit top talent. I aim to add value to the Alumni Board by using my international experience to create professional development opportunities in Chile and Latin America.

I seek to serve on the board to give back to a community that has been instrumental in my growth. I stand as a testament to the transformative power of a Ford School education and wish to extend this legacy to current and future students.


Kevin Naud, MPP ‘21
Detroit, MI
Detroit at Work, Workforce Strategy Advisor

To date, my policy passions and career have centered around workforce development. Before attending Ford, I spent 5 years in Washington, DC working with state workforce agencies on networking, research, and advocacy. My time at the Ford School and the Bohnett fellowship provided the opportunity for me to pivot into local government. Beginning as a summer fellow with Detroit at Work, I moved into a newly created full-time role working to incorporate research and analysis into strategic planning for the workforce system. Now, I lead a small team doing this same work.

As a recent graduate, I can bring a fresh perspective on how the Ford School, from curriculum, to alumni relations, to applied policy opportunities, prepares policymakers for careers. Specifically, I hope to continue to build strong working relationships between the Ford School and local government and other policy stakeholders in Detroit.

As a native of Ann Arbor who has found a new home in Detroit, and the son of two Ford alumni, I have a deep passion for the Ford School and its role in the Southeast Michigan community. I have also tremendously benefited from the generosity of Ford alumni and staff from the recruitment process to my current work, and the chance to serve on the Alumni Board feels like a welcome opportunity to give back.


Jeff Pfeifer, MPA ‘22
Lansing, MI
Harbor Strategic Public Affairs, Director of Public Affairs

I am excited for the opportunity to apply for a position on the Ford School Alumni Board. With a decade of legislative experience spanning diverse public policy areas such as environmental, healthcare, regulatory reform, insurance, and national security, I possess a unique skill set that bridges the gap between academia and real-world policy. My expertise encompasses local, state, and federal issues, and I have a track record of successful issue advocacy, campaign building, and coalition formation.

My multifaceted background, which includes private sector experience and a foundation in communications and public relations, positions me to make a meaningful impact on the Ford School community. 

I am a proud two-time University of Michigan alum, having earned my undergraduate degree from LSA in 2014, and I am deeply committed to giving back to the institution that has enriched my life.

I believe my diverse skill set and passion for the Ford School's mission make me a valuable candidate to contribute to the Alumni Board and support both current students and fellow alumni in their academic and professional journeys.


Cortney Sanders, MPP ‘17
Washington, DC
U.S. Social Security Administration, Senior Executive 

Hello Fellow Fordies!

My name is Cortney Sanders (MPP’17) and I serve as a Senior Executive in the U.S. Social Security Administration. Prior to my appointment with SSA, I was the Senior Manager for State and Policy Analysis at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and independent consultant advising organizations on equity. I have over a decade of experience in DEIA, research analysis, and community engagement. I am a proud member of #Justice4Fordies and the Co-Chair for Alumni Visibility and Engagement on the Alumni Board. You’ve seen me at Ford School Spirit Days, alumni panels, and mock interviews. If I were re-elected, I will continue to serve and make sure current students and alumni are engaged, listened to, and included in the Ford School’s vision!

I go to hard places to do hard things, will you join me? Thanks for your vote and support!


Anna Walters (formerly Zinkel), MPP '19
McLean, VA/Ann Arbor, MI

Guidehouse, Associate Director, State & Local Government 

I am an Associate Director in Guidehouse’s state and local government consulting practice. I work with clients on projects, including process improvement, grants management, strategic planning, and more. I work with state and local governments across the country, with a special focus on the State of Michigan.

I have a background in economic and workforce development and political fundraising. I have worked for the Michigan Legislature, the Detroit Mayor’s Office, and at the Ford School, I was an RA for former Congressman Sandy Levin. I am also an Aspen Institute Economic Opportunity Fellow and a certified change management professional. I also have previous experience serving on nonprofit and community boards. I’m excited about bringing that experience - which includes event planning, fundraising, operational support, and recruiting - to the Ford Alumni Board.

My time at Ford had such a positive impact on my personal and professional development. I’d be thrilled to help current and future Ford students do the same by participating on the Alumni Board.


Maureen (Molly) Welch-Marahar, MPP ‘17
Lansing, MI
State Administrative Manager, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

1) Health policy, broadly, is my area of expertise with special concentration in substance use and behavioral health, health IT, health care in carceral settings, Medicaid, and public health. I work at MDHHS in policy, where I currently help shepherd the work of strategic priorities related to health IT and social drivers of health. 2) As a trustee on several local boards and a state employee, I have strong ties to state and local policy and organizations which I would hope to leverage in service of Ford School students. Additionally, I have had a lot of lived experience - as a person in recovery from SUD, as a working, grad school parent, as a former unhoused person, and as someone who came to policy through working in social services - which I think provides an important perspective in shaping Ford School activities and initiatives. 3) I love Ford, and want to give back. I also want to be more involved in training the next generation of Fordies.


Undergraduate Candidates

Reuben Kapp, BA ‘12
Troy, Michigan
Kresge Foundation, Program Officer in Education 

As a passionate Ford School alumnus (BA, Class of 2012), my profound commitment to advancing higher education is evident throughout my journey. I'm completing my Ph.D. in Higher Education, specializing in college access and success. Before my doctoral pursuits, I was pivotal in recruiting Latinx and Native American students at the University of Michigan's Office of Undergraduate Admissions (OUA), serving as the unit's inaugural Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Implementation Lead.

As a Program Officer at the Kresge Foundation, I collaborate with various organizations in the higher education policy arena. Additionally, I'm an active Board Member of the University of Michigan Latino Alumni Association (UMLA), where I lead initiatives like student send offs and mentorship programs for Latinx Alumni and current students. My expertise includes event planning, fostering enduring alumni partnerships, and enhancing the University of Michigan's brand.

I'm driven to serve on Ford's Alumni Board by a deep commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion at the Ford School. My primary objective is to elevate the school's global reputation and, in turn, attract a diverse student body to its programs.

Matt Fidel, BA ‘16
Cambridge, MA
Harvard Law School, Student

After graduating from the Ford School, I’ve worked across the spectrum of political advocacy, political campaigns, and government. Now, I’m pursuing a JD, with an eye towards returning to the realm of policy and government.

Every day, I am grateful for the outstanding education that I received at the Ford School. Other than the Ford School, there are very few programs that offer undergraduate students the opportunity to receive hands-on training from world-class professors. It was such a privilege to study at Ford, surrounded by a cohort of incredibly bright and driven classmates. I hope to serve on the Alumni Board, so that I can give back to a school that has given so much to me.

Over the years, I have advised many Ford students who were interested in starting a career in policy. As a member of the Alumni Board, I hope to build on that experience by continuing to strengthen the “Fordie” network, so that all “Fordies” have the opportunity to contribute their skills in the career paths of their choice.


D.J. McKerr, BA ‘13
Nashville, TN/Chicago, IL
AT Kearney, Principal

As a Principal at AT Kearney, I have dedicated my decade long career to healthcare policy and as a healthcare consultant, specializing in community health and health equity. My career has been defined by a commitment to improving healthcare access and reducing disparities, particularly in underserved communities and for those with chronic conditions. I've successfully developed and implemented programs aimed at addressing these critical issues which provides me with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding healthcare, community health, and health equity.

Notably, my family's legacy at the Ford School began with my grandfather, Bob McKerr, an alumnus and recipient of the Staebler Award, which underscores my passion to give back to the institution that has shaped his legacy and my own professional journey.

I believe my experience can contribute significantly to the Alumni Board's efforts in enhancing career services, alumni relations, and supporting students interested in healthcare policy and health equity. Serving on the board allows me to foster a sense of community and support within the Ford School alumni network.

Kelsey Rhodes, BA ‘14
Kansas City, MO
Physicians for Reproductive Health, Communications Director

Over the last seven years I've partnered with abortion providers around the country to use their medical expertise to share how state and federal policy will impact the health and wellbeing of their communities. I prepare expert witnesses for congressional hearings, place them on national news, and plug them into local advocacy efforts. I've advocated with state and federal coalitions to do collaborative policy work aiming to expand access to abortion, all the more critical in the fallout of the Dobbs decision and am working on writing and publishing a book on the topic. I am a queer, chronically ill alumni living in the political movement hotbed of the Midsouth (on the border of Kansas and Missouri) and would bring an intersectional approach to the way the Alumni Board considers the work ahead and could offer expertise in the policy world of reproductive health, rights, and justice.