Six Domains of Leadership survey

Used in PubPol 590, 582, and 475.004
The Six Domains of Leadership model serves as the framework for exploring effective leadership. The SDLS is an approach that views leadership as six interrelated areas of action, each with its own effect on those being led. Students complete a 360-degree assessment to gain insight into how others perceive their leadership behaviors and competencies. Leadership coaching is available to students to further review and reflect on their results.

Used in PubPol 475.004, 578 and extracurricular programming.
Rooted in strengths-based psychology, the CliftonStrengths assessment measures and categorizes naturally recurring patterns of thoughts and behaviors into 34 themes. Students can use their results to explore how they leverage their talents to build relationships, execute tasks, think strategically, and influence others. This assessment has been used as a leadership development tool in Ford School courses, leadership coaching, pre-orientation activities, and other workshops. Knowing your strengths and those of your project teams can help you accomplish work and manage roadblocks.

Used at Returning Student Orientation
Primarily focused on communication styles and preferences, the DiSC assessment helps students understand themselves and provides tools to manage conflict and effectively work on teams. The assessment measures where students fit across four personality profiles: (D)ominance, (i)nfluence, (S)teadiness and (C)onscientiousness. DiSC is offered in the MPA professional seminar.
The Leadership Practices Inventory

Used in Leadership Coaching and BA curriculum.
The Leadership Practices Inventory helps individuals—with input from selected observers—assess their leadership competencies as measured by The Five Practices. The 360-degree assessment measures how frequently students engage in "exemplary leadership behaviors" and provides insights to build positive relationships.
"The DiSC activity helped me learn better ways to communicate with my peers who may approach projects and goals differently from me."
-Dominique Baeta, MPP ‘24