In the Media

'Not a single indicator that a recession is coming' - Wolfers

Apr 13, 2022 Los Angeles Times
With inflation running high, yet unemployment low, President Biden's approval rating has sunk, signaling the economic anxiety of Americans. In light of this, Justin Wolfers, professor of public policy and economics, discussed the economy and...

Rabe discusses current state of climate action

Apr 13, 2022
On the campaign trail, President Biden promised climate action. But, a few bumps in the road have delayed that action. Specifically, the Build Back Better bill, which includes provisions for action on climate policy, has been stalled. Barry Rabe, J....

Ralph pens article on corruption and Russian invasion

Apr 10, 2022
Alex Ralph, a writing instructor at the Ford School, recently sat down with Frank Vogl, co-founder of Transparency International, the chairman of the Partnership for Transparency Fund and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University, to discuss...

Farley breaks down 2020 Census

Apr 13, 2022
Last week, the city of Detroit filed a claim with the Census Bureau, arguing its residents were undercounted in 2020. Ford School lecturer Reynolds Farley discussed the undercount.  “This census was deficient in Detroit,” he said. “They didn’t...
North American Colloquium Climate Series

Canada-US green bilateralism: Targeting cooperation for climate mitigation

April 8, 2022
Debora VanNijnatten, Mark McWhinney
Under the Biden administration and the Trudeau government, the U.S. and Canadian commitment to bilateral cooperation on climate is both strong and comprehensive. This stands in stark contrast to the complete lack of engagement under the previous...