| Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

John Ayanian recieves 2020-21 MICHR mentoring award

Nov 2, 2021
The Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR) recognized John Ayanian for his remarkable dedication and contributions to the scientific research careers of their students, fellows, and trainees with the Distinguished Clinical and...

Big Ten policy schools collaborate on civic involvement

Nov 1, 2021
The University of Michigan is joining with other policy schools across the Big Ten to launch Democracy in the 21st Century, a conferencewide collaboration to develop educational programming that promotes active civic education and...

Social policy for the public good: Introducing the Kohn Collaborative

Nov 2, 2021, 12:00-12:15 pm EDT
Poverty expert Luke Shaefer and renowned sociologist Celeste Watkins-Hayes in conversation, describing the Ford School's new Kohn Collaborative for Social Policy and how the inclusion of marginalized populations in research and engagement creates powerful social policy change.
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Rabe on federal climate reform prospects

Oct 29, 2021
Commenting to E&E News and to German news Handelsblatt, Barry Rabe weighed in on why Biden's climate reforms have been weakened in a polarized political climate and what can still be achieved. “A real challenge for the U.S. is if a carbon price...