Thomas Kalil, Chief Innovation Officer at Schmidt Futures and former Deputy Director for Policy for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Obama Administration, discusses some of the science and technology policy priorities of Pr
Dr. T. Ramasami, former secretary of science and technology for India, as he discusses the role of science and technology policy in developing countries. November, 2017.
General George W. Casey, Jr. talks about how the rise of non-state actors with global reach, like al Qaida and ISIS, has significantly complicated an already difficult international security environment. March, 2016.
Former Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve System and CEO of TIAA-CREF Roger Ferguson and Professor of Public Policy and Economics Justin Wolfers sit down for a conversation about retirement the economy and other topics. September, 2015.
Henry Kissinger and Paul O'Neill reflect on their experiences in President Ford's administration and current policy issues at Gerald Ford centennial event in New York City. June, 2013.
Marina Whitman and Sharon Maccini talk with Helene Gayle, CARE CEO, about the challenges of providing humanitarian aid, empowering women and girls abroad, and improving access to financial resources in developing countries. March, 2013.
Dr. Jessica Tuchman Mathews, President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, talks about the challenges facing America at home and abroad. November, 2010.
Chuck Hagel talks about his thoughts on former President Gerald R. Ford and the domestic and international issues that face the United States. October, 2009.
Paul Krugman discusses the past, present and future of international trade and globalization at the 2009 Citigroup Foundation lecture the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy and International Policy Center. October, 2009.
Marian Wright Edelman speaks from her new book, "The Sea Is So Wide and My Boat Is So Small: Charting a Course for the Next Generation," which she wrote as a call to action for all Americans to address the urgent needs of our youth.
Aaron David Miller discusses if Arab-Israeli peace is possible. He draws upon his 20+ years of experience at the Department of State as an advisor to six Secretaries of State, and as Senior Advisor for Arab-Israeli Negotiations. March, 2006.
Sir Tony Atkinson's lecture titled, "European Union Social Policy in a Global Context" was the keynote address for the conference, "Changing Social Policies for Low-Income Families and Less-Skilled Workers in the EU and the U.S." April, 2005.
Dennis Archer describes why public service is important in the 2004 Citigroup Foundation Lecture from the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. September, 2004.