ADMIN: Pages | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Ban smoking when kids are in the car, survey says, but few states have laws that actually do Story
Lelia Gowland discusses the Youth Promise Act on New Orleans television Story
Jeff Barnes applauds U-M Board of Regents for new tuition policy Story
Michigan Daily names Kevin Mersol-Barg (BA '14) a Student of the Year Story
John Chamberlin quoted in USA Today on caucus payments Story
Ford Centennial button contest ends Aug. 23 Story
Kevin Stange's research on the effects of tuition increases discussed in a number of media outlets Story
Marina Whitman on learning to climb the jungle gym without falling off Story
Education Policy Initiative launches new website Story
NPR explores defining moment in the life of the young Gerald Ford Story
Photos, video from Ford Centennial celebrations Story
A year of reflection, engagement at the Ford School characterize President Ford centennial Story
Fordies turn out for 3rd Annual Worldwide Spirit Day celebrations in 11 cities Story
Direct Relief recognized for outstanding use of mapping in humanitarian work Story
Justin Wolfers on Rand Paul's plan to "Audit the Fed" Video
Get the student loan matter out of the political arena, according to Dynarski Story
Mel Levitsky discusses U.S.-Russia relations on 1320 WILS-AM radio Story
Sharon Maccini new director of Ford School BA program Story
Joint Michigan Public Policy Survey and MSU survey shows distrust of the federal government grows. Story
The Ford School welcomes Susan Guindi, the new director of Student and Academic Services Story
Henry Kissinger characterizes Syrian war as "ethnic and sectarian conflict," discusses other foreign policy issues at Gerald Ford centennial event Story
Kristin Seefeldt on facing and fixing rising child poverty Story
Who really pays for the cost savings behind workplace wellness programs? Story
Craig Ruff joins Snyder administration Story
An evening with Henry Kissinger and Paul O'Neill honors President Ford's centennial Story
Susan M. Collins tapped as president of Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs Story
Winter 2013 has chilled Americans' acceptance of global warming, finds National Surveys on Energy and Environment Story
Henry Kissinger and Paul O'Neill: Policy Reflections Video
Kay Kelly works in transportation policy. So how did she become an advocate for newborn screening? Story
2013 Class Gift Campaign, 100 gifts from 100 Fordies, surpasses its goal Story
Recent BA graduate joins a growing cohort of Ford School Presidential Fellows Story
"A Grand Bargain on Fracking? Lessons from Springfield, Illinois," Barry Rabe's latest blog post Story
Gene patents limit availability of information, says Parthasarathy in New York Times op-ed Story
Can a human gene be patented? Parthasarathy discusses Supreme Court case Story
'Ford School feed'—Worldwide Ford School Spirit Day, Robert Axelrod and the Johan Skytte Prize, 2014 Bohnett Fellows, and more. Story
Elisabeth Johnston and Bonnie Roberts receive 2013 Staff Recognition Awards Story
2013 Ford School Staff Retreat scavenger hunt inspired by President Ford centennial celebration Story
Daniel Steinborn: After 40 years with the EPA, alum reflects on some of the nation's most wicked water challenges then and now Story
Betsey Stevenson appointed to President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers Story
Shobita Parthasarathy interviewed by MIT Press about breast cancer gene patents, health care technology case studies Story