PubPol 567

PubPol 567 STATA for Public Policy

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Winter 2024
Course Section
U-M Course Number
Credit Hours
Class Size

his course is an introduction to programming and working in STATA, a core statistical program in the social sciences. In a variety of fields, STATA remains the baseline program for analysis, data management, and visualization. In this class, students will learn workflow management in STATA, data import, manipulation, management, and fundamentals of analysis in the software environment. At its conclusion, students should be ready to begin using STATA in their own analysis and to move forward through self-study.

This course covers basics of STATA's command, object, memory, and interface fundamentals, data import and management, creation of basic statistical summaries, linear regression and regression diagnostics, analysis for binary and categorical outcomes, and basics of time series and panel data analysis. The course is graded credit/no credit (pass/fail), with weekly review tasks in STATA. Students in the class are not expected to have prior knowledge or experience in STATA, but a baseline knowledge of statistical concepts is highly recommended.