PUBPOL 764: Topics in Transportation Policy | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

PUBPOL 764: Topics in Transportation Policy

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Fall 2007
Credit Hours

Topics will include: Transportation Contribution to Air Pollution; Contribution to Global Warming; Contribution to Oil Uncertainty; Is the Planet Running Out of Oil? -- Bridging Fuels?; Traffic Congestion -- Tolls, HOV and HOT Lanes, Van and Car Pooling; Parking -- Subsidized, \"Free\", Mandated; Mass Transit -- Bus, Light Rail; Automobile Insurance -- Traditional vs. No-Fault or an added Pay-As-You-Go Gasoline Tax; Safety Policies -- Mandated Equipment; Safety Policies -- Driver Behavior (with respect to Alcohol, Age, Speed); Freight -- Trucks vs. Trains; Contributions to Water Pollution -- Oil Spills, Ocean Dumping the Waste, Highway Runoff, Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. In Fall 2007, this course will be taught by Richard Porter. It will be a half-semester course, from 9/4/07 to 10/18/07.