PubPol 474 PubPol 474.001: Values & Ethics: Equality at Work Fabiana Silva More than 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, significant gender and ethno-racial inequality in the labor market remains....
PubPol 750 PubPol 750.012: Topics: Gender, Race & Employment Policy Fabiana Silva More than 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, significant gender and ethno-racial inequality in the labor market remains....
PubPol 586.002 PubPol 586.002: Public Management: Performance Management Fabiana Silva Notes: This class meets in the first half of the semester (January 4 – February 21) Add/drop deadline: Tuesday, January...
PubPol 586.003 PubPol 586.003: Public Management: Performance Management Fabiana Silva Notes: This class meets in the second half of the semester (March 6 – April 18, 2023) Add/drop deadline: Monday, March...
PubPol 750.006 PubPol 750.006: Topics: Gender, Race, and Employment Policy Fabiana Silva More than 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, significant gender and ethno-racial inequality in the labor market remains....
PubPol 474.001 PubPol 474.001: Values & Ethics: Inequity at Work Fabiana Silva More than 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, significant gender and ethno-racial inequality in the labor market remains....
PUBPOL 474.002 PUBPOL 474.002: Values & Ethics: Inequity at Work Fabiana Silva More than 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, significant gender and ethno-racial inequality in the labor market remains....
PUBPOL 750.004 PUBPOL 750.004: Topics: Gender, Race, & Employment Policy Fabiana Silva More than 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, significant gender and ethno-racial inequality in the labor market remains....
PUBPOL 750 PUBPOL 750.301: Topics: Gender, Race, & Employment Policy Fabiana Silva More than 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, significant gender and ethno-racial inequality in the labor market remains....
PUBPOL 475 PUBPOL 475.305: Topics: Equity at Work Fabiana Silva More than 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, significant gender and ethno-racial inequality in the labor market remains....