This course provides an introduction to public policy design and analysis using "systematic thinking" from the social sciences and humanities, with the application of scientific methods and knowledge more...
This course is designed to familiarize students with core skills in data access, manipulation, analysis, and presentation using Excel (and Excel-like...
Communicating through visual presentation of data is a critical skill in a variety of industries. This course will introduce students to data visualization, from principles to...
No large American city grew more rapidly than Detroit from 1900 to the 1930s. Thanks to Henry Ford and the automobile manufacturing, Detroit became the prosperous axis mundi of the world vehicle industry. After World War II,...
This course will explore the legal enforcement of those human rights that are fundamental and are the birthright of all human beings. We will review the international political and legal framework established over the past fifty years to...
Instructor: Broderick Johnson - The United States, by far, leads the world in incarcerating its citizens. Mass Incarceration has destroyed many lives, ripped apart many...