How should science and technology be used to solve social and policy problems? What values and assumptions underlie our current understandings of science and...
This introduction to program evaluation and multiple regression analysis trains students to critically consume empirical studies and conduct their own empirical...
The focus of this graduate seminar in public management is leadership and policy issues related to diversity and inclusion efforts in higher education, with a particular focus on public universities in the United...
Understand how to develop a fundraising strategy that will provide an organization with the resources needed to fulfill its mission and address a pressing social...
Researchers who study successful people agree on the following: Your IQ and cognitive intelligence are at best moderate predictors of your success in...
This course focuses on rigorous evaluation of policies and interventions intended to support children's early learning and success in K-12. Evaluations will be discussed in the context of the current and historical...
How are the inherent and intersecting relations of power including inherent structures of dominance related to the experience of violence, oppression and resistance textured into the context of politics and policy...
This course examines the nature, extent and causes of poverty and inequality in the US relying on a multidisciplinary literature from sociology, political science, economics, and...
This is a course on how economists think about government revenue and government expenditures — how governments raise and spend public money. Public Finance is a subfield of...
Oliver Wendell Holmes famously said that "Taxes are what we pay for civilized society," but who should pay and how much? In this course, we will develop the tools of policy analysis and economics to engage in...
The Persian Gulf is characterized by countries whose economies are built around a valuable natural resource, oil. In political science and international relations theory, countries like this are known as...