This course seeks to make students sensitive to and articulate about the ways in which moral and political values come into play in the American policy process, particularly as they affect non-elected public officials who work in a world shaped...
This course is designed to introduce the students to what public managers do and to help provide the students with perspectives and opportunities for practice that will help them become effective public...
This introduction to program evaluation and multiple regression analysis trains students to critically consume empirical studies and conduct their own empirical...
In the first part of the course you will be introduced to some of the analytic frameworks and conceptual theories used to study American public policy making and you will learn how these models were applied to a classic public policy...
his course will examine how the U.S. and other international actors seek to help pacify, stabilize, and rebuild societies embroiled or emerging from...
This course will investigate the various means, both direct and indirect, through which the mass media and public opinion can influence the foreign policy making...
This course seeks to deepen students’ understanding of the form and function of cities through the use of economic models and use those models to understand the likely effects of policies often applied to urban areas across several contexts...
This course will deal primarily with the Legislative Branch of Government at both the State and Federal levels. Legislative strategies and the possible outcomes of those strategies will be...
This course will examine the policy processes that 1) promote scientific research and innovation and 2) facilitate the movement of innovations out of the laboratory into private industry and the...
In this course the students will (a) master key themes in leadership development and policy making, (b) increase their own leadership capacities through reflection, feedback and practice and (c) evaluate the leadership record of an...
Policy seminars are open only to undergraduates enrolled in the Ford School. These small, interdisciplinary courses will focus on particular public policy issues as reflected in the title of the...
Policy seminars are open only to undergraduates enrolled in the Ford School. These small, interdisciplinary courses will focus on particular public policy issues as reflected in the title of the...
This course provides an overview of international financial economics, developing analytic tools and concepts that can be used to analyze world economic policy...
This course aims to teach students how to use and conduct benefit-cost analysis. To do this, students must possess the ability to model economic behavior in the real...
This course will consider the capacity of North American political institutions to shape effective environmental protection policies, devoting primary emphasis to the United States but also examining Canada and...
This course will provide students with a practical hands-on instruction in the analysis of survey data using the statistical package Stata. Students will learn how to investigate a variety of public policy issues using data from the...
This course examines a number of popular approaches to education reform, using an economic lens to understand the theoretical rationale and potential impact of...
As it exposes students to the landscape of science and technology policymaking in the US and abroad, this course introduces theories and methodologies for science and technology policy analysis, with literature drawn from a range of disciplines,...
This course developed from an initiative of the International Policy Students Association (IPSA) at the Ford School of Public Policy. It will be in two...