The course will develop the skills of using analytic methods and models to understand real decisions and policy issues, drawn from the realms of natural resource management, public policy, business strategy, politics, negotiations, and...
Managers, particularly as they move to higher-level responsibility, are increasingly called upon to deal with issues involving governmental actions, media attention and public...
This course will focus on public health policy primarily in the developing world. We will begin by reviewing epidemiological and demographic evidence on the leading causes of mortality and morbidity...
What goes on in city government is in many ways more important to our lives than what happens in Washington. This course goes beyond the structure and theory of municipal government to look at how things really happen at the local...
As it exposes students to the landscape of science and technology policymaking in the US and abroad, this course introduces theories and methodologies for science and technology policy analysis, with literature drawn from a range of disciplines,...
The main idea that we want to get across is implicit in the title: Systematic thinking - largely from the social sciences, but with the application of scientific methods and knowledge more generally - can make a difference in the way that we...
This course concentrates on the foreign policy aspects of U.S. National Security. We will study the Cold War preface to current policy as well as broad issues of substance and process affecting national security...
Topics in Public Policy. The course will focus on a selected topic in domestic or international policy. Topics will vary from term to term. In Fall 2007, the topic will be Congress and State Legislatures: Effective or...
Pubpol 655: Energy in World Politics Instructor: Dan Plafcan, [email protected] M/W 1:00-2:30, 1210 Weill Hall This seminar course explores the development, use, and governance of energy systems throughout...
Topics will include: Transportation Contribution to Air Pollution; Contribution to Global Warming; Contribution to Oil Uncertainty; Is the Planet Running Out of...
Policy seminars are open only to undergraduates enrolled in the Ford School. These small, interdisciplinary courses will focus on particular public policy issues as reflected in the title of the...
The goal of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to get their hands dirty with actual policy work, both as a way to utilize some of the skills they have learned in their other courses as well as to help them learn about many of...
This course covers descriptive statistics, probability theory, probability distributions (normal, binomial, Poisson, exponential), sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis...
This course surveys what we do and don't know about economic growth and poverty alleviation in developing countries. We begin by discussing alternative perspectives on the goals of...
This course seeks to make students sensitive to and articulate about the ways in which moral and political values come into play in the American policy process, particularly as they affect non-elected public officials who work in a world shaped...
This course is designed to introduce the students to what public managers do and to help provide the students with perspectives and opportunities for practice that will help them become effective public...
(2 Credits for class portion) -- This is a year-long course devoted to developing an internet-based course to promote quantitative social science in South...
This course provides an overview of international financial economics, developing analytic tools and concepts that can be used to analyze world economic policy...
This course aims to teach students how to use and conduct benefit-cost analysis. To do this, students must possess the ability to model economic behavior in the real...
Basic economic principles and methods are used to identify the circumstances in which government intervention can improve industrial efficiency, and to investigate successful and unsuccessful regulatory...
The purpose of this course is to provide a forum for learning about and discussing (primarily) micro-economic applications. It is intended for those students who have completed PubPol 571 or an...