Measuring Liberal Arts: Creating an index for higher education
College and Beyond II: Liberal Arts and Life colloquium series
Peter Bearman, Director, Interdisciplinary Center for Innovative Theory and Empirics (INCITE), Columbia University; Kevin Stange, Associate Professor of Public Policy, University of MichiganDate & time
This is a Virtual Event.
Join us for College and Beyond II: Liberal Arts and Life, a year-long public colloquium series exploring the values, dimensions, and outcomes of liberal arts education, and how they might be measured. In panel discussions throughout the year, academic leaders, researchers, and national experts will gather to consider issues long central to liberal arts education, as well as its status in the current climate. Seminars focused on “Measuring the Liberal Arts” will feature path-breaking projects seeking to develop and refine measures of undergraduate education, and especially its liberal arts components, and to determine its impact on the present and future lives of students. Stay in touch with the series and continue the conversation via social using #collegeandbeyondii.
We're concluding the fall portion of our series on November 13 with a third seminar focused on “Measuring the Liberal Arts." The seminars feature path-breaking projects seeking to develop and refine measures of undergraduate education, and especially its liberal arts components, and to determine its impact on the present and future lives of students. The colloquium series will resume in Winter 2021, and events will be announced soon on the College and Beyond II: Liberal Arts and Life website.
Contact and more information
For more information about this event and series, or to direct questions to the event organizers, the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), visit the College and Beyond II: Liberal Arts and Life website.