Kaltura Video
Voter Registration Workshop
Date & time
Oct 5, 2020,
11:30 am-12:30 pm EDT
This is a Virtual Event.Please join P3E as we host Ginsberg Center Research Assistant Kari Rea (MPP '20) for a session to train students, staff & faculty to be able to assist in the voter registration process.
Help boost voter turnout by registering U-M students to vote! You'll learn about voter registration processes, recent changes in Michigan voter laws, and upcoming opportunities to get involved in turnout efforts.
Missed the event? View the video from the September 14 workshop here.
Have any questions?

Cindy Bank
Associate Director of Policymaker Engagement, Office of Public Affairs
Weill Hall
735 S. State St. #5246
Ann Arbor, MI, 48109