Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission working meeting on U-M campus
Date & time

This event is free and open to the public.
The Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission is in the penultimate stage of redistricting, gathering feedback on proposed maps for the Michigan House of Representatives, Michigan Senate, and Michigan's 13 Congressional seats. The Commission's first meeting during this public comment phase will be held at the University of Michigan on Thursday, November 18 at 10am. The Commission wants to hear from the public, and encourages all stakeholders to have their say on which maps the Commission should adopt.
Keep an eye on http://michigan.gov/micrc for details on signing up to speak. Both in-person and remote speaking opportunities will be provided, and the meeting can be viewed live in-person or via YouTube and Facebook.
Campus partners at U-M include The Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP), Ginsberg Center, Turn Up Turnout, Program in Practical Policy Engagement, and Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
Public Parking available at the Maynard Street Parking Structure
324 Maynard St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Public health and safety requirements
Mandatory health screening and mask wearing protocol to attend public meetings in University of Michigan buildings:
- Please note that all in-person attendees must follow University of Michigan health screening and mandatory mask protocol, AND must sign-in before entering the meeting.
- You can access the health screening questions when you arrive, or you can complete before you arrive using the ResponsiBLUE guest app.
- To fill out the ResponsiBlue Guest health screening questions prior to your arrival – just save a screenshot of the green check mark confirmation to show upon your arrival at the Michigan Union Ballroom.
For more information contact [email protected]