U.S. Department of State summer internships information session
Danielle Harms, former New York Metro Diplomat in ResidenceDate & time
This is a Virtual Event.
This program is open to Ford School students.
Internships with the U.S. Department of State The U.S. Department of State offers over 1,000 summer internships at its embassies and missions throughout the world, at its headquarters in Washington, D.C., and at facilities in approximately 20 other cities throughout the United States. A panel of University of Michigan students will share their experiences as U.S. Department of State interns this past summer. Former State Department Diplomat in Residence Danielle Harms will host an information session and review the application process for this exciting and challenging process.
Details on the internship program can be found at: https://careers.state.gov/intern/student-internships.
This program is part of U-M International Career Pathways. Sponsored by Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
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