Graduate student career expo
Date & time

Each year the Ford School's Graduate Career Services and Alumni Relations offices organizes an intensive two days of career panels for graduate students with alumni and employer friends of the Ford School. These programs also serve to tap, strengthen and expand the network of Ford School alumni working in policy institutions around the world.
This year, we will offer opportunities for career exploration and alumni engagement through a series of virtual career programs that participants can attend either remotely or in-person in Weill Hall, including sessions on:
- Navigating a career pivot
- Careers in international policy
- Nonprofit career pathways
- Careers in federal government
- Careers making a difference in social justice
- Careers in research and evaluation
Additional opportunities for networking with alumni will be offered later in the semester, including Mock Interview Month in March, and a networking event in April (in-person as public health permits).
Details for students
Visit the career expo site (shared over email and FordCareers) for scheduling and registration information, program details, and toolkits.
Have any questions?