Responding to China's actions in Xinjiang: Are economic sanctions a route to improving human rights?
A Donia Human Rights Center panel discussion
Ann Chih Lin and Steven RatnerDate & time

This panel will discuss China's policies toward Uighurs in Xinjiang and the use of economic sanctions in response to these abuses. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sanctions as used by the United States government, private companies, and universities—including the University of Michigan. Do these sanctions bring about meaningful change? How can they be improved and enforced? Or are they are an excuse for economic protectionism? What if they serve to shift imports to other countries with equally poor human rights records? A distinguished panel of scholars and practitioners will debate these issues.
Speakers and moderators
- Ann Chih Lin, associate professor of public policy and director of the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies
- Steven Ratner, director of the U-M Donia Center for Human Rights
Sponsors / more info
This event is sponsored by the Donia Human Rights Center. For more information, contact the event's sponsors. Additional details: https://ii.umich.edu/humanrights/news-events/all-events.detail.html/968…
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