Using trade to address forced labor worldwide: Challenges and opportunities
Student workshop-style discussion
Dr. Bama AthreyaDate & time

Ford school students please register.
Weiser Diplomacy Center will host Dr. Bama Athreya, expert on international labor issues, gender and social inclusion, and business and human rights and invite students for a workshop style discussion on using trade to address forced labor worldwide.
From the speaker's bio
Bama Athreya is an expert on international labor issues, gender and social inclusion, and business and human rights. From 2019 through 2021 she was an economic inequality fellow at Open Society Foundations and senior advisor on gender, equity and inclusion to Laudes Foundation. From 2013 through 2019 she served as USAID’s senior specialist for labor where she developed new programming to address labor rights, counter human trafficking, and promote women’s economic inclusion and was part of a working group to advance USAID’s approach to gender and social inclusion. She has developed and led multi-stakeholder initiatives with global corporations, and has worked and written extensively on labor and gender in US trade policy. She is on the board of directors of Green America, advisory board for Worker Info Exchange, affiliated as a fellow with Just Jobs Network, and a regular contributor to inequality.org. She hosts a podcast on the future of work, The Gig. She holds a PhD in cultural anthropology from the University of Michigan, and a certificate in strategic management for diversity, equity and inclusion from Georgetown University.
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