When skin color is more than skin deep: The social, economic and political meaning of skin color in America
Featuring Mara Ostfeld as part of the ISR Insights Speaker Series
Mara OstfeldDate & time
Oct 6, 2022,
12:00-1:00 pm EDT

Skin color matters. Within and across ethnoracial groups, skin color affects life experiences, including one’s financial earnings, educational opportunities, health outcomes, exposure to discrimination, interactions with the criminal justice system, and sense of group belonging. While political coalitions in the U.S. have historically revolved around ethnoracial identities, Dr. Ostfeld draws on her book (co-authored with Nicole Yadon) to argue that skin color is an increasingly important component of how people are identifying themselves and staking positions in American racial politics.
Lunch will be provided. Please visit the ISR Insights page for more information on this series.