You can keep the mule: Let's explore reparations models
Hosted by the Center for Social Solutions and the U-M Detroit Center
Moderated by Dr. Earl LewisDate & time
This is a Virtual Event.
Reparations is a topic that stirs up a lot of opinions on what the United States owes the descendants of enslaved Africans. Does it owe land? Money? Free college? Does it owe anything at all? Join the Center for Social Solutions and the U-M Detroit Center for a panel discussion—moderated by Ford School Professor Earl Lewis—as they explore the varying concepts of what is owed and what reparations might look like as they discuss the Crafting Democratic Futures project. Housed in the U-M Center for Social Solutions, Crafting Democratic Futures aims to tackle the complex histories surrounding race by working with colleges and universities around the country to develop suggestions for research-informed, community-engaged racial reparations solutions.
- Cynthia Spence, principal investigator for the Spelman College CDF team.
- Timothy Eatman, co-principal investigator the Rutgers-Newark CDF team.
- Ricky White, community fellow for the Concordia College CDF team.
- Lauren Hood, a member of the U-M CDF team who serves as the community fellow for the metro Detroit area.
- Alize Asberry Payne, a member of the U-M CDF team who serves as the community fellow for the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area.
- Earl Lewis, director of the Center for Social Solutions and Thomas C. Holt Distinguished University Professor of History, Afroamerican and African Studies, and Public Policy
This event is sponsored by the Center for Social Solutions and the U-M Detroit Center. View the original event listing.