Ballots and Battlegrounds
Ensuring Election Safeguards
Jocelyn Benson, Karen Brinson Bell, Lisa M. Marra, Al Schmidt, Gabriel Sterling, Meagan WolfeDate & time

State and County election officials from six battleground states will convene at the Ford Presidential Library (Ann Arbor) for a first-of-its-kind forum on safeguards in the election process. This will be the one opportunity in this historic election year to learn directly from election officials as they gather together.
Secretaries, chief election officials and county leaders will go through each stage of the election process and describe in detail the systems’ safeguards.
There will be opportunities for the public to ask questions they have about the election process.
Speakers include:
Jocelyn Benson, Secretary of State, Michigan
Karen Brinson Bell, Executive Director, North Carolina State Board of Elections
Lisa M. Marra, State Election Director, Arizona
Al Schmidt, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Pennsylvania
Gabriel Sterling, Chief Operating Officer, Secretary of State, Georgia
Meagan Wolfe, Administrator and Chief Election Official, Wisconsin